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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Fundy leader insists we attack Iran to fulfill his fantasy

It's been a while since I took a look at the fantasy-based political movement known as Christian Fundamentalism (which has recently revealed its true nature by threatening to back a third-party candidate).  Fortunately, reporter Sarah Posner already has that covered.  Two of her more pertinent articles are As Bush's War Strategy Shifts to Iran, Christian Zionists Gear Up for the Apocalypse and Lobbying for Armageddon.

On a related note, the following exchange from Bill Moyer's Journal for October 5th, 2007 makes light of the Fundies' claim that the Apocalypse is upon us, by pointing out that their predictions change as the global geopolitical configuration changes:

"BILL MOYERS: As you watched the film, were you concerned that the thread that seemed to run throughout it, that connected the political wing of the movement and the theological wing of the movement, was the belief that a confrontation with Iran is not only inevitable but desirable? Did that hit you?

"DR. TIMOTHY WEBER: It's easy to make that connection and to see that. As an historian, I'm struck by the fact that in previous attempts to understand Bible prophecy Iran did not show up on anybody's radar screen. As history takes these unexpected turns the Bible teachers, the preachers, the dispensational theologians, they adjust the scenario to fit. In some ways, Iran is playing the role that the former Soviet Union used to play as the great evil empire in the world. In short, dispensationalists know how to change the subject, when it's necessary."

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:08 PM EDT
Article claims US helped Pakistan obtain The Bomb
Topic: Nuclear warfare

According to The Man Who Knew Too Much, the same crowd that is now trying to unleash nuclear weapons upon Iran were involved in providing nuclear technology to Pakistan, who went on to "develop" nukes.  This comes as no surprise, since any decent fake apocalypse requires nuclear war.  I'd be willing to bet that the Apocalypse-mongers of the British Empire are going to try to orchestrate an "unforeseeable" coup that will put Pakistan's nuclear arsenal in their "Islamic terrorist" puppets' hands.  

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:04 PM EDT
Monday, October 15, 2007
NY Times cattle-prods Americans with shocking column
Topic: Nuclear warfare

"Last week Paul Rieckhoff, an Iraq war combat veteran who directs Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, sketched for me the apocalypse to come. Should Baghdad implode, our contractors, not having to answer to the military chain of command, can simply 'drop their guns and go home.' Vulnerable American troops could be deserted by those 'who deliver their bullets and beans.'”

from The ‘Good Germans’ Among Us 

Appalling, simply appalling.   (In the background: "Next on C-SPAN: Congress debates level of funding for statue of Dick Cheney, which will replace the Statue of Liberty.")

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:06 PM EDT
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Surge: Buying time to lie us into a war with Iran
Topic: Perpetual warfare

Yesterday, it struck me with sudden clarity while getting into bed that the purpose of the "surge" in Iraq is to maintain the rabid-dog fight in Iraq long enough to change "the enemy" from the Sunnis to the Shiites (who are aligned with Iran), and to allow Cheney to create the impression that Iran is getting involved, thus providing the pretext he needs to invade Iran. 

Then it occurred to me that I had downloaded an article entitled Surging Toward Iran a while back, along with a pile of other articles, but had never read it thoroughly.  So, I dug it up, and lo and behold, it said essentially the same thing.  Perhaps I unconsciously absorbed more that I thought I had, and it percolated up into my conscious mind a few weeks later.   Here are a few of its points:

"[W]hat is the administration really up to in Iraq? They're hanging on, "buying time," as the pundits ceaselessly report – but what do they hope to accomplish?

"If you go through the Petraeus report, the key passages are those that deal with Iran. Petraeus continually points the finger at Tehran....
"'Progress' in Iraq, insofar as this administration is concerned, means we're closer to war with Iran. That has always been our target...."

