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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Sun rises, major Fundy leader endorses Guiliani
Topic: Politics

WASHINGTON - Pat Robertson, a prominent Christian leader and social conservative, endorsed Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday.

"It is my pleasure to announce my support for America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a proven leader who is NOT AFRAID OF WHAT LIES AHEAD [i.e. the hell which Robertson hopes to unleash] and who will cast a HOPEFUL VISION for all Americans [lure us into a false sense of security]," Robertson said in a statement issued by the Giuliani campaign.

from Pat Robertson backs Giuliani

When you realize that what matters most to Holy Pat is to act out the Fundy vision of the Apocalypse, and that Guiliani is the most likely to continue "fulfilling prophecy" where Bush leaves off (assuming he doesn't declare martial law and remain in power), Robertson's endorsement makes perfect sense.  For background on the Guiliani gang, read The Campaign from Hell: Mayor Ghoul-iani and the Pod-people.  Guiliani's top advisors include the most ardent Apocalypse-mongers on the planet, including Norman Podhoretz, whose son John is quoted as having claimed that an invasion of Iran would take FIVE MINUTES!  This is clearly an example of the big-lie technique in action, as well as an appeal to fantasy.  Such an invasion would be the opening salvo of a world war which would embroil all of mankind, including those who believe that Christ will whisk them off the planet just in the nick of time because they pretend to believe the Fundy fantasy.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:43 PM EST

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