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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
EIR posts two great articles suitable for sub-geniuses

A)  Cheney Leads London War Drive Against Iran contains several significant, trustworthy insights into the status of the "Apocalypse"-mongers' pet project (i.e. invading Iran just as the financial system vaporizes), including the following:  "What most people do not understand, is that the so-called neoconservative movement is pure British imperialism. In a recent book, The Neocon Reader, Rupert Murdoch hit-man Irwin Stelzer boasted that what passes for American neoconservatism, has been British imperial policy of preventive war...."

B)  LaRouche to Washington: Stop Bailing and Think!:  A clear, concise, and hard-hitting overview of the financial collapse and of Congress' responses so far. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:52 PM EDT
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Israeli settlers "accidentally" attack Palestinian wedding party (rev A)
Topic: Satanism/SRA

rev A - added comment at end of next-to-last para. 

from Settlers attack a wedding in Hebron; throw a youth from the rooftop

Sunday August 03, 2008

Israeli settlers attacked a wedding party in Hebron on Saturday evening and wounded two Palestinians, according to the Maan News Agency. One of the wounded residents is a youth who was thrown off of the rooftop of his home by the settlers. The youth suffered a broken back and is currently in serious condition.

The agency added that dozens of settlers attacked the wedding party, which was being held at the home of Abdul-Karim Al Ja’bary, close to the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba’, and hurled stones at the residents.

The boy who was thrown from the rooftop by the settlers was identified as 15-year old Hamza Abu Hitta.


[end of excerpt]

Well, you wouldn't expect Satanists to risk their own precious lives, would you?  They're such convenient tools for advancing the US/UK/Israel "Apocalypse" policy, and it just wouldn't do to let them pay the price for their crimes.  They are protected by the authorities everywhere they operate, and the arrangement in each case depends on the situation.

An interesting case is the "moderate" snake Tzipi Livni, who is one of the possible contenders to be the next Israeli PM.  According to the Free Palestine blog, "During a meeting with dozens of American students in Jerusalem on Thursday, Livini extended her criticism to the whole world when she dismissed the international community’s calls on Israel to stop settlement constructions in Jerusalem."  Livni's name is most interesting when converted to numbers:

T 20
z 26
i   9
p 16
i   9
  90 = 6x15 = "666x5"

L 12
i   9
v 22
n 14
i   9
  66=6x11 (6/11, 9/11)

When 90 is rotated 180 degrees, it become 06, and the entire name becomes 666.  What an amazing series of coincidences!  By the way, "settler" converts to 99, also coincidentally, I'm sure.  

Anyways, I started out on the latest war-crimes spree by the settlers.  I'll let you fill in the likely excuse - something to do with targeting "militants," as is usually the case when the US "accidentally" bombs a wedding party in Afghanistan.   The purpose, besides SRA, is to provoke the very conflict Israel or the US claims to be trying to end, providing themselves with an abundance of further opportunities for "interrogation," as if "no-lie MRI" doesn't exist.

Posted by fakeapoc at 5:47 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 2:09 PM EDT
Friday, August 1, 2008
Known savage killer gets more rights than dubious "enemy combatants"
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

from Police identify Canadian bus attack suspect 

TORONTO - A 40-year-old man who witnesses said stabbed and beheaded his seat mate on a Greyhound bus in Canada made his first court appearance Friday, while police offered no motive for the savage attack against the 22-year-old carnival worker.
Vince Weiguang Li, of Edmonton, Alberta, has been charged with second-degree murder. He shuffled into the courtroom Friday in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba with his head bowed and feet shackled.

He did not reply when the judge asked him if he was going to get a lawyer, and only nodded slightly when asked whether he was exercising his right not to speak. He was not required to enter a plea.

The prosecutor asked for a psychiatric assessment, but the judge said he wanted to give Li a chance to meet with his lawyer. Li's next court appearance is scheduled for Tuesday.

[end of excerpt]

What, no sensory deprivation?  How about beating him up, roasting or freezing him?  Try stripping him naked,  pouring cold water on him, turning up the A/C, forcing him to breathe toxic fumes, depring him of sleep, sexually humiliating him, siccing some dogs on him, telling him he's going to be sent overseas to be tortured and raped, then interviewed by lawyers who tell him there's nothing they can do, get shot point blank in the back with a shotgun, waterboarded, bombarded by loud "music" for days on end, fed insects and rats, etc, etc, etc.  What?  He's only a murderer who decapitated someone in front of dozens of people?  Oh, I thought he was a Muslim who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!  Sorry - in that case, let's ask him how he feels about his mother. 

