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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Friday, November 17, 2006
Did the Prophet advocate torture?

In my opinion, the "war" in Iraq is to a large extent a campaign of advanced SRA/Satanism disguised as "intelligence gathering" and as a vicious fight between competing extremist/fundamentalist Islamic sects which have construed the Koran to suit their selfish purposes.  This would explain why the Devil-saluting Dubya would continue to come up with excuses to "stay the course."

Satanism typically "justifies" its violence with some variety of extreme sanctimony.  Although I am no expert on Islam, I seriously doubt that it condones torture under any circumstances, or murder for the motives ascribed to the death squads in Iraq.  It doesn't matter how pious those involved in the torture/murder claim to be, or even believe themselves to be - if they can dehumanize a fellow human to the degree where they can feel good about torturing and murdering them, then they are in danger of becoming Satanically possessed, and subsequently being compelled by alien instincts to destroy human bodies and souls.  This much I am certain the Prophet would condemn.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:28 AM EST
Updated: Friday, November 17, 2006 10:32 AM EST
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Mission accomplished, Rumsfeld uses election as pretext to leave
Topic: Perpetual warfare

from http://www.zaman.com/?bl=international&alt=&trh=20061011&hn=37270

Urgent Warning from UN: Attacks in Iraq out of Control

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Jan Egeland, Emergency Coordinator of the United Nations, said that sectarian violence, militant attacks and death squads have created an environment in Iraq where it is no longer possible to control retaliation attacks.

“Many people are being killed by guns or torture. Revenge attacks are out of control,” commented Egeland. He noted that the police, newly recruited soldiers, judges and lawyers were often times the targets of a “blinded and brutal violence”. He also mentioned that women were increasingly the victims of honor murders. “315,000 people have been displaced in the last eight months as the situation is getting worse,” said Egeland, associating this with sectarian conflicts and military operations.

Iraqi Minister of Immigrants, Abdslsamid Sultan, announced yesterday that more than 300,000 people were displaced since the American invasion. Egeland noted that the figures he provided belonged to the period of attacks which started after a sacred Shiite mosque was hit in Samarra. “After that incident, almost 9,000 people left their homes every week,” he said. [end of news item]

Of course, Bush will have to give him a Medal of Freedom (chaos) in a highly public ceremony as a hint that Rumsfeld actually accomplished what he was assigned to accomplish.


Posted by fakeapoc at 3:25 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 8, 2006 3:27 PM EST
Monday, November 6, 2006
Cheney gang repeats discredited excuses for SRA
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

"U.S. says terror suspect shouldn't talk to civilian lawyer" (http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-11-04-interrogation_x.htm) in the November 5th USA Today seems to indicate that the US government is clamping down on the details of its "interrogation" methods because people are beginning to realize that they are actually forms of SRA, the core activity of Satanism.  The government claims that these methods, along with the locations of the "black sites" where "the CIA" (i.e. people in civilian clothes, perhaps with clearances from someone in the CIA's dirty faction) is said to "interrogate terrorists," are extremely sensitive.  Well, yeah - the fact that there is a Satanist faction in our government's military and intelligence agencies with connections to the highest officials in the government would naturally be a big secret.

The pathetic excuses excreted by "the government" (Alberto Gonzales and his minions) for concealing these activities and sites have been utterly discredited, but the Cheney gang operates on the principle that the "truth" about a certain subject in the mind of each person is determined by what that person last hears on the subject from an authority figure with a straight face.


Posted by fakeapoc at 2:15 PM EST
Updated: Monday, November 6, 2006 2:18 PM EST
Sunday, November 5, 2006
We REALLY believe we're doing the right thing!
Topic: Perpetual warfare

Once again, the Bush/Cheney regime has "justified" their war policies with the claim that they BELIEVE they're doing the right thing.  Cheney, in an interview with George Stephanopoulos shown on the November 5th edition of ABC's This Week, stated "It may not be popular with the public — it doesn't matter in the sense that we have to continue the mission and do what we think is right. And that's exactly what we're doing. We're not running for office [so we don't even have to pretend to care what they think]. We're doing what we think is right." ['Full Speed Ahead' on Iraq

I think we have enough evidence to conclude that, at best, Cheney is wildly delusional, and rightfully has no place DICTATING our military strategy on the basis of what he and a handful of others, who are supposedly inspired by some god, supposedly believe to be right.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:06 AM EST
Updated: Monday, November 6, 2006 1:29 PM EST
Friday, November 3, 2006
Decoding Cheney
Topic: Perpetual warfare

from Cheney forecasts lengthy violence in Iraq

Cheney, who has retreated from his prediction in 2005 that Iraq's deadly insurgency was in its "last throes," said transferring security missions to fledgling Iraqi forces was one of the key "milestones for success."  [i.e. turning security over to the equivalent of Barney Fife will guarantee ongoing chaos, and we can have a hand-over ceremony to give the impression that progress toward civil order is being made.]

