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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Monday, October 22, 2007
The American Family Foundation and its brand of SRA
Topic: Satanism/SRA

As I was reading the following passage from American Family Foundation: The Wardens in - - Dirty Bertie's 'Lethal Chamber,' it occurred to me that the AFF, which was part of the Establishment's war on LaRouche, was just another mask on a bunch of Satanists, albeit with high-level connections and a job specifically related to their underlying criminal nature:

The American Family Foundation (AFF), the secretive organization founded in 1979, and advised by the veterans of the CIA's and Army Intelligence's mind-control programs: MK-Ultra, BLUEBIRD, MKSEARCH, etc., are the "thought police" for Russell's dictatorship. Since its founding, the AFF has functioned as a lead agency in the black propaganda campaigns directed by the Anglo-American elite against Lyndon LaRouche. The central lie employed in this campaign is that LaRouche is the authoritarian leader of a political cult with anti-Semitic views. There is no basis for the allegation; it is merely the attaching of the label of the Frankfurt School's "Authoritarian Personality" [a code-phrase for the higher soul] onto LaRouche in order to intimidate his supporters, and contain his influence. It is the AFF's assigned role.

The AFF, which purports to be an "educational" and "theoretical" organization in a self-declared war against coercive "cults" [this is actually just an excuse for their brand of SRA], is actually a clearinghouse for the "Reesian psychiatric shock troops" (after Dr. John Rawlings Rees of the British Tavistock Institute) WHO PRACTICE COERCIVE TECHNIQUES. In tandem with criminalized elements of law enforcement, and Anglo-American intelligence agencies [which direct and finance them], the AFF's associates, known as "deprogrammers," ran one of largest kidnapping-for-hire operations in American history [a variation on "extraordinary rendition"]. Providing the "theoretical" basis [cover story or mask] were the veterans of the CIA's MK-Ultra projects [which were partly a form of SRA, and partly a variety of experiments in eradicating the higher mind] in the AFF's stable of experts. The combination of the CCF-MK-Ultra's cultural warfare created the "new religions" cults in the first place; and some of AFF's "anti-cult" experts were directly involved. [end of excerpt; emphasis added]

The article then goes on to describe how this organization is financed by several "philanthropic" foundations with connections to the same right wing which is supported by the Fundy vote.  So, in case you were wondering why society is in such a mess with all of these fine organizations helping "worthy" causes, now you know.

One of the key phrases in this passage which triggered my recognition that the AFF is probably a shell, or mask, for a Satanic cell, is "coercive techniques," which are supposedly intended to "deprogram" people.  Although there isn't much detail about these "coercive deprogramming" techniques on the internet, I gather that they amount to physical and psychological abuse.  They would kidnap people, and probably rough them up in the process, and take them to a hotel room for days at a time and subject them to various psychological and physical abuses to supposedly show them the error of their cult's ways.  I gather that this was done, or attempted against, a significant contributor to the LaRouche organization, which the AFF classified as a cult.

So, on the one hand, the Establishment extrudes cults such as the Moonies, and on the other, "anti-cults" such as the AFF.  Interestingly, Scientology took control of the AFF's records, but hasn't provided any insights into what they contain.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:03 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, October 22, 2007 10:07 PM EDT
Dumbledore's outing
Topic: Satanism/SRA

In my opinion, the key aspect of Rowling's decision to declare her character Dumbledore (Hogwarts bigwig) to be gay is that "gay" converts to 33 or three times the number of black magic.  I suppose she had some other motives, such as keeping the Potter craze going.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:01 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, October 22, 2007 10:11 PM EDT
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Desperately seeking Armageddon (rev A)
Topic: Nuclear warfare

