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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Friday, March 30, 2007
Glenn Beck greases the skids for Iran invasion
Topic: Big Lies

In the course of the glibly "omniscient" Glenn Beck's March 28th scripted rant-performance, he trotted out the usual pre-invasion lies about how the target-nation is purely evil, in this case in the form of supposed horrible tortures dished out by Islamic fundamentalists in Iran for violations of Islamic law.  In fact, these horror stories are typically found, soon after the invasion, to be fabricated.  (Remember the claim that premature Kuwaiti babies were removed from incubators by Saddam's forces, and allowed to die?)  Beck also conveniently overlooks the horrors we have visited upon Iraq in the name of "liberating" it in his quest to achieve new heights of sanctimony.

 Today, Beck, part of whose job is to make his fellow fascist-spokesmen at Fox News seem sane, is going to be blabbing about the possible correlation between current events and the book of Revelations.  So, I conclude that another part of his job is to act as a sort of role model for the Christian conservative "populari" (to put this term in perspective, see Al Hitler and Maledetto Busholini at http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2000/2731_busholini.html) which his masters hope to meld into a voting block of sufficient size to help put the next Apocalypse-monger in power.  So what if invading Iran unleashes chaos globally?  The supposed end - creating Heaven on Earth - justifies the means: creating Hell on Earth.  To Beck and his target-audience, this is a no-brainer.  But then, this is the crowd which prides itself on believing, and rationalizing their beliefs, rather than thinking about them, or even asking themselves whether they REALLY believe their fairy-tale "religion" and whether the promises of Heaven on Earth are intended to get them to support the "Apocalypse" just long enough to unleash Hell on Earth.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:42 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, March 30, 2007 2:50 PM EDT

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