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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bernanke predicts economy will worsen, Sun will rise in east
Topic: Economics

"The chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben S. Bernanke, warned on Wednesday that the American economy was headed toward an extended period of difficulty, despite worldwide efforts to stabilize the financial markets."

from Bernanke Says Bailout Will Need Time to Work  

"In fact, it will get to the point where most of Earth's population will die before things start to improve."

Even that would be optimistic, if we let them have their way.  As Orwell put it in 1984, their vision of the future can be summed up as "a boot stamping on a human face, forever."  But in order to achieve this evil goal, Bernanke and his ilk must stay ahead of "the curve" of the collapse in order to retain some credibility, at least until they've blown out all the support columns of the economy and it cannot possibly be revived, at which point Bernake will, like Cheney, head to his bunker and gloat over having helped to create a global killing field.  (Shortly after which, Cheney will be heard saying "whadya mean, they don't make the batteries I need anymore?")

In the same article, Bernanke is quoted as having said that inflation isn't a concern, so remember that a few weeks from now, when Bernanke will be telling us that inflation is a "minor" concern, followed a few weeks later by "significant," followed by "I'm outta here."

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:33 PM EDT

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