"There's going to be probably a continued level of violence for some considerable period of time in Iraq.  [Translation: it'll be hell until everyone's dead or gone.]  But [So,] we [the forces of evil] have made progress" on the political and security front, the vice president said. 

"It's the kind of thing [you know - advanced Satanic "ritual" abuse] where you have to keep grinding it out day after day after day.  It's tough. It's difficult, especially for the young men and women [non-Satanist soldiers] who are prosecuting the war on our behalf [who are also victims of the Cheney gang]. But it's the right thing to do," he said [It's the right thing to do, if your goal is to destroy civilization.]



Posted by fakeapoc at 8:41 AM EST
Updated: Friday, November 3, 2006 8:45 AM EST
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Article indicates connections between death squads and US

Govt. Death Squads Ravaging Baghdad (http://www.uruknet.biz/?p=m27597&hd=0&size=1&l=e), dated Oct. 19th, is the first article I've seen which provides evidence of the connections which I've suspected exist between the Cheney gang and the tortured bodies which are periodically discovered in various locations in Iraq.  It such connections exist, it would mean that, even as the Bush administration publicly claims to be trying to put an end to this horror, it is secretly facilitating it, probably for several nefarious purposes, including to provide opportunities for members of the Satanist faction within the military to conduct advanced SRA.  The following is a key passage from it:

A UN human rights report released September last year held interior ministry forces responsible for an organised campaign of detentions, torture and killings. It reported that special police commando units accused of carrying out the killings were recruited from Shia Badr and Mehdi militias, AND TRAINED BY U.S. FORCES.

Retired Col. James Steele, who served as advisor on Iraqi security forces to then U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte supervised the training of these forces.

Steele was commander of the U.S. military advisor group in El Salvador 1984-86, while Negroponte was U.S. ambassador to nearby Honduras 1981-85. Negroponte was accused of widespread human rights violations by the Honduras Commission on Human Rights in 1994. The Commission reported the torture and disappearance of at least 184 political workers.

General [Yassin al-Dulaimi, deputy minister for the interior] has been trying for long to expose the organised criminal gangs that have been controlling the ministry since its formation - A FORMATION THAT WAS OVERSEN BY U.S. AUTHORITIES. [emphasis added]

Does Bush have a CLUE about what's going on over there, or is he still living in a bubble?

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:14 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:16 AM EDT
Saturday, October 21, 2006
America, dictatorship of the free
Topic: Universal fascism

One of the ways Bush tries to hide his lies is to wait a sufficient amount of time between lying-sessions (i.e. public statements) to allow us to forget his previous lies.  On October 17th, he signed the Kidnapping & SRA Authorization Act of 2006, which effectively amends the Constitution by nullifying habeas corpus for everyone within reach of US Special Forces kidnapping teams (i.e. essentially everyone on Earth, besides the VIPs of the major powers).  All Bush has to do is declare someone to be a terrorist-supporter, and they can be kidnapped, tortured into "confessing" (the torture won't be televised, so it's just Bush's word against his victim's), and effectively relegated to a hellish existence for the rest of their lives so that Satanists can pursue "magical powers."  The joke's on them, but since they're absolutely certain that they're right, they'll just have to learn the hard way after they die.

Then, Bush waited a couple of days after returning us to the "good old days" of pre-Magna Carta feudalism, before making the following statement in his October 20th weekly radio address:

"The last few weeks have been rough for our troops in Iraq, and for the Iraqi people [oh, thank God it's only been a couple of weeks - that darn media has been lying for the last 3.5 years, and undercutting our Great Leader]. The fighting is difficult, but our Nation has seen difficult fights before [and all wars are the same]. In World War II and the Cold War, earlier generations of Americans sacrificed SO THAT WE CAN LIVE IN FREEDOM."

So, Bush has officially declared himself to be a traitor.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:31 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 21, 2006 8:33 PM EDT
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Cheney says "war" in Iraq going swimmingly

If you believe the mess in Iraq is a war, then it's a disaster.  But once you realize that it's actually Satanism on a vast scale disguised as the Apocalypse, and that it's intended to create something like "hell" (i.e. Bush's afterlife, assuming he has control over his soul/mind) on Earth, then you have to admit that it has achieved its purpose.  So, when I read that Cheney appeared on the Rush Limbaugh show on October 17th and claimed that the war is going "remarkably well," I realized what he meant.

