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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Saturday, December 30, 2006
An execution to go with the troop surge
Topic: Perpetual warfare

Everything about Saddam's execution seemed to be calculated to provide an explanation for future reprisals to coincide with Bush's troop-surge and keep the "apocalypse" on an upward trend toward "Armageddon."   The only thing missing is giving Mr. Sanctimony, Sean Hannity, a raw, bloody chuck of Saddam to chew as he interviews Franklin Graham and they take turns insulting Islam.


Posted by fakeapoc at 12:04 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, December 30, 2006 12:09 AM EST
Friday, December 22, 2006
THIS is how stupid they think we are
Topic: Perpetual warfare

So, after three or four years of the "war on terrorism," we read in a Newsweek article entitled The Regathering Storm (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16240565/site/newsweek/) that terrorists are recruiting, and intelligence agencies and the media are monitoring them, AS IF THERE NEVER WERE A WAR ON TERRORISM (or to an even greater extent), because indeed THERE IS NO WAR ON TERRORISM - it's a WAR ON CIVILIZATION.  Cheney needs terrorism for his perpetual "apocalypse," so why would he try to put an end to it?  He and his President-puppet should be removed from office and put on a plane to Iraq as millions watch and jeer.  Let them finally be the soldiers they've pretended to be, and the last ones to die in their "cake walk."  (It won't take long - just send them out on patrol with a gun loaded with blanks so they don't kill any more innocents, and they'll be dead within an hour, after which their "hell" will commence.) 

But who can say what's really behind the Newsweek article?  So much of what's written is just fabricated, sometimes by running the facts through a blender, in order to manipulate us.   For example, the notion of Al Qaeda training westerners is the opposite of the original arrangement in which the West trained the Mujahideen (some of which became Al Qaeda), and which evidence indicates still works for the "apocalypse" gang within the Israel/US/UK military/intelligence complex.  I suppose the officials who are supposedly investigating this supposed terrorist group have an excuse for not reeling them in and "interrogating" them by destroying their minds.  (Most recently, I've heard that members of Al Qaeda are running guns for the US to foment civil wars in the "Mideast.")  But the real reason they haven't reeled them in might be that these terrorists and investigators are imaginary, and that the media are just trying to whip us into a state of hysteria.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:16 PM EST
Updated: Friday, December 22, 2006 9:27 PM EST
Monday, December 18, 2006
An apt symbol for the Bush administration
Topic: Big Lies
    Nobody  who understands the roots of the Hitler and Bush regimes should be shocked at my assertion that this old poster from the Third Reich is a suitable symbol for the Bush administration.  Even as Bush works constantly to establsih a dictatorship, and has used dictatorial powers to wage a war of aggression which has caused little but death and destruction, he frequently reminds us how free we supposedly are. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:24 PM EST
Updated: Monday, December 18, 2006 4:41 PM EST
Friday, December 15, 2006
Mission accomplished, Rummy - let's celebrate with a festival of lies

There's nothing like a military ceremony to honor a departing traitor to show how dedicated one is to weaving huge lies, with the blood of soldiers dripping from one's hands.  Whenever Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld talks, we should ask ourselves why we should start believing them now.  The answer: there is no reason, because they do nothing but lie and kill.  Leave these vampires in office at civilization's peril.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:46 PM EST
Updated: Friday, December 15, 2006 10:49 PM EST
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Evidence that Jose Padilla has been subjected to SRA
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

The fact that "the US government" (Alberto Gonzales and his legalistic goons) has denied abusing Jose Padilla, when there is direct evidence that he was abused (see Video reveals harsh treatment of terror suspect at http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,1964072,00.html) pretty much destroys their credibility on this matter.

Jose Padilla might have had sympathies with those who want to conduct terrorism against the US, but it's beginning to look as if he was just being set up as a patsy for actual terrorists, and that this is being used as an excuse to lock him up in order to have another powerless person to subject to SRA.

This seems to be the pattern: make people defenseless, such as by destroying Iraqi "insurgents" (i.e. local defense forces established to maintain civil order), in order to leave the population defenseless against the Satanist predators who are then sent in for a little fun after the danger is gone. (After all, they don't want to die before they get their "magical powers," which they apparently believe will protect them from cosmic justice.)

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:44 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 10:46 AM EST
Monday, December 4, 2006
Rumsfeld isn't actually gone yet - call Buffy!

If you understand the actual purpose of the "war" in Iraq (it's a means of "fulfilling" the Fundy version of apocalyptic prophecy, and simultaneously plying Satanism on a massive scale), the following juxtaposition makes sense:

"Clearly, what US forces are currently doing in Iraq is not working well enough or fast enough."
                                                    Donald Rumsfeld's famous pre-resignation memo

"The U.S. military on Nov. 28 predicted a surge in sectarian fighting in Iraq in the coming weeks -- tit-for-tat revenge killings triggered by last week’s devastating bombings in a Shiite stronghold in Baghdad." ["No, it's NOT a war being waged on Iraqi civilization by the Satanist faction lurking in several organizations in that hell-hole, including Rumsfeld's and Cheney's privatized military.  Don't pay any attention to that crackpot website.]

from US Military Predicts Surge in Violence in Iraq
Nov 29, 2006 - 3:09:36 AM



Posted by fakeapoc at 11:12 PM EST
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Bush's rhetoric designed to daze audience?
Topic: Big Lies

"Bush says U.S. to stay in Iraq till mission complete By Caren Bohan
Tue Nov 28, 11:33 AM ET

RIGA (Reuters) -   President George W. Bush brushed aside talk of civil war in Iraq on Tuesday and insisted the United States would not withdraw its forces before its mission of building a stable democracy there was complete.


