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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hagee suggests that God sent Hitler
Topic: Politics

The Nation -- The news that the Rev. John Hagee, one of John McCain's most prominent backers, once suggested that Hitler and the Holocaust were God's will has finally caused the candidate and his controversial backer to part company.
The Huffington Post report that Hagee had suggested that the Nazis implemented God's will as part of a grand scheme to drive Jews from Europe to Palestine -- "Because," in Hagee's words, "God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel" -- blew up on McCain Thursday.

And McCain blew up his relationship with Hagee.

from McCain Finally Rejects Hagee Endorsement 

Well, McCain might have distanced himself from Hagee, but there are many indications that he would continue Bush's faith-based initiative known as the "war on terror" if he took the White House. 

Hagee conveniently "forgot" about a couple of minor aspects of creation: free will, and evil (which is a consequence of free will, particularly in higher beings).  He probably wishes that we'd forget about them too.  It might help to point out that the CCW-rotating Swastika can be construed as a symbol for the Antichrist, just as the CW-rotating "Swastika" has symbolized Christ, the highest solar deity, for thousands of years.  Furthermore, some white-path occultists claim that Hitler was possessed by the Antichrist or Devil, which isn't the same as being possessed by Satanic beings.   For more on this, see my essay 6-6-6, The Sun-Demon: Baddest of the Bad.

Rudolf Steiner described WWII as an encounter with the Beast, and as The Shaping of the Anglo-American SS by War states, WWII never ended, but just changed form.  Its three main consequences so far were to destroy Europe (it never really recovered), to allow British intelligence to insinuate itself into US intelligence (with monumental consequences), and to create Israel, which I characterize as the linchpin of the fake apocalypse.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:25 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:36 PM EDT
Friday, May 16, 2008
Obama supporters should smell a setup
Topic: Politics

The fact that the major media is dead-set against Clinton, as indicated by their constant psywar against her campaign, should make Obama supporters wonder about their candidate.  Did it ever occur to them that Obama was being groomed to run for President, and ordered to vote against a "war" which his Synarchist masters knew was going to turn into Hell on Earth?   The fact that he came out of nowhere to become a Senator, and now a Presidential candidate after about a decade in politics, is another sign that he's an Establishment trojan.

LaRouche claims that Clinton is our best shot at economic recovery, and that's good enough for me.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:52 AM EDT
Monday, February 25, 2008
Giant corporation supports Nader's bid to put Bloomberg in power as first American Mussolini
Topic: Politics

Well, Mr. Anti-Corporation WAS on Meet the Press (2/24), and NBC is a subsidiary of GE.  How many times was LaRouche given the opportunity?  The fact is, as LaRouche has exposed, that Nader is another creature from the Synarchist zoo:

"Anyone who doubts that the Nader operation is a left-synarchist fascist operation, in support of the very same genocidal program as the Cheney-Bush regime, should read this report carefully."

from LaRouche Youth Expose Naderites as Fascists

In this case, his goal will be to somehow be to help tip the Democratic race in favor of Obama, who will then be destroyed along with McCain by the media as it ushers Michael Bloomberg in on a white horse to "rescue" us from the economic disaster which their masters engineered.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:25 AM EST
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Bloomberg's brownshirts storm airwaves, talk in code
Topic: Politics

It appears that the LaRouche Youth Movement's efforts to educate NH voters was at least as much of a factor in pushing Hillary Clinton over the top as was her display of genuine concern for the public.  (It was perfectly timed, yet spontaneous, which I find interesting.)  Now, Bonesman Kerry has come out of the Tomb to support Obama, whom LaRouche has, I gather, pegged as the Democrat most likely to deliver the Presidency to Bloomberg, just as Kerry delivered the 2004 election to his fellow Boner, Dubya.

LaRouche and his associates have been monitoring the Bloomberg campaign, which is based on the need to address some terrible, but undefined crisis (they want us to think that they're worried about the financial crisis, but in fact they're worried that we might support LaRouche's solution).  An article entitled Would Brown Shirt Bloomberg Craft National Unity or National Socialism?  which appeared on LPAC's website on 1/10/08 closed with a reference to a revealing statement made by David Boren, the figurehead of the campaign, at the end of the January 8th Diane Rehm show:

"At the very end of the interview Boren pulled out the Fascist membership card, identifying America's greatest problems as such: we must defeat terrorism, overcome budget deficits, and rein in entitlements."