I believe that this is precisely what's going on (besides Satanism on a vast scale, which includes such Nietzschean "superman" idiocies as driving pell-mell down crowded roads and smashing through or shooting up anything that gets it the way), and that it fits in neatly with the shift in alliance from Shiite to Sunni which LaRouche originally exposed. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:56 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, October 14, 2007 7:59 PM EDT
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Website revision
I've revised my page entitled  The Congress for Cultural Freedom: De-humanization as "de-Nazification.

Posted by fakeapoc at 6:31 PM EDT
Verdict in Martin Lee Anderson SRA-death case reeks of jury contaminated with Satanists
Topic: Satanism/SRA

PANAMA CITY, Fla. (AP) — Tensions ran high after eight former boot camp workers were acquitted of manslaughter in the death of a 14-year-old inmate who was videotaped being punched and kicked.

The case sparked outrage and spelled the end of Florida's system of juvenile boot camps, but it took a jury just 90 minutes Friday to decide that the death of Martin Lee Anderson was not a crime.

Tense Moments After Boot Camp Acquittal

"Siebert said sickle-cell trait caused Anderson to die, but Hillsborough County medical examiner Dr. Vernard Adams said in a subsequent autopsy that the Panama City boy suffocated when drill instructors clamped his mouth shut and held ammonia capsules under his nose for several minutes."

Siebert defends autopsy; defense rests

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - The medical examiner who ruled last week that a teenager died of natural causes after he was struck by Panama City boot camp guards earlier signed mistake-filled autopsy reports on a man and his adult daughter killed in a September 2004 tornado, their widow and mother said Monday.

Boot Camp Autopsy Doctor Questioned Before

The loss of this child is especially shocking because it is completely senseless. We have known since at least 1998 that boot camps are no more effective than juvenile prison at turning young lives around. That year, the Justice Department reviewed the data on these programs. No research found boot camp superior to juvenile detention. One study even found that boot camp participants did significantly worse than their incarcerated counterparts--with 50% of former inmates being re-arrested while a whopping 72% of boot camp participants were. [http://www.ncjrs.org/pdffiles/171676.pdf]

Further, the camps have produced hideous abuse scandals in almost every state that tried them. In Georgia, the boot camps were so bad that they sparked a federal investigation by the Justice Department, which uncovered abominations like children being left naked in isolation cells for days and being made to run with tires around their waists in the heat.

In South Dakota, a fourteen-year-old girl who had been arrested for stealing beanie babies died in after a forced three-mile run in hot, humid weather. When she could go no further, she was dragged, then left to lie in the sun and taunted as she hyper-ventilated and lost consciousness. Other teens were left hog-tied in cells for 23 hours a day for up to a month.  [But they did get "good information" on Saddam's connection to Al Qaeda.]

Strange Therapy

It's well within the capabilities of organized Satanism to rig juries to prevent Satanists from being convicted of a crime for pursuing their "religion."  That's the most likely expanation for this travesty of justice, in which wildly excessive brutality, and a painful technique which anyone with half a brain would realize posed a danger of asphyxiation, were gleefully employed and caught on tape.  If there's a similar trial in the future, I suggest screening out Satanists by subjecting them, and those who select jurors, to the lie-detection technology described in the following passage:

Now fMRI is also poised to transform the security industry, the judicial system, and our fundamental notions of privacy. I'm in a lab at Columbia University, where scientists are using the technology to analyze the cognitive differences between truth and lies. By mapping the neural circuits behind deception, researchers are turning fMRI into a new kind of lie detector that's more probing and accurate than the polygraph, the standard lie-detection tool employed by law enforcement and intelligence agencies for nearly a century.

Don't Even Think About Lying

Let the witch-hunt begin! 