"'Some doubt whether the people of that region are ready for freedom, or want it badly enough, or have the courage to overcome the forces of totalitarian extremism,' Bush said in the Latvian capital Riga where he is attending a NATO summit. 'I understand these doubts but I do not share them.'"

from http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061128/pl_nm/iraq_bush_troops_dc

The purpose of statements,  such as the one quoted above, which are based on some fantasy-version of the war in Iraq,  appears to be to daze the audience through sheer disorientation in order to prevent them from recognizing the lies pouring from Howdy Dubya's lips.  

By "stable democracy," Bush apparently means that he intends to convert Iraq into a cemetery.  It's currently in its freedom (chaos) stage.  Once the freedom is over, there will be stability - and three people left alive to vote, to qualify it as democratic.  From this perspective, the "war" (Satanism on a vast scale) in Iraq is a huge success.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:34 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:42 AM EST
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
There's Cheney! Get ready with the net, and don't let him bite you!
Topic: Nuclear warfare

Seymour Hersh's latest article, The Next Act, shows that the Cheney gang is going full steam ahead on its plan to nuke Iran, and spewing a wide assortment of lame excuses for doing so.  One of the worst of these excuses is that IRAN is to blame for the chaos in Iraq, and that unleashing chaos in Iran would contribute to stability in Iraq!  However, it should be clear by now that Cheney's wrecking crew did everything in their power to unleash chaos in Iraq, that Rumsfeld took the fall for Cheney when this goal was accomplished, and that he used the Democratic victory in the election as a pretext for his resignation.  It's also evident that the Cheney gang must not have any good reasons for attacking Iran, considering the quality of the ones they've offered so far.

The CIA, according to the Hersh piece, has found no evidence that Iran has a nuke weapons program, and warned against concluding that Iran is just much better at concealing such activity than anyone else has ever been.  Predictably, Cheney responded to this report with something like the usual "we just disagree," and trotted out the usual "inside source" which claims to know that Iran is working on The Bomb, but without providing enough information for the CIA to investigate him.  The DIA, which includes a virulent apocalypse-mongering faction (including Gen. "Crusader" Boykin himself), also not surprisingly disagrees with the CIA.

There are also signs in the article that Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is playing the part of the Islamic counterpart to Christian Fundy Bush, and that has agreed to do a dance of death (civilization's death) with the Cheney gang, supposedly in order to "fulfill" some supposed Islamic prophecy and thus hasten the appearance of a major Islamic religious figure.  EIR's Jeffrey Steinberg has written that Ahmadinejab is a foolish Synarchist tool, as is the typical neo-con.

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:42 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 12:50 PM EST
Signs of fake-apocalypse terrorism in Iraq
Topic: Satanist terrorism
I've written several times that the standard explanations offered for the terrorism in Iraq just don't make sense, and that I suspected that the Satanist faction within various organizations in Iraq is actually behind it.  Now, I've found an article which supports this view:  "Contracting 'Clean Break' Chaos in Iraq" by Kurt Nimmo, at http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m28558&hd=&size=1&l=e.

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:38 PM EST
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Cheney declares "level of comfort" sufficient to nuke Iran
Topic: Nuclear warfare

The Cheney gang is evidently confident that its fake apocalypse won't face significant opposition, as indicated by its recent statements that it doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks.  Another example appeared in Seymour Hersh's Nov. 27th New Yorker article entitled The Next Act, which states that Dick Cheney, in a NSC meeting, declared that no proof that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons is necessary in order to nuke it - just a "level of comfort in carrying out the mission."  In other words, all that's necessary to unleash nuclear warfare on a non-nuclear country is to be a sociopathic (i.e. conscience-less) de facto President of the US, and a Synarchist/Satanist bankers' henchman who has been given a mission to destroy civilization.  

Besides Cheney's latest mealy-mouthed excuse for destroying civilization (which attacking Iran would do), there's supposed evidence to support such a course of action: the current incarnation of the Office of Special Plans claims to have the usual exclusive, Likud/Fundy-approved source of inside information, which supposedly trumps whatever our actual intelligence agencies have.  As usual, though, they're not allowing the intelligence agencies to scrutinize their supposed inside information. 

So, not only is Congress apparently going to let Apopalyptic (apoplectic/apocalyptic) Dick nuke Iran "based" on lies, but on transparent lies!  One wonders what sort of threat he delivered to Congress - that "the terrorists" would unleash a nuclear attack in the US if they don't allow "the terrorists" to nuke Iran?  (Perhaps terrorizing Congress is the motive behind CNN specials which postulate myriad terrorism scenarios.  As Bush loves to remind us, try as we might to uproot "the terrorists," they only have to succeed once.  In other words, he's providing a pre-emptive excuse for a supposed failure to prevent "Islamic" terrorism.)

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:48 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 12:37 PM EST

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