In fact, the biggest problem we have right now is Bloomberg and his fellow Synarchist bankers, who gave us Hitler and Cheney.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:58 PM EST
Saturday, January 5, 2008
What is this thing called "change?"
Topic: Politics

It seems that every Presidential candidate in a "change agent."  Bush was one, but we could have done without the change he brought.  For a while, I thought it might be fitting to plan on putting Bush and Cheney's graves next to each other, and building a national dance hall on top of them.  But most people would rather just forget, unfortunately, because it looks as if we've got another Bush coming down the pike:  Hucklebury Fundy or whatever his name is.  Either that, or as LaRouche expects, an actual Synarchist financier in the person of the current mayor of New York, who put that slimeball Lieberman back in office after LaRouche nearly got rid of him.

The main "change" seems to be the sudden personality change each candidate undergoes upon becoming President - from optimistic to "pragmatic," as dictated by some contrived "circumstances beyond our control" - i.e. "you lose again, suckers."  Is is just a coincidence that "change," when each letter is converted to its ordinal value, converts to 36 or 666 666?  Some things just never change.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:47 PM EST
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Existence and destruction of "interrogation" tapes now seems plausible
Topic: Politics

OK, OK - let's say that those "interrogation" tapes did exist, since so many people seem certain that they did.  I would have thought that knowledge of their existence would be as closely guarded as the identity of the guy who supposedly asked Dark Dick in the bunker whether the orders still stood, as the 9/11 planes approached their targets.  There are several plausible explanations for their existence, but my favorite is that the shrinks overseeing the process would have wanted to study certain points to refine their soul-splitting techniques.  There are also several plausible motives for their destruction, one of which is that they probably would have revealed that no interrogation took place, other than some script intended to give the impression that it was an interrogation, and to get "confessions." 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:16 AM EST
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Sun rises, major Fundy leader endorses Guiliani
Topic: Politics

WASHINGTON - Pat Robertson, a prominent Christian leader and social conservative, endorsed Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday.

"It is my pleasure to announce my support for America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a proven leader who is NOT AFRAID OF WHAT LIES AHEAD [i.e. the hell which Robertson hopes to unleash] and who will cast a HOPEFUL VISION for all Americans [lure us into a false sense of security]," Robertson said in a statement issued by the Giuliani campaign.

from Pat Robertson backs Giuliani

When you realize that what matters most to Holy Pat is to act out the Fundy vision of the Apocalypse, and that Guiliani is the most likely to continue "fulfilling prophecy" where Bush leaves off (assuming he doesn't declare martial law and remain in power), Robertson's endorsement makes perfect sense.  For background on the Guiliani gang, read The Campaign from Hell: Mayor Ghoul-iani and the Pod-people.  Guiliani's top advisors include the most ardent Apocalypse-mongers on the planet, including Norman Podhoretz, whose son John is quoted as having claimed that an invasion of Iran would take FIVE MINUTES!  This is clearly an example of the big-lie technique in action, as well as an appeal to fantasy.  Such an invasion would be the opening salvo of a world war which would embroil all of mankind, including those who believe that Christ will whisk them off the planet just in the nick of time because they pretend to believe the Fundy fantasy.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:43 PM EST
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Sacrificing soldiers for big "Christian" lies
Topic: Politics

Thanks to the fact that our great leader warned us that his "surge" would entail greater "sacrifice," I wasn't as upset as I would have otherwise been to read the headline "24 U.S. troops die in single day in Iraq" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070121/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq  Expect even more of this sacrifice, as this stage-managed "war" is racheted-up to satisfy the needs of Fundy preachers who've been telling their McCain-Lieberman voting-block-flock that they're about to be rescued by Jesus, who's hiding behind some cloud for the time being. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:16 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, January 21, 2007 12:15 PM EST
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Bush & Fundy leaders vs. Fundies
Topic: Politics
The notion that Bush has contempt for Christian Fundy leaders is at best a half-truth.  Both are  in league against the Fundy flock, but it appears that a bogus split is being engineered to transfer the Fundy vote to a Democrat or a Republicrat such as McCain, who was one of the first to beat the drums for an invasion of Iraq, along with "Democrat" Lieberman.  They've always been nothing but a voting block to the power brokers, in order to get "apocalypse"-mongering candidates elected. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:20 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 14, 2006 11:31 AM EDT

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