Also note that he was charged with 2nd degree murder, because there was supposedly no premeditation involved.  So, why the hunting knife?

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:49 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, August 1, 2008 6:13 PM EDT
Something to think about before joining the US military

U.S. Military Covers up Murder: Says Soldier Beat Herself to Death  supports my assertion that the "war on terror" is actually Satanism, a war on mankind, and that it includes a war on the "good guys" within the military, such as Pat Tillman and Lavena Johnson, whose rape and death by blunt-force trauma were declared to have been suicide!   This reeks of the "banality of evil" - no HUMAN could have done this, or covered it up with such a transparent lie. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:32 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, August 1, 2008 10:34 AM EDT
Thursday, July 31, 2008
What an unscripted coincidence!

from  Bush declares progress in Iraq war AP 7/31/08:

WASHINGTON - President Bush hailed a new "degree of durability" in security gains in Iraq Thursday, saying it should  permit him to announce further U.S. troop reductions later this year.
   With the war in its sixth year and violence substantially decreased in recent weeks, Bush gave a brief and hastily arranged update on the war that focused on progress on several fronts.
   He said that violence is at its lowest ebb since the spring of 2004, that forces are in their third consecutive month with lower violence levels holding steady, and that Iraqi forces are becoming increasingly capable of both fighting and securing the country.
   "The progress is still reversible," Bush acknowledged. But he added, "There now appears to be a degree of durability in gains."

[end of excerpt]

And just in time for the election, when it will be necessary to "explain" why anyone in Congress will have been "re-elected."  But note that the "gains" are "reversible" - after the "election," of course.  What a coincidence that this totally unscripted "Apocalypse" should cool down just as campaign season begins!


Posted by fakeapoc at 10:12 AM EDT
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The problem with right-wing talk-radio economics

from Hate for Liberals and Gay People Drove Gunman, Police Say:

"A man who the police say entered a Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville, Tenn., on Sunday and shot eight people, killing two, was motivated by a hatred for liberals and gay people, Chief Sterling P. Owen IV of the Knoxville Police Department said Monday.

"'It appears that what brought him to this horrible event was his lack of being able to obtain a job, his frustration over that, and his stated hatred for the liberal movement,” Chief Owen said of the suspect, Jim D. Adkisson, 58. 'We have recovered a four-page letter in which he describes his feelings and the reason that he claims he committed these offenses.'

"According to a search warrant for Mr. Adkisson’s house filed by the police, during interrogation Mr. Adkisson admitted to the shooting and said 'he had targeted the church because of its liberal leanings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country.'"

[end of excerpt]

Who does he think has been running the economy?  The same "free-traders" whose views are regularly heard on right-wing talk radio!  I'm sure they got a chuckle out of how well their plan is unfolding.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:06 PM EDT
British government "investigates" high-level permission for inflicting SRA upon prisoners
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

from UK torture coverup unravels:

A scathing report from the Joint Human Rights Committee (JHRC) warns that the use of "coercive interrogation techniques" may have been officially sanctioned, despite assurances that troops knew they were outlawed...

[Left: Hogwart's junior on a field trip in Iraq.]

The JHRC report also found that the use of hooding and stress positioning by 1 Queen's Lancashire Regiment in 2003 was based on legal advice received from brigade headquarters. It claims that, at least until the Baha Mousa case came to light, the prohibition on the use of conditioning techniques [conditioning whom, and for what?] "was not as clearly articulated to troops in Iraq as it might, and indeed should, have been".  [And none of them ever wondered whether it was legal - right.]

Legal advice from the military chain of command authorizing torture. How familiar.

Phil Shiner, of Public Interest Lawyers, said: "We are meant to believe that it is just a few bad apples, but the evidence from courts martial and other cases shows that nothing could be further from the truth."      

[end of excerpt]

So, just as with the US Congress, Parliament is putting on an act of being outraged and putting a stop to what is actually SRA.  Congress is still pretending not to notice that, at the end of their show, Bush & Crew sidestepped their "torture ban" with a few slimy signing statements and assertions, such as that "military necessity" trumps any and all laws, treaties, etc.  This means that Bush can simply write some statement and sign it, and it becomes a law higher than the Constitution.  America, meet your new government - same as the really old, pre-Magna Carta government.   