Dick "Caesar" Cheney clearly feels at ease telling gargantuan lies, such as those that lead to wars with the potential to destroy civilization.  He also seems to be holding something very frightening over Congress, which regularly takes his orders, along with those of Synarchist henchmen George Schultz and Felix Rohatyn.  So, I found it intriguing when he disappeared from public view shortly after the notorious incident in which several nuclear-tipped missiles were "accidentally" flown over the US, and several Air Force personnel connected to the incident died.  Cheney then reappeared immediately after the Air Force "investigation" (which left key questions dangling; see Nukes Over America: All a Stupid Mistake. Sure It Was) was declared to be complete, and numerous pawns were sacrificed.  One of the first things he did upon resurfacing was to make a speech in which he repeated his "unproven assertion" that Iran is hell-bent on acquiring nukes, despite a total lack of evidence after much investigation by the IAEA (Cheney: US will not let Iran go nuclear).  It seems that the omniscient Richard of Oz and his fellow Straussians (whose "philosophy" encourages warfare and mass-deception) have obtained the usual "exclusive intelligence source" which they of course cannot share with anyone else.

At about the same time, we were reminded that Valerie Plame-Wilson was involved in a secret CIA program to monitor Iranian nuclear activity, and that conveniently for Cheney, her "outing" eliminated a source of intelligence that might contradict his "intelligence."  Furthermore, the Christian Right had a "values voter summit" to help politicians explain their craven support for Israel, i.e., the rabidly war-mongering Likud party.   

Blair gets in on the act

Tony Blair (who contrary to claims that he was Bush's poodle, actually passed directives to Cheney) also beat the war drums in synchronicity:

"This ideology now has a state - Iran - that is prepared to back and finance terror in the pursuit of destabilising countries whose people wish to live in peace."

from Iran backing terror, says Blair

Blair has now vindicated those who objected to his appointment as special envoy to represent the US, the European Union, Russia, and the UN, and work with the Palestinians to establish a Palestinian state.  

Actually, his statement applies in spades to England, the headquarters for the Synarchist financial oligarchy which in fact controls international terrorism, and was the ultimate force behind the 9/11 attacks.  Blair, who is closely connected to BAE, the modern version of the East India Company (an instrument through which the most evil elements of the oligarchy harnessed the British government and citizenry for their colonial agenda) is simply using a common technique to project his own evil onto the country he wants us to attack next.

It doesn't take a nuclear scientist to see where this is all headed.

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:02 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, October 21, 2007 10:36 PM EDT
Saturday, October 20, 2007
God's wrath? Isn't Bush punishment enough?

"The Reverend Pat Robertson says the United States will be 'risking the wrath of God' if it forces Israel to surrender East Jerusalem to the Palestinians.

"On Monday's broadcast of 'The 700 Club,' Rev. Pat Robertson said he's convinced that 'he who touches Jerusalem touches the apple of God's eye.' Doing so, he warned, would be 'very dangerous.'"

Robertson Warns Of God's Wrath

Robertson doesn't seem to think that his god is nearly as upset about the fact that the "war on terror" is turning out to be a Satanic reign of terror, or  that a patently Satanic faction within the Fundy-aligned Blackwater (>96, just coincidentally) is going to absurd lengths to provoke Iraqis against the US, while playing the part of Nietzschean "supermen."  (Some of the BW guys look like thugs, while others, such as those seen guarding high-ranking US officials, do look like elite soldiers, so it's apparently a mix.  Those sacrificed to ignite the battle of Fallujah were apparently some of the good guys.) 
In fact, although John Hagee is the only Fundy preacher to advocate attacking Iran, as far as I know despite the lack of anything resembling a justification, I doubt that Robertson's god would object.   Meanwhile, the Pope has warned against such an attack, and I gather that he supports the idea of converting Jerusalem into an international city.  Go figure.  

Posted by fakeapoc at 5:48 PM EDT
Rising threat of excuses for fascist measures, just when Bush needs them

The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI agree that the homemade explosive devices that have wreaked havoc in Iraq pose a rising threat to the United States. But lawmakers and first responders say the Bush administration has been slow to devise a strategy for countering the weapons and has not provided adequate money and training for a concerted national effort.

from IEDs Seen As Rising Threat in The U.S.
As Preparedness Is Criticized, Bush Works on a Plan

Here's an idea: a war on terror!  But seriously, it's reports like these that expose the "war on terror" as a hoax.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:09 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 20, 2007 2:17 PM EDT
The Army couldn't prevent a couple of priests from trespassing?
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

