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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A pic says a thousand words.






 The image on the left is a from a video of Bush and Rumsfeld surveying the damage to the Pentagon shortly after 9/11, apparently unaware that there was a video camera recording them.  I call it "Mission Accomplished."  I meant to put it on line a long time ago, but forgot about it until the popular video of another surprised rodent, Drama Prairie Dog, made its appearance in the media. 

For those who haven't seen the video:  Bush and Rumsfeld were facing away from the camera, looking at the destroyed section of the Pentagon, apparently gloating over having pulled off the "Reichstag Fire" to get the Bush Reich underway.  As they turned toward the camera, they realized that it was there, and they quickly put their masks of seriousness and concern on over their monstrous, mocking true faces.  (You can see this change occur in the video - Bush, who was evidently thrown off balance when he noticed the camera, is still working on his change in the frame shown.) 

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:22 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, August 31, 2007 11:34 AM EDT
Monday, August 27, 2007
Vietnam: the original catastrophic success
Topic: Big Lies

If you try to understand Bush's comparison of the Vietnam war to the Iraq war by assuming that they were intended to protect the world against tyrants, you will never make sense of it.  But if you assume that they were intended to destroy civilization in the affected regions, then it makes sense.  Note that he didn't say that the slaughter following our sudden departure from Vietnam was wrong - the war was INTENDED to convert the region into a killing field, and once we had sufficiently destroyed the underpinnings of civilization in the region (partly through the Phoenix "counterinsurgency" program, which was essentially Satanism targeted at the intellectual infrastructure) and put killers such as the Khmer Rouge in place, we left and said that we lost.  Obviously, we couldn't admit that we had achieved our goal.

The reason we destroyed Vietnam is that it had kicked out its French colonial masters - part of the Synarchist financial oligarchy - and America, as a puppet of the financial oligarchy, was assigned to make an example of it.  So, we had to invent the "domino theory" to explain our original interest in the place, and when we wanted to launch the war, we claimed that the North Vietnamese had attacked one of our boats in the Gulf of Tonkin.  JFK had tried to stop the war, but he too was made into an example, using professional French mafia hit-men.   Now, Vietnam is a "socialist free trade" fiefdom, where the serfs receive "competitive" wages at sweatshops - just as in the bankers' "democratic free trade" fiefdoms.

So, by comparing Iraq to Vietnam and raising the specter of a sudden pull-out, Bush was hinting that our goal in Iraq was pure destruction, and that we're almost finished and ready to pull out (except for a relatively small presence to "manage the chaos," as Rumsfeld put it).  But since Bush can't tell the truth, he said we're going to remain, which we can't do unless Congress plans to abandon our military there as they re-enact the final scene of the remake of Cape Fear, where the criminal sinks beneath the water, handcuffed to a sinking boat (the existing financial system), babbling like a madman.

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:08 PM EDT
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Everything you probably want to know about torture, in a single book
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

As a result of my recent interest in the subject of "enhanced interrogation" (EI), I learned that a book on the subject, namely A Question of Torture by Alfred W. McCoy, was published in 2006.  I read it, and would highly recommend it to anyone else interested in the subject.  It covers every imaginable aspect of torture pertaining to its modern usage, it is very concise and well-written, and in my opinion, it comes about as close as possible (for a book by a mainstream publisher) to stating that the actual motive for the practice is Satanism.  This is not to say that everyone who engages in it is a Satanist, because the book contains evidence of an agenda to induce even reluctant participation, with I assume the intent to break down moral inhibitions to the point of inducing possession in non-Satanists, which is actually not much lower than inducing possession in Satanists in the guise of preparing them for initiation into black magic.

This book supports the claim, which I've previously read, that some of the most barbaric forms of torture occur in Uzbekistan.   So, I finally decided to see where this Beastly throwback to the Middle Ages lies on the Earth Grid.  Not surprisingly, it's located in a choice spot, and  I imagine it does quite a bustling "tourist" business.

I confess to skimming over the chapter Impunity in America, because it's about the slimy tactics used by the Bush Reich to get away with torture, at least in this world.  If I ever need to feel even more disgusted with this group of nation-hijackers, I might read this chapter.  I suppose it proves that there must be a very compelling and inadmissible reason for torture. 

