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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Putting the Greenspan Bubble into perspective
Topic: Economics

If you aren't familiar with financial derivatives and their significance to the economy, I highly recommend Derivatives or Civilization, Take Your Pick.  It really drives home the sheer insanity of trying to bail out bankers who have resorted to this form of "investment," and the sheer evil of those (such as honorary British knight Alan Greenspan) who defended derivatives and those who advocate bailing them out, knowing how insane it is and what effect it will have.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:19 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 9, 2008 11:23 PM EDT
Another big lie from the Bush gang?

Don't overlook the possibility, as is the case in the "war on terror," that the real purpose of the recently-reported "redeployment" of US military forces to police duty in the US  is precisely the opposite of its ostensible purpose - i.e. to unleash terrorism in the US and to blame it on innocents who are then dubbed "enemy combatants" and tormented until they go insane.  Thankfully there are a few in power taking issue with Bush's subversive actions, along with many influential columnists. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:47 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 9, 2008 9:51 PM EDT
Did Palin's witch-hunter find his witch?
Topic: Politics

I find it interesting that Palin, with the usual suspicious "extreme fundamentalist" (wink, wink) background, and the fixation of those involved with all sorts of subjects related to Satanism, would be "blessed" by a "witch hunter."  I figure it was just another hint of her actual orientation.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:39 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 9, 2008 9:52 PM EDT
The final phase of "free trade" involves military force
Topic: Universal fascism

We will be told that the worsening economic collapse caused by the government's dissemination of vast amounts of worthless money, and the lack of crucial construction and production (which is what gives a national currency its value), is being caused by an inadequate "bailout" pace.  This is no different than the old line that the economic decline caused by "free trade" was caused by insufficient "free trade."

Bush's real expectations for his "economic recovery" (i.e. of the US as a British colony) can be seen in his plans to utilize American military forces to "maintain order."  For all we know, it's the Phoenix Program coming home to roost in America - to eliminate everyone possible who could help to organize a real recovery, as was done in Vietnam and Iraq. (The units being employed are apparently no longer needed in Iraq, since it's been utterly destroyed, and everyone there has been terrorized and tortured.)  One of the more ominous articles I've seen so far on this is Bush Calls Out the Army To Enforce the Bailout.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:34 AM EDT
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
How much you wanna bet?
Topic: Economics

So, let me see if I got this right:  we have to pay trillions to bankers who have shown criminal stupidity (at best) in their loaning policies, in order to get them to loan some of it back - maybe.  Sounds like a bad bet to me.

Why not let them suffer the consequences of their stupidity, as they insist we do for our stupidity (i.e. trusting them) while protecting the necessary functions of the banking system, and loan trillions to ourselves for infrastructure projects which would create vast numbers of good, productive jobs?  If you agree, you're a "LaRouchie" and should support him!  The window on the opportunity to save civilization is closing fast, so don't dawdle.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:52 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 7, 2008 8:55 PM EDT
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Excellent article on bailout hullabaloo
Topic: Economics

EIR's financial specialist John Hoefle has a knack for writing articles that put the big economic picture in terms most people can understand.  His recent article about the Great Bailout, entitled The Biggest Swindle Ever Pulled!, cuts through all the smokescreens and distractions being created by the media circus, which is a an integral part of the con-game, and lets us know what's happening, and what should be happening instead.

He points out that merely reshuffling debts cannot solve the problem, because we simply aren't producing what we need, which includes the tools of efficient production.  (Economics can be thought of as a process of determining the best way to provide what we need.) 