Posted by fakeapoc at 5:03 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:21 PM EDT
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Some of The Program's contradictory cover stories
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

"We have to work the dark side, if you will.  We’re going to spend time in the shadows in the intelligence world. A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion, using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies."  Cheney

"In late 2005, as Senator John McCain was pressing the Bush administration to ban torture techniques, one of the nation's top researchers of stress in SERE trainees claims to have received a call from Samantha Ravitch, the deputy assistant for national security in Vice President Dick Cheney's office. She wanted to know if the researcher had found any evidence that uncontrollable stress would make people more likely to talk."  from Rorschach and Awe by Katherine Eban

"Reports have circulated for some time that the Red Cross examination of the CIA’s highly coercive interrogation regime—what President Bush likes to call “The Program”—concluded that it was “tantamount to torture.” But you write that the Red Cross categorically described the program as “torture.”  from Six Questions for Jane Mayer, Author of The Dark Side By Scott Horton

Where there's a BS blizzard, there's something big to hide, and one of the biggest such storms I've ever seen is the one surrounding "enhanced interrogations."  They're still coming up with new excuses - one of the latest I've seen is that it's secretly intended to prevent Americans from protesting, as if the typical jailhouse horror stories aren't sufficient.  Some of these explanations are good-faith efforts by people who aren't aware of the existence, purpose, and methods of Satanism, and others are intended to distract us from the hideous true motives.  They can say anything without evidence, and it's up to us to disprove it, which is impossible, although they often don't pass the smell test.  Below, instead of torturing you with my scribbling, I'll just list some of the contradictory claims about The Program and make some comments.

I. a) The claim that EI is very effective and quick vs. the fact that "enemy combatants" are routinely abused for long periods of time
   b) The fact that EI is scientific and performed precisely according to certain guidelines vs. the claim that the SRA conducted at Abu Ghraib and other "frat-house from Hell"-prisons is EI

"As the C.I.A. captured and interrogated other Al Qaeda figures, it established a protocol of psychological coercion. The program tied together many strands of the agency’s secret history of Cold War-era experiments in behavioral science.  (In June, the C.I.A. declassified long-held secret documents known as the Family Jewels, which shed light on C.I.A. drug experiments on rats and monkeys, and on the infamous case of Frank R. Olson, an agency employee who leaped to his death from a hotel window in 1953, nine days after he was unwittingly drugged with LSD.)  [One source I've seen, and might be included below, claims he was murdered for threatening to expose the CIA's lethal "experiments," i.e. torture-murder, an advanced form of SRA.]  The C.I.A.’s most useful research focussed on the surprisingly powerful effects of psychological manipulations, such as extreme sensory deprivation [part of the 8th Sphere agenda]. According to Alfred McCoy, a history professor at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, who has written a history of the C.I.A.’s experiments in coercing subjects, the agency learned that 'if subjects are confined without light, odors, sound, or any fixed references of time and place, very deep breakdowns can be provoked.'

"The C.I.A.’s interrogation program is remarkable for its mechanistic aura. 'It’s one of the most sophisticated, refined programs of torture ever,' an outside expert familiar with the protocol said. 'At every stage, there was a rigid attention to detail. Procedure was adhered to almost to the letter. There was top-down quality control, and such a set routine that you get to the point where you know what each detainee is going to say, because you’ve heard it before. It was almost automated. People were utterly dehumanized. People fell apart. It was the intentional and systematic infliction of great suffering masquerading as a legal process. It is just chilling.'"  [I agree that actual "enhanced interrogation" (psychological torture) is effective quickly - so why have so many "enemy combatants" been "interrogated" for so long?  Perhaps it's necessary to create utter hopelessness in order to have the desired effect.]  from The Black Sites by Jane Mayer

"Welshofer has since used the Nuremberg defense -- THAT HE WAS JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS IN COMING UP WITH 'CREATIVE INTERROGATION TECHNIQUES' to make [Iraqi Maj. Gen. Abed Hamed Mowhoush] talk –- to explain his subsequent actions [which killed Mowhoush]...." [emphasis added - I've often used the phrase "free-form sadism" to describe plain old SRA.]  from Tomdispatch: Alfred McCoy on How Not to Ban Torture in Congress

"Instead of the 'old French [advanced SRA] methods' of crude physical torture, most evident among the Saigon police, the Vietnamese, in the words of one CIA trainer, 'had to be re-taught with more sophisticated techniques.'  At the provincial enters, however, physical methods continued to prevail, including electric shock, beatings, and rape."  from A Question of Torture by Alfred McCoy, p 63  [This is included to show that EI is part of a continuum of SRA, which culminates in torture-murder.  However, EI is also intended to serve the 8th Sphere agenda.  It's possible that those undergoing EI are forced to listen to actual torture as part of their psychological torture.]

