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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Blackwater's loss

TURLOCK, Calif. -- Police on Monday identified a man who was fatally shot by an officer for allegedly refusing to stop beating a toddler to death along a remote road.

Police Identify Man Shot to Death While Killing Toddler

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:26 AM EDT
Friday, June 20, 2008
"In-terror-gating" Iraq on a mass scale
Topic: Satanism/SRA

"BAGHDAD - Women and children have been hit especially hard in Iraq's refugee crisis, often forced to beg and in some cases turn to prostitution to provide for their families because so many men have been killed, a report said Friday."  from  Report: Women and children refugees suffer in Iraq

So what's Bush's excuse for this refugee crisis?  Regardless of what he says, it's a lie - we are the occupying power, and we are responsible for the welfare of its inhabitants.  The situation is supposedly out of control, depending on whether it serves Bush's purposes to say so at any given moment, but the fact is that the violence is being choreographed as necessary to keep the "war" going and the people suffering and dying.  (Keep in mind that, as indicated in an entry below, the violence in Basra essentially ended when the British departed, and the seemingly senseless mayhem wrought by Blackwater-style rampages against phantom "terrorists.") This is actually further evidence that the reality of the war is that it is Satanism - a war on mankind.  It is cruelty for the sake of being cruel, of gloating over the suffering of others, to extinguish any vestiges of conscience that might remain in the soul of a psychopath such as Bush, who is not responsible for anything that has "gone wrong" (i.e. just as planned), and pave the way for possession.

By the way, as I typed this, I was reminded of king-maker Oprah Winfrey's support of Bush when he was running for President.  During his appearance, he cited Winston Churchill as one of his main heroes - Churchill, one of the key players in the British takeover of US intelligence, which set the gradual takeover of the entire US in place.  Now Oprah's plugging Obama, behind whom stands an even more dangerous Synarchist crowd than the one behind Bush, with their sights set on a global conflagration.  (This explains his vast funding.)  Perhaps it's time to start getting advice on our leadership from someone besides "feel good" Oprah for a change, such as LaRouche.

Posted by fakeapoc at 5:54 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, June 23, 2008 6:50 PM EDT
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
And the beating goes on
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pentagon officials drawing up methods to question suspects after the Sept. 11 attacks consulted experts who taught U.S. troops how to resist harsh interrogation, a Senate committee was told Tuesday.

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin said a little-known unit that taught skills of Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) provided a list of interrogation techniques.

from US panel seeks roots of Guantanamo prisoner abuses

I won't presume to know the actual purpose of the hearing, but getting to the roots of "enhanced interrogation" wasn't among them.  This has been done already, in such books such as A Question of Torture by Alfred McCoy and articles such as The Gestapo Inheritance by Nat Hentoff.  (The connections between the Bush Reich and the Third Reich have been abundantly exposed elsewhere). 

I found the hearing's choice of SERE as a chief bogeyman to be quite interesting, considering the similarity of SERE to SRA (the actual purpose of "enhanced interroation"), and considering that they are both numerically equivalent to 38, the number of black magic.  Although SRA serves the purposes of black magic, it is more properly an aspect of Satanism, which is a subsidiary/parody of black magic.  This would come as a surprise to most Satanists, who are convinced that they are pursuing the black path, when in fact they're on the path to possession, Satan's top priority.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:36 AM EDT
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Fraudulent discharge from military as a form of SRA
Topic: Satanism/SRA

The need to save money is the typical motive ascribed to the widely-reported phenomenon of declaring soldiers with PTSD to have a "personality disorder" and subsequently treating them as if they had perpetrated a fraud upon the military by handing them their discharge papers and a bill, and showing them the door.  Thus, the pure evil of this practice is converted into something that's merely sleazy. 

What we have here is a special division of the war against mankind, specifically a war against well-intentioned American men who join the military, and the military itself (as the defender of the nation-state). They are subjected to incredible stress and horror as a result of participating in The War (on Mankind) in Iraq, while under the impression that it is a traditional war in which the US is trying to defeat "the terrists" (most of which are actually in the US military) and restore peace and prosperity.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The process whereby they are then declared to have had a personality disorder that somehow went undetected, in some cases for a decade, reeks of the typical banal Satanist lies which depend on the perceived authority of the source, and the obliviousness of most people to the existence of people who strive to be as cruel as possible in pursuit of "superhuman" status (which sounds curiously similar to Satanic possession) while concealing this drive beneath a facade of affability, and to lie in general.

The impact on American society of traumatizing these men for no good reason, and sending them back into society with a shattered psyche and little hope of happiness or even productive employment, will be significant. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:34 PM EDT
EIR articles explain gas prices
Topic: Economics

Simply going to EIR's search page turned up a few articles which expose the system that controls oil and gas prices.  These articles are:

A)  LaRouche: Bankrupt Speculators With $25 Per Barrel Oil

B)  Who's Manipulating the Oil Problem

C) A Crude Game: Paying For Our Own Destruction

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:25 AM EDT
Senator Graham: Amend Constitution to facilitate Satanism
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

When the Supreme Court ruled that Guantanamo inmates have the right of habeas corpus, good ol' boy Lindsay Graham showed his true colors by suggesting that the CONSTITUTION be amended to "blunt the effect of this ruling!"  He stated that "The court's ruling makes clear the legal rights given to al Qaida members today should exceed those provided to the Nazis during World War II," Graham said. "Our nation is at war. It's truly unfortunate the Supreme Court did not recognize and appreciate that fact." 

Yes, that's right, Senator.  The Court would first require that a prisoner be proven to be a member of Al Qaeda before granting him the opportunity to prove himself to be innocent.   

