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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Excellent article on bailout hullabaloo
Topic: Economics

EIR's financial specialist John Hoefle has a knack for writing articles that put the big economic picture in terms most people can understand.  His recent article about the Great Bailout, entitled The Biggest Swindle Ever Pulled!, cuts through all the smokescreens and distractions being created by the media circus, which is a an integral part of the con-game, and lets us know what's happening, and what should be happening instead.

He points out that merely reshuffling debts cannot solve the problem, because we simply aren't producing what we need, which includes the tools of efficient production.  (Economics can be thought of as a process of determining the best way to provide what we need.) 

It's no accident that we have arrived at this situation - the enemies of mankind have manipulated us into applying frosting (building overpriced "dream homes") on a rotting infrastructure-cake, which is now crumbling under the frosting.  The economy needs to be reorganized to efficiently produce what we need (such as efficient transportation instead of ever more cars on crowded, crumbling strips of asphalt), and will need soon as the infrastructure continues to rot.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:29 AM EDT

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