II.  EI "works" vs. "doesn't work"

"From 1950 to 1962, the C.I.A. ran a massive research project, a veritable Manhattan Project of the mind, spending over $1 billion a year to crack the code of human consciousness, from both mass persuasion and the use of coercion in individual interrogation. And what they discovered—they tried LSD, they tried mescaline, they tried all kinds of drugs, they tried electroshock, truth serum, sodium pentathol. None of it worked.  What worked [for creating the desired form of psychological damage - not brain damage] was very simple behavioral findings...."
ALFRED McCOY: What they found time and time again is that electroshock didn’t work, and sodium pentathol didn’t work, LSD certainly didn’t work. You scramble the brain.  [i.e. it causes brain damage, not the desired fear and loathing of Earth-life required to drive the higher soul into the 8th Sphere]. You got unreliable information.  But what did work was the combination of these two rather boring, rather mundane behavioral techniques: sensory disorientation and self-inflicted pain.  [Note that he only implied that it works as an interrogation technique.]  from Democracy Now interview of Prof. Alfred McCoy

However, Prof. McCoy's book A Question of Torture makes no bones about the fact that coercive methods are worse than useless for obtaining reliable information:

p 196:  As noted, FBI interrogators found the military's techniques produced little real information and interfered with their own bureau's proven methods of building rapport through long, noncoercive questioning.  "The torture of subjects did not lead to any useful intelligence information being extracted," reports James Corum, a professor at the Army Command and General Staff College.  "The abusers couldn't even use the old 'ends justify the means' argument, because in the end there was nothing to show but a tremendous propaganda defeat for the United States."
III.  The widely known fact that EI causes profound, permanent psychological damage, vs. claims by "trained interrogators" that they didn't know:

In the above-mentioned interview, Prof. McCoy stated that "... people who are involved in treatment tell us [that psychological torture is] far more destructive, [and] does far more lasting damage to the human psyche than does physical torture."  His book A Question of Torture states that:

p 9:  [Psychological torture is  devastating, causing damage that lasts longer than the most brutal forms of physical abuse.]  Psychotherapist Otto Doerr-Zegers found that victims suffer "a mistrust bordering on paranoia, and a loss of interest that greatly surpasses anything observed in anxiety disorders."  The subject "does not only react to torture with a tiredness of days, weeks, or months, but REMAINS A TIRED HUMAN BEING, relatively uninterested and unable to concentrate."

p 58:  [Judge Dimitrios Evrigenis of Greece stated that psychological torture can cause] "the disintegration of an individual's personality, the shattering of his mental and psychological equilibrium and the crushing of his will."

And yet, on 7/24/08, a news article entitled 2002 Justice memo OKs CIA interrogation tactics reported that "The Justice Department in 2002 told the CIA that its interrogators would be safe from prosecution for violations of anti-torture laws if they believed 'in good faith' that harsh techniques used to break prisoners' will would not cause 'prolonged mental harm.'"

IV.  Does EI consist of reverse-engineered SERE techniques?

We are told that reverse-engineered SERE techniques form the basis of EI.  However, in my opinion, SERE is watered-down EI.  Both are mind-war, but in SERE, it's only intended to weed out those with psychological foibles who can't take the heat of Special Forces, whereas EI is intended to destroy the mind of everyone subjected to it.  I understand that SERE is being used on an increasingly widespread basis throughout the military, which I think is a big mistake, and possibly part of the program to destroy the US military.

V.  More information on the roots of EI

The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture
By Alfred W. McCoy 

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:21 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, July 28, 2008 8:47 AM EDT
Thursday, July 24, 2008
NY Times to publish some economic truth
Topic: Economics

The price printed on their front page, that is:

New York Times to raise newsstand price to $1.50

I gather that the Times is getting out ahead of the burst of inflation that will result (after the election)  from the banker-bailout bill now being rushed through Congress.

I think it's funny to watch the little hints of economic reality leak out in the media in between all the "official expert" assurances that the economy is a force of nature and will recover on its own without any human design (well, besides the design imposed by the British financial oligarchy for our enslavement, a.k.a. Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" - which paid him to write an apology for British imperial economic practice, call it "free trade," and to write them out of the picture) - just random human action, such as buying various distractions from reality like video games, pornography, and T. Boone Pickens' advice.  Bush fed his "honest" opinion to us in the form of a folksy, pathetic analogy via cell-phone video: the economy is just hung-over, and will recover shortly on its own.  And Iraq just has a cold.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:34 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:48 PM EDT
Another feather for Fannie Frank's cap
Topic: Economics

Mass. woman commits suicide as home foreclosed

This, on top of all the families already destroyed by Congress' slavish service to bankrupt bankers.  Unless they have some get-out-of-Hell-free card from God, they should consider the effect on their long-term future of continuing their treason.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:10 AM EDT

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