The Bush administration has defied logic in an attempt to create a class of humans with no rights whatsoever (neither POWs with Geneva protections, nor criminals with rights of habeas corpus and protections against cruel and unusual punishment), who can be subjected to SRA at the Decider's whim, and now the Court has essentially stated that a government based on the rights of mankind cannot declare some humans to have no rights.  It's enough to make a son of the Confederacy's skin crawl.

The thing that fascist errand boys like Bush and Graham hate more than anything about this is that they are being dragged out in the open and forced to admit that they have no Constitutional basis for what they want to do.  Thus, the need to alter the Constitution, and the thinly-veiled threats of punishing the nation with "Islamic" nuclear terror for threatening to interfere with the CIA's experiments in eradicating our very ability to BE free! 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:22 AM EDT
Light shone on "Jewish" settlers
Topic: Satanism/SRA

Video cameras have recently been turned on the "Jewish" settlers of Israel (see for example 'Jewish settler attack' on film - which covers one of several recent cases).  What we see is hardly evidence of defensive action, but rather what I have learned to recognize as routine, deliberate cruelty, i.e. SRA, which fits my paradigm of fundamentalist religions as smokescreens for Satanists fanning the flames of the "Apocalypse."  I suspect that most Israelis will find these videos to be revolting, and increase pressure on their government to crack down on the settlements.  If not, the videos will only make things worse by proving that the claims about such activity are true, without generating any justice.  

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:11 AM EDT
Meanwhile in Iraq, behind the "news" smokescreen

from  Chris Hedges and Laila Al-Arian on “Collateral Damage: America’s War Against Iraqi Civilians”

"In their new book, journalists Chris Hedges and Laila Al-Arian bring us the voices of fifty American combat veterans of the Iraq War and their understanding of the US occupation and why Iraqis are so opposed to it."
"Laila Al-Arian:  ... last December, British troops withdrew from Basra, and we saw a calm in the area and a rapid decrease in violence. Some estimates are that it was a 99 percent decrease in violence. So we do see that the results are very clear once troops do withdraw and that there is some stability in this certain region."
"Chris Hedges:  These are the pillars of the occupation, and we wanted to give readers a kind of lens or view into the gritty details of how these mechanisms works, such as convoys. I mean, these are just freight trains of death." 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:05 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, June 14, 2008 11:10 AM EDT
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
More banal excuses for SRA/mindwar
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

The "softening up for interrogation" excuse for SRA/mindwar is apparently wearing thin after FIVE YEARS, so now the sadists who run Gitmo are coming up with some new doozies for sensory deprivation (one of the forms of "enhanced interrogation"), some of which are mentioned in The insanity of Guantánamo  :

A)  Prisoner not accepted by country to which the US would return him

B)  Attempted to commit suicide, put in isolation under constant observation for "mental health" treatment

C)  "Recovered" and returned to normal isolation (utter lack of mental stimulation - essentially sensory deprivation).

D)  Punishment

The article states that some of the prisoners are showing signs of developing schizophrenia, which can be construed as regression to a former stage of consciousness-evolution known as the sentient-soul stage.  During this stage, which is evident in the early portions of the Old Testament, mankind in general had no capability to think for itself, and it received inspiration from God.  For more on this from a Darwinian perspective, see The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes.  Besides the vast majority which had this mode of consciousness, there was a minority with advanced stages of consciousness, explaining the evidence of conscious thought in ancient times.

So, I surmise, one of the experiments in mind control being conducted at Gitmo is to try to regress the prisoners to this stage of consciousness, and control them by providing an artificial "voice of God."  A hint of this agenda is contained in the Fundy visions of Christ's supposedly imminent Earthly kingdom, where humans would supposedly have the mentality of contented cattle.  However, the reality would be much more like a "concentration camp without tears," because the inmates would have no mind or free will, and thus no consciousness of being slaves. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:50 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 2:55 PM EDT
Monday, June 9, 2008
"Evidence" of interrogation: missing notes!
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

Guantánamo Bay: Interrogators told to destroy torture notes, US lawyer claims  is actually not what it appears to be, an anyone of average or better intelligence will realize upon reflection, mainly because "enhanced interrogation" has nothing to do with interrogation, and there is no reason to take notes.  So, this is most likely just another gambit intended to subliminally con us into believing that "not torture" is intended to obtain information (in which case we should have won the war by now, assuming that a conventional military victory was ever the goal).

If any of the knuckledraggers abusing prisoners at Guantanamo could actually read and write, and if they would actually make notes of their war crimes, they might go something like this: "The new haji told me that he was OBL's secret boss, and that he would tell me anything I wanted.  I chuckled, hooded him, and punched him randomly for about an hour.  There's nothing like beating a haji to a pulp to relieve stress.  Then I had Lyndie invade his 'myspace' and call him a girlie-man, and told her I'd see her at the orgy at the Gitmo club.  I tied him to the floor in the cell with a cold-water tap just out of reach, smeared him with his own feces, put a Megadeath CD on an endless loop at earsplitting levels, turned out the lights, and set the temperature to 100 degrees.  The docs will check in every few hours to make sure he doesn't quite die - nobody gets off that easy.  They tell me I'm good at driving these hajis insane, and that I should consider training guards for the Blackwater prison camps being built in the US.  I told him that it used to bother me, but that I suddenly started liking it a while back, although I don't know why, and now the only thing I enjoy more is an orgy.  They said they were glad to hear it, and that they'd put in a good word for me with Eric Prince, the born-again Christian who owns Blackwater.  I might end up getting rich for doing something I like - you could call it my American dream."

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:33 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, June 9, 2008 8:45 PM EDT

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