Because I was looking for a thread of the 8th Sphere agenda running through the history of EI, I found the following passage on page 102 particularly interesting:

In September 1992, the Army Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca issued a revised field manual, FM 34-52....  [It stated] that "physical or mental torture and coercion revolve around ELIMINATING THE SOURCE'S FREE WILL, and are expressly prohibited."  [emphasis added]

Considering that an aspect of the 8th Sphere agenda is to prevent the "I" or free will of each person from reincarnating on Earth, that the aforementioned Army manual admits that there are no good reasons to use coercive "interrogations" and that there are good reasons to avoid using them, the above statement from an Army manual confirms my suspicions that the 8th Sphere agenda is one of the motives behind the recent outbreak of abuse/torture/torment which has been traced back to Dark Dick and his legalistic sidekick Addington.

The final chapter of A Question of Torture devotes a couple of paragraphs to the supposed inadmissible actual motive for torture, which is that during periods of chaos, it gives leaders a sense of power.  This might be true in some cases, but why would the US systematically train members of foreign militaries in the use of coercive techniques?  The book's final sentence reveals what I believe is the ultimate motive, but with sufficient ambiguity to allow it to sink in gradually.

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:22 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Ritter paints stark picture of Cheney's treason

"America today is very much engaged in a life-or-death struggle against the forces of evil. The enemy resides not abroad, however, but at home, vested in the highest offices of the land. Neither Osama Bin Laden nor Saddam Hussein threatened the life blood of the United States-the Constitution-to the extent that Cheney has. Not Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Ho Chi Minh. Not since the American Civil War has there been a constitutional crisis of the magnitude that exists today, threatening to rip the very fabric of American society apart at the seams, courtesy of Dick Cheney."

from Why Cheney Really Is That Bad, by Scott Ritter 8/21/07

Knowing this, Congress will be the moral equivalent of partners in any future high crimes committed by Cheney, unless they get this monster out of the White House.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:02 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:11 PM EDT
Claim that we're losing "war on terror" implies that there IS one
Topic: Big Lies

"The US is losing the war on terror. That's the assessment of the nation's top foreign-policy, intelligence, and national-security leaders from across the ideological spectrum. In this year's Terrorism Index, a survey released Monday by Foreign Policy magazine, 84 percent of these experts believe the nation is losing the war on terror, while more than 90 percent say the world is growing more dangerous for Americans."

A New Push for Change in the War on Terror
This is just a roundabout way of repeating the lie that the "war on terror" is something other than a war on civilization and mankind.  It is not, and Cheney, his masters, and his henchmen are winning it.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:54 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:40 PM EDT
Revised 8th Sphere page

I've revised my page on the 8th Sphere by clarifying it and adding a quotation about another one of its aspects.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:08 PM EDT
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
"Enhanced interrogation" as an intermediate form of SRA
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

While going over articles on "enhanced interrogation," I noticed that a couple of articles stated that it leads to outright torture.  From my perspective, EI is partly a form of SRA for Satanists who are new to war zones (the "wild west" of Satanism), after which they graduate to more intense forms of SRA, i.e. torture and eventually torture-murder.  That's not to say that a person undergoing EI is soon subjected to outright torture, because it takes a while to achieve its actual goals, which don't include producing useful information. 


Posted by fakeapoc at 12:09 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 12:15 AM EDT
Monday, August 20, 2007
"Enhanced interrogation" as theft of brain matter
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

The more I look at the potential occult motives behind "enhanced interrogation," the more it's beginning to appear that it's also intended to facilitate Lucifer and Satan's theft of brain matter from the regions associated with free will, which they then use to construct their domain known as the 8th Sphere.  (Brain matter is the easiest for them to steal, for various reasons.  See my essay The Eighth Sphere: Lucifer's Dream.)  So, on the one hand, those who inflict the suffering risk losing their souls to Satan, while those being "interrogated" are at risk of becoming zombies (some of whom might be used as throwaway assassins or patsies, as indicated by EIR's British Psychiatry article, or suicide-bombers).

Note that EI is said to be intended to "break the will to resist."  Well, it certainly looks like Jose Padilla's will to resist, and in fact his free will in general, is broken.  His expressed fatalism that his future has already been completely decided, and his terror of the Bush Reich's henchmen, are a couple of signs of this. 

