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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Dem leaders show us true meaning of "democracy"
Topic: Politics

May 27, 2008 (LPAC)--Pressure is increasing from Howard Dean's DNC and Nancy Pelosi's Democratic Congressional leadership, for Democratic superdelegates to overrule the popular vote in primaries and caucuses, by forcing Sen. Hillary Clinton out of the Presidential race immediately after June 3, when she likely will have won the total Democratic popular vote. 

from DNC Wants Superdelegates To Override Popular Vote

Pelosi and the DNC have thus demonstrated that "democracy" is fascism dressed up as freedom.  LaRouche claims that once the fascists use Obama to get rid of Clinton, they'll use him, one way or another, to effectively install a fascist as President.  This would ensure, as Felix "the Rat" Rohatyn (Pelosi's Synarchist master) once said, that there will be no more FDR's, implying that there will be Hitlers instead. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:15 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
"Extracting intelligence"
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

One phrase that I've heard frequently in connection with "enhanced interrogation" is "extract intelligence," which is the supposed purpose of "interrogation."  This phrase can also be construed as a reference to the destruction of the mind, which I contend is one of the likely actual purposes of this heinous process (another is to facilitate possession of the perpetrators' souls by Satanic beings).  Defense Sec. Gates recently indicated that between 70 and 80 of the detainees cannot be released, and that we're "stuck" with them (see US 'stuck' with Guantanamo prison).  The ostensible reason for this is that they are too dangerous, but I don't buy it.  More likely is that they, like Jose Padilla, have been reduced to "furniture," and must be hidden away from all but those who  are working on synthetic replacements for the human mind which will allow the inhabitants of Huxley's envisioned "concentration camp without tears" to perform useful labor for Big Brother.  Such a project can be inferred from the following passage from Is the Devil in Your Laptop?:

Behavioral psychologists like J.C.R. Licklider were called upon to concoct breathless new theories to explain the emerging interface between man and machine. Licklider had been a participant at Wiener's cybernetics conferences and was hired by various government, academic, and private research labs, many of which sprung up with funding from ARPA.  While heading the Command and Control [hint?] Research division of ARPA in 1960, he wrote a paper titled, "Man-Computer Symbiosis."  In it he stated, "The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today."  [Not necessarily better - just different.]

That hope would take form in such later projects as DARPA's Augmented Cognition to create soldier-computer "dyads," and the sterile vision for a "Posthuman Renaissance," where "there are no demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism."  This would become the holy grail of the front-end research that has spun off not only future battlefield technologies, but also much of today's sociopath-creating video-game industry. [end of excerpt]


Posted by fakeapoc at 6:24 PM EDT
Al Qaeda to use WMDs? This is news?
Topic: Perpetual warfare

Isn't the issue of WMDs in the hands of terrorists the supposed basis of the "war on terror?"  Perhaps "Al Qaeda's" video (Al Qaeda Supporters' Tape to Call for Use of WMDs) is actually intended to ensure that the American public blames "Islamic fundamentalists" - and by association every Muslim on Earth - for another black-ops attack to occur in the near future.

By the way, considering the filthy tactics (including forcing teenagers to become suicide bombers by threatening their families) used by these so-called "Islamic fundamentalists," we should wonder how they can still be considered to have any morality at all.   In other words, their supposed religion is intended as a distraction from their true motives, and an excuse for the US to brutalize Muslims in general (as seen in the designation of innocent Muslims as "the worst of the worst," and "interrogating" them for YEARS). 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:51 AM EDT
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sent to the Memory Hole by Big Brother
Topic: 8th Sphere agenda
Google and Yahoo have seen fit to filter my site The Campaigner Unbound from their search engines, so I decided to include a link to it here.  It contains the articles listed on this site's page Big Brother's Neighborhood, and a few more.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:18 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 26, 2008 10:35 PM EDT
Suicide bombers motivated by threats to families

Iraqi army: 6 teens trained as suicide bombers  provides additional evidence that at least some suicide bombers in Iraq are hardly Islamic extremists, but average people forced into it by threats to their families.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:16 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 26, 2008 10:39 PM EDT
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Clarifications for previous entry
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

I should qualify my remarks on attorneys for prisoners at Guantanamo.  I haven't studied this matter in depth, so I shouldn't have tarred them all with the same brush.  However, I suspect that some of the attorneys are working with the CIA to exacerbate the hopelessness of their Gitmo-clients, which would fit in with my theory that experimenting with the 8th Sphere agenda is a major aspect of the activity in that simulation of Hades.  I apologize to any well-intentioned attorneys offended by my remarks (in the unlikely case that any of them read this blog).

It also occurred to me that stimulating fear and hatred by convincing all Muslim men that they too could be "disappeared" into some hidden American dungeon for years of torment and "not torture," which I assumed was intended to fan the flames of conflict and war, could also be intended to feed the power of black magicians, which I base on my reading a certain statement by Rudolf Steiner.