"Louis Vitale, 75, a Franciscan priest, and Steve Kelly, 58, a Jesuit priest, were each sentenced to five months in federal prison for attempting to deliver a letter opposing the teaching of torture at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. Both priests were taken directly into jail from the courtroom after sentencing."

from  Priests Protesting Torture Jailed

Which reminds me - where are all those graduates of Ft. Huachuca's supposed interrogator-training program?  The lack of trained interrogators at the beginning of the "war on terror" was used as a rationale for the use of coercive "interrogation" techniques, which aren't effective unless you assume that they're a form of SRA.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:00 PM EDT
Friday, October 19, 2007
Disturbing pattern of statements by AG nominee Mukasey
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

The October 18th, 2007 edition of Democracy Now features excerpts from Judge Michael Mukasey's initial appearance before the Senate hearing on his nomination as Attorney General, and an interview with Michael Ratner, President of the Center for Constitutional Rights (link).  Based on this evidence, it seems safe to conclude that Mukasey, despite the fact that he opposed the Bush administration in the early stages of the Padilla case (see Michael B. Mukasey as AG Appointee: Are all the wrong questions being raised?), that if confirmed, he will run interference for the worst offenses of the Bush-Cheney regime.  Furthermore, considering Hillary Clinton's gradual transformation into a neo-con, and her confidence that the fix is in for her to be the next President, these blatantly unconstitutional policies could become institutionalized. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:37 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 19, 2007 12:42 PM EDT
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Fundy leader insists we attack Iran to fulfill his fantasy

It's been a while since I took a look at the fantasy-based political movement known as Christian Fundamentalism (which has recently revealed its true nature by threatening to back a third-party candidate).  Fortunately, reporter Sarah Posner already has that covered.  Two of her more pertinent articles are As Bush's War Strategy Shifts to Iran, Christian Zionists Gear Up for the Apocalypse and Lobbying for Armageddon.

On a related note, the following exchange from Bill Moyer's Journal for October 5th, 2007 makes light of the Fundies' claim that the Apocalypse is upon us, by pointing out that their predictions change as the global geopolitical configuration changes:

"BILL MOYERS: As you watched the film, were you concerned that the thread that seemed to run throughout it, that connected the political wing of the movement and the theological wing of the movement, was the belief that a confrontation with Iran is not only inevitable but desirable? Did that hit you?

"DR. TIMOTHY WEBER: It's easy to make that connection and to see that. As an historian, I'm struck by the fact that in previous attempts to understand Bible prophecy Iran did not show up on anybody's radar screen. As history takes these unexpected turns the Bible teachers, the preachers, the dispensational theologians, they adjust the scenario to fit. In some ways, Iran is playing the role that the former Soviet Union used to play as the great evil empire in the world. In short, dispensationalists know how to change the subject, when it's necessary."

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:08 PM EDT
Article claims US helped Pakistan obtain The Bomb
Topic: Nuclear warfare

According to The Man Who Knew Too Much, the same crowd that is now trying to unleash nuclear weapons upon Iran were involved in providing nuclear technology to Pakistan, who went on to "develop" nukes.  This comes as no surprise, since any decent fake apocalypse requires nuclear war.  I'd be willing to bet that the Apocalypse-mongers of the British Empire are going to try to orchestrate an "unforeseeable" coup that will put Pakistan's nuclear arsenal in their "Islamic terrorist" puppets' hands.  

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:04 PM EDT
Monday, October 15, 2007
NY Times cattle-prods Americans with shocking column
Topic: Nuclear warfare

"Last week Paul Rieckhoff, an Iraq war combat veteran who directs Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, sketched for me the apocalypse to come. Should Baghdad implode, our contractors, not having to answer to the military chain of command, can simply 'drop their guns and go home.' Vulnerable American troops could be deserted by those 'who deliver their bullets and beans.'”

from The ‘Good Germans’ Among Us 

Appalling, simply appalling.   (In the background: "Next on C-SPAN: Congress debates level of funding for statue of Dick Cheney, which will replace the Statue of Liberty.")

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:06 PM EDT

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