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:50 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 13, 2007 10:08 PM EDT
The extraordinary "numerology" of "extraordinary rendition"
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

I've been meaning to convert "extraordinary rendition" to its numerical equivalent to see if there are any clues to its true nature hidden there, and I finally got around to it.  It turns out that "extraordinary" > (converts to) 172 and that "rendition" > 88 (11x8, the numbers of black magic and the Eighth Sphere, possibly to indicate its apparent 8S-agenda connection; also, "88" is neo-Nazi slang for Heil Hitler, which considering that Hitler was supposedly possessed by the Antichrist, would be a salute to the Devil).  Their sum is 260, or 13x20.  "ER" > 23 (which yields 11 and .666... thusly: 2x3+2+3=11; 2/3=.666...) , and there are 13 letters in "extraordinary" and 9 in "rendition,"  for a total of 22.

I also realized how contrived the phrase seems, which is a sign that it's designed for its numerical significance.   "Extraordinary" is euphemistic when applied to state-sponsored international kidnapping and torture.   The definition of "rendition" which fits best is "delivery" (Merriam-Webster's definition of "render" includes "deliver," making "rendition" the act of delivery), which again is just slightly euphemistic.  The use of this term for state-sponsored abduction, Satanism, and war-provocation once again reminds us of the banality of evil.  Someone spent a lot of time coming up with this term - your tax dollars at work!

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:47 PM EDT
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Recommended article on torture issue
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

Torture, Continued contains many good insights into the torture issue, but I particularly liked this one:

Blogger Digby writes: "I am still stunned that we are talking about the United States of America issuing dry legal opinions about how much torture you are allowed to inflict on prisoners. Stories like this one are the very definition of the banality of evil - a bunch of ideologues and bureaucrats blithely committing morally reprehensible acts apparently without conscience or regret."

"The banality of evil" is a famous phrase coined by Hannah Arendt, who as a key member of the Council for Cultural Freedom (search www.LaRouchePub.com for related articles), should know a little about the subject.

The article closes with another good insight:

Glenn Greenwald blogs for Salon: "Congress could aggressively investigate. Criminal prosecutions could be commenced. Our opinion-making elite could sound the alarm. New laws could be passed, reversing the prior endorsements and imposing new restrictions, along with the will to enforce those laws. We still have the ability to vindicate the rule of law and enforce our basic constitutional framework.

    "But does anyone actually believe any of that will be the result of these new revelations? We always possess the choice - still - to take a stand for the rule of law and our basic national values, but with every new day that we choose not to, those Bush policies become increasingly normalized, increasingly the symbol not only of 'Bushism' but of America."

Indeed, there is still time for the real leaders of this country, instead of soulless puppets like Bush, to face the fact that LaRouche is the man with the plan to get this country, and the world, out of the mess deliberately created by the ancient enemies of mankind.  

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:17 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 13, 2007 12:51 PM EDT
Again, State Secret Numero Uno: Satanism (rev A)
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

From Secrecy defense prevails in torture case:

"The Supreme Court refuses to hear a lawsuit from an alleged victim of brutality by the CIA. The decision is seen as a setback for civil libertarians."

In my opinion, one of the purposes for such abductions is to provoke the Islamic world against the US.  By refusing to hold the US government accountable for what is in fact one of the lowest possible crimes (Satanism/SRA), the Supreme Court has done its part to provoke the Islamic world, by helping to give Muslims the impression that any of them can be abducted anytime, anywhere, "disappeared" into some secret dungeon, and abused/tormented/tortured until they go insane or die.  Another possibility is that, although a lot is already known about this case, and the victim's attorneys claim that this makes the state-secrecy argument moot, it is possible that information or perspectives might come out of such a trial which Dark Dick and his New Dark Agers would rather keep in the dark.

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:30 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 11, 2007 5:59 PM EDT
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
None dare call it SRA
Topic: Satanism/SRA

Widespread abuse alleged at 'boot camps' for troubled US teens: report

"WASHINGTON (AFP) — Allegations of abuse are legion at high-discipline, hard-hitting programs for troubled US youth, and have sometimes led to teens' deaths, a report by a government watchdog warned Wednesday."


Posted by fakeapoc at 8:55 PM EDT

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