Posted by fakeapoc at 4:51 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:55 PM EDT
Friday, May 23, 2008
Bush: We don't torture, we do "not torture"
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

When Bush says "we don't torture," what he means is "whatever we do is defined as 'not torture.'  But we can't tell you what we do, because that would allow 'the terra-ists' to adapt."  Well, it's humanly impossible to adapt to forms of "not torture" which are designed partly to prevent adaptation, so that excuse is bunk.  Precisely how does someone adapt, for example, to being exposed to extreme temperatures?

Well, Bush must admit that, at the very least, his "not torture" is no walk in the park, and that he wouldn't volunteer to be subjected to it to prove it's not torture,  partly because that would involve several years of "not torture" (which was ostensibly designed to generate good intel fast, so it either doesn't work or it was designed for something else). 

What's it for?  The media's sly double game of exposing it with the help of (certain) attorneys (who haven't done much for many of their clients), while maintaining the line that it's a good-faith attempt to obtain information, indicates that one of the purposes is to engender a state of terror and hatred for the US in those who see themselves as among the potentially "disappeared."  Those who have been through the hell of Bush's "not torture" and released have described the patently twisted, sadistic nature of the process, with the assistance of the media and Congress, which subsequently does nothing about it.  Their unwillingness or inability to do anything significant is probably calculated to induce hopelessness in those who are subsequently informed by their "attorneys" that even the most powerful law-giving entity on Earth is powerless to stop it.

But even the goal of inducing hatred for America isn't the dirtiest motive behind "not torture."   It's a great form of intermediate SRA, the ritualized deliberate cruelty which is the core activity of Satanism, and it allows those top-secret Reesian shrinks ensconced within privatized top-secret divisions of the CIA to experiment with driving the higher souls of mankind away from future Earth-incarnations, and into the Eighth Sphere.

Posted by fakeapoc at 4:17 PM EDT
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Great Gas-Bubble Bailout
Topic: Economics

"[T]he oil market is a farce," [Senator Levin] continued, then quoted an oil analyst, whom he said represented his views, "'the speculators have seized control, and it's basically a free-for-all, a global gambling hall. And it won't shut down unless and until responsible governments step in.'"
One hedge fund rep, Michael McMasters, was actually highly critical of speculation, highlighting "index trading" which took advantage of the "London loophole" (to use Levin's term), allowing speculators to buy and hold futures contracts without any expiration date. This, he said, amounted to an electronic form of "hoarding" which greatly increased the inflationary effect in the market.
During questioning, administration witness Harris, a complete academic, became the target for Senators and witnesses alike. Levin scored Harris, complete with charts, for his testimony that he has "tried and tried," but somehow could never establish a link between speculation and hyperinflation.
This is one hearing which Committee member Barack Obama definitely should not have missed. [!]

from Congress Must Close 'London Loophole' To Stop Speculation

Well, Obama COULDN"T be present, because he's a front-man for the speculators.  By the way, thank you Senator Levin.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:34 PM EDT
Hagee suggests that God sent Hitler
Topic: Politics

The Nation -- The news that the Rev. John Hagee, one of John McCain's most prominent backers, once suggested that Hitler and the Holocaust were God's will has finally caused the candidate and his controversial backer to part company.
The Huffington Post report that Hagee had suggested that the Nazis implemented God's will as part of a grand scheme to drive Jews from Europe to Palestine -- "Because," in Hagee's words, "God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel" -- blew up on McCain Thursday.

And McCain blew up his relationship with Hagee.

from McCain Finally Rejects Hagee Endorsement 

Well, McCain might have distanced himself from Hagee, but there are many indications that he would continue Bush's faith-based initiative known as the "war on terror" if he took the White House. 

Hagee conveniently "forgot" about a couple of minor aspects of creation: free will, and evil (which is a consequence of free will, particularly in higher beings).  He probably wishes that we'd forget about them too.  It might help to point out that the CCW-rotating Swastika can be construed as a symbol for the Antichrist, just as the CW-rotating "Swastika" has symbolized Christ, the highest solar deity, for thousands of years.  Furthermore, some white-path occultists claim that Hitler was possessed by the Antichrist or Devil, which isn't the same as being possessed by Satanic beings.   For more on this, see my essay 6-6-6, The Sun-Demon: Baddest of the Bad.

Rudolf Steiner described WWII as an encounter with the Beast, and as The Shaping of the Anglo-American SS by War states, WWII never ended, but just changed form.  Its three main consequences so far were to destroy Europe (it never really recovered), to allow British intelligence to insinuate itself into US intelligence (with monumental consequences), and to create Israel, which I characterize as the linchpin of the fake apocalypse.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:25 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:36 PM EDT
Congressman "justifies" torture

"Even Dana Rohrabacher, a stalwart Republican and defender of the Guantánamo prison system, voiced concern, saying, 'It could be after seeing those buildings go down and 3,000 of our people were slaughtered, we moved so quickly that some mistakes were made.... The documents seem to indicate mistakes were made in this case.'"

from Guantánamo Ex-Detainee Tells Congress Of Abuse

(Another mistake:  re-electing Rohrabacher, or even appointing him as dog-catcher.)

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:53 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:57 AM EDT

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