It's no accident that we have arrived at this situation - the enemies of mankind have manipulated us into applying frosting (building overpriced "dream homes") on a rotting infrastructure-cake, which is now crumbling under the frosting.  The economy needs to be reorganized to efficiently produce what we need (such as efficient transportation instead of ever more cars on crowded, crumbling strips of asphalt), and will need soon as the infrastructure continues to rot.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:29 AM EDT
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sarah Palin's secretive roots in "extreme fundamentalist sect" (wink, wink)
Topic: Politics

"[The Third Wave movement which spawned Sarah Palin] is based on the idea that in the end times there will be an outpouring of supernatural powers on a group of Christians that will take authority over the existing church and the world."

from Christian Fundamentalism Permeates the Republican Party: Sarah Palin’s links to the Christian Right by F. William Engdahl

Hmmm - to what "supernatural powers" might this refer?  Consider this:

"... the [Triangles] network formed by many thousands of interlinked triangles [cells] is FIRST OF ALL a worldwide group channel  for the downpouring of spiritual energy into human consciousness...." 
                            from the official Lucis Trust "Triangles" website (Triangles is Satanism, disguised on the Triangles site as a benevolent organization, by describing it in a highly ambiguous "code."  A couple of prime examples of this code are "the Great Invocation" and "invocative activity,"  which are "code" for SRA (routine deliberate cruelty of a range of intensities including torture-murder). 


Posted by fakeapoc at 11:03 AM EDT
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"Al Qaeda" helping US with its reign of terror - thanks guys!

from Bomb a warning to end Pakistan-US cooperation:

Sep 20, 2008 19:13 EST

The brazen truck-bombing of the Marriott hotel in Islamabad Saturday is a warning from Islamic militants to Pakistan's new civilian leadership that it should end already-strained cooperation with the United States to pursue al-Qaida and the Taliban, analysts said.

The massive bomb targeting an American hotel chain killed at least 40 people and wounded hundreds, setting a fire that blazed for hours and gutted most of the five-story luxury hotel.

"The attack on the hotel is a message to the Pakistani leadership: End all cooperation with the Americans or pay the price," said Brian Glyn Williams, associate professor of Islamic history at the University of Massachusetts. "Both sides see Pakistan as a vital battlefield in their global struggle and clearly Pakistani civilians are paying the price for being in the middle of this struggle," he told The Associated Press.

[end of excerpt]

Oh, and I'm sure that it earned "Al Qaeda" a whole bunch of good will there in Pakistan.  Please, enough of the insults, CIA mouthpieces!  We KNOW who was behind 9/11, and has been behind the rest of the global Satanic reign of terror since then.  It had to have been some branch of the "dark side" of the US/UK/Israeli intelligence complex.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:24 PM EDT
Friday, September 19, 2008
Senator Reid admits all the "experts" are clueless
Topic: Economics

"Even with the committee hearings though, lawmakers are not expected to come up with a bill protecting the financial markets, with a lot still on the legislative agenda and only a week until the 110th Congress adjourns a final time. But more significant is the fact voice by Reid.

"'No one knows what to do," Reid said. "We are in new territory. This is a different game.'"

Reid: Senate Will Monitor Financial Markets After Adjournment

So, Senator Clueless, why don't you and Rohatyn's inflatable sex-doll of a Speaker step aside and let LaRouche, who knows what to do, take care of the mess which Congress created?  If you don't do so, or at least follow his advice, we WILL be in new territory: terra incognita - a vast no-man's killing field and Satanist hunting-ground where the USA once stood, and probably soon.  But at least you will have been one of the last US Senators - something you will likely disavow when you appear in Court.

Posted by fakeapoc at 6:05 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Another sanctimonious guise for Israeli Satanists
Topic: Satanism/SRA

from Jewish Morality Squads:

The 28-year-old woman, who refused to tell her name for fear of reprisal, was brutally gagged and beaten at the hands of two members of a Jewish modesty patrol.

"They beat me up, tied me up and threatened to kill me," M. said, holding back her tears.
M. is not the only victim of the Jewish self-styled modesty squads.

In June, a 14-year-old resident of Mea Sharim neighborhood was taken to hospital with burns after an attacker hurled acid at her.

Israeli media said that at the time of the attack the girl had been wearing loose-fitting trousers and a short-sleeved shirt, enough to provoke the ire of modesty patrols.

[end of excerpts]

Oh, yeah, they're the epitome of morality!  This is a good time to remind the readers that Satanism typically adopts evolutionarily outmoded, "fundamentalist" forms of religion, and twists them all around, to use as fronts.

Posted by fakeapoc at 4:03 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:05 PM EDT

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