Cheney also said that a lot of people are "concerned" because the war didn't end instantaneously.  What he didn't say is that he assured us, as part of lying us into the war, that it WOULD end almost instantaneously, when many military experts and LaRouche were warning that it would end up pretty much like it has.  (Cheney, as the Elder Statesman and a sociopath, can never own up to any of him numerous horrendous "mistakes.")  I wrote that it would turn into a series of "oops," because I knew what it was intended to become, and that the gang in the White House naturally couldn't admit that they intended it to turn out like it has.

During the interview, Cheney repeated one of his favorite big lies (which has been utterly discredited, although Cheney figures that he's a virtual Wizard of Oz to some people, such as the evolutionary throwbacks to the bicameral/sentient-soul era known as Dittoheads, that they'll believe anything he says, no matter how pathetic or blatantly false) - that the "war" in Iraq is one of the major fronts in the war on terror.  On one level, he says this to "justify" our continued presence (although he glosses over the fact that Al Qaeda, his dance-partner in terrorism, was essentially nonexistent in Iraq before the invasion).  On a deeper, darker level, however, he's indicating that the war on terror is actually a war on civilization and mankind, and that it's intended to create "hell" on Earth.  From that perspective, the "war" in Iraq IS just the current front in the "war on terror."

Cheney also used Bin Laden as a reference to support his claim that the "war" in Iraq is a major front in the "war on terror," but this isn't surprising if you consider the fact that both he and Cheney (along with Rumsfeld) are Synarchist henchmen (UBL's role is the bogeyman, and Cheney's role is to save us from the bogeyman, even if he has to destroy civilization to do so).  So, naturally they'd both agree that the most important cause on Earth is the "war" they've been assigned to contrive. 

Now that the Kidnapping and Satanic Ritual Abuse Authorization Act of 2006 has superseded the Constitution, I'm being somewhat more constrained in my criticism of the Great Leader, lest I be detained while plotting to demolish one of his huge, treasonous lies, and subjected to the neo-Inquisition's Comfy Chair until I confess to being one of those terrorist collaborators which he assures us are out there, somewhere, still lurking in the shadows after 5 years of the "war on terror" and the NSA's supposed data-mining.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:32 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 19, 2006 3:28 PM EDT
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Let the disappearances begin!
Topic: Universal fascism

WASHINGTON - Some of the most notorious names in the war on terror are headed toward prosecution after President Bush signed a law Tuesday authorizing military trials of terrorism suspects.
Civil libertarians and leading Democrats decried the law as a violation of American values. The  American Civil Liberties Union said it was "one of the worst civil liberties measures ever enacted in American history." Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin said, "We will look back on this day as a stain on our nation's history."

"It allows the government to seize individuals on American soil and detain them indefinitely with no opportunity to challenge their detention in court," Feingold said. "And the new law would permit an individual to be convicted on the basis of coerced testimony and even allow someone convicted under these rules to be put to death."

Assoc. Press: Bush signs bill on terror prosecution 10/17/06

In other words, Bush could have anyone thrown in some dungeon and subjected to intense SRA, and there's not a damn thing anyone could do about it - in this world.  If he believes that being born again will cancel out his individual karma, he's in for a horrible shock when he kicks the bucket.  There might not be a Hell as typically conceived, but what Bush will experience in the next world will seem like it.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:12 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:22 PM EDT
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Nobel prize in economics mocks our ignorance of economics
Topic: Economics

Muhammad Yunus, the supposed creator of the economic "breakthrough" of micro-loans, was awarded the Nobel prize in economics in 2006.  The fact that this prostitute for Synarchist bankers was chosen to receive this "honor" was actually intended to mock our ignorance of the basic principles behind real economics. 

According to the Wikipedia entry on Yunus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Yunus), he launched his "anti-poverty" (actually, anti-poor-people) program in 1980.  Yet, 26 years later, when he received his award, Bangladesh was still the poster-country for grinding poverty, with huge shortages of even the basics such as potable water and electricity, as can be confirmed with a few quick internet searches. 

For truth about economics instead of Nobel's lies and insults, see www.LaRouchePub.com and www.LaRouchePac.com.  There, you will find descriptions of proven programs for explosive economic growth.  For example, we could largely replace our current auto-based transportation system with a truly efficient semi-automated maglev intercity and intra-city transport, which would utterly revolutionize society.  But because the Synarchist bankers behind jokes such as Yunus are more interested in "fulfilling apocalyptic prophecy" than in creating prosperity, we'll have to fight them for our right to real economic development.

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:44 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:55 PM EDT

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