Another goal of this form of "interrogation" is apparently to provide plausible deniability by not leaving any obvious physical evidence of abuse or torture.  However, as the recent report entitled Leave No Marks by Physicians for Human Rights indicates, "enhanced interrogation" has serious and enduring effects even in far milder forms than what Padilla suffered.  Padilla's mother cannot even bear to visit with him because as far as she's concerned, he's not her son anymore. 

So, do you feel safer? 

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:39 PM EDT
Sunday, August 19, 2007
"Enhanced interrogation" research dates almost to CIA's founding
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

One of the best articles I found while searching for the roots of "enhanced interrogation" is Roots of Abu Ghraib in CIA techniques: 50 years of refining, teaching torture found in interrogation manuals  by James Hodge and Linda Cooper.  There's so much that I'd like to quote in this article that I'll just recommend the whole thing and state that it supports my contention that "wars" such as those in Iraq, Central America, and SE Asia were actually cases of Satanism on a vast scale 

Another article, Cruel Science: The Long Shadow of CIA Torture Research by Alfred W. McCoy traces the origins of research into "enhanced interrogation" back to 1950.  McCoy has also written a book entitled A Question of Torture on the subject.

It's beginning to look as if we should reconsider the meaning of "Intelligence" in Central Intelligence Agency.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:30 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, August 19, 2007 10:57 PM EDT
Friday, August 17, 2007
Padilla: Ego-removal agenda success story
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

On August 16th, 2007, forensic psychiatrist Dr. Angela Hegarty was interviewed on Democracy Now about her 22-hour evaluation of Jose Padilla after he had been subjected to extreme isolation and a variety of other forms of SRA in the guise of "intelligence gathering" for over three years.  During the interview, she stated that "What happened at the brig was essentially the destruction of a human being's mind" (which is partly what I contend is the actual purpose of "enhanced interrogation") and that the effects of the extreme isolation on Padilla are consistent with brain damage.  She also said that he was in an "absolute state of terror, terror alternating with numbness," and that he had developed Stockholm syndrome, which is a psychological adaptation to abuse intended to stop the abuse, by essentially aligning oneself with the abusers.

Padilla, according to Dr. Hegarty, was very reluctant to discuss in detail what had happened to him, because he was afraid that he would be returned to his tormentors and punished for revealing their dirty secrets.  So, she rattled off a list of "enhanced interrogation" techniques which are in the public domain, and asked him to indicate whether any of them were used on him.  He indicated that several were, although because of how Dr. Hegarty related this portion of her evaluation, it is not clear in all cases which techniques were used.  However, it is clear that extreme sleep deprivation, exposure to extreme temperatures, the use of stress positions, constant monitoring, and giving him items only so that he could be subsequently deprived of them were part of his torment.  His tormentors (which might have included psychologists although according to Dr. Hegarty there are, conveniently, no records of the personnel involved in Padilla's "interrogation," which indicates that they knew that what they were doing is a crime, and worse) were clearly working on their preparations for "black magic," and to experiment with techniques for turning people into zombies, and not to obtain information from him other than his responses to years of unimaginable torment.  I don't know if he was ever allowed to have a mattress, but most of the time he didn't have one and was forced to sleep on hard surfaces, that is, when he was allowed to sleep.  She also said that Padilla's tormentors told him that if he reported what had happened to him, that people would dismiss his claims because of their bizarre nature.  This is a tactic typically used by Satanists - in fact, they design their abuse partly to be so bizarre that people will never believe it occurred, and instead conclude that the person making the claim in insane.  If the person is driven insane by the bizarre activity, then obviously such a tactic is more effective.

Shortly before his transfer from military custody to civilian custody, the conditions of Padilla's incarceration were significantly improved, and when he was transferred to the regular prison system, he was subjected to unusually restrictive measures for a prison.  On top of that, he was given the impression by the military authorities that he was simply going to be released, so when he learned that he was going to end up in prison, he was very disappointed.  So, clearly, his tormentors managed to continue to torment him even after he got free of their clutches - even though it couldn't possibly help them obtain "more intelligence."  In doing so, they exposed their true motive, at least to those who pay attention to such things.

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:09 PM EDT

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