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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Sun rises, major Fundy leader endorses Guiliani
Topic: Politics

WASHINGTON - Pat Robertson, a prominent Christian leader and social conservative, endorsed Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday.

"It is my pleasure to announce my support for America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a proven leader who is NOT AFRAID OF WHAT LIES AHEAD [i.e. the hell which Robertson hopes to unleash] and who will cast a HOPEFUL VISION for all Americans [lure us into a false sense of security]," Robertson said in a statement issued by the Giuliani campaign.

from Pat Robertson backs Giuliani

When you realize that what matters most to Holy Pat is to act out the Fundy vision of the Apocalypse, and that Guiliani is the most likely to continue "fulfilling prophecy" where Bush leaves off (assuming he doesn't declare martial law and remain in power), Robertson's endorsement makes perfect sense.  For background on the Guiliani gang, read The Campaign from Hell: Mayor Ghoul-iani and the Pod-people.  Guiliani's top advisors include the most ardent Apocalypse-mongers on the planet, including Norman Podhoretz, whose son John is quoted as having claimed that an invasion of Iran would take FIVE MINUTES!  This is clearly an example of the big-lie technique in action, as well as an appeal to fantasy.  Such an invasion would be the opening salvo of a world war which would embroil all of mankind, including those who believe that Christ will whisk them off the planet just in the nick of time because they pretend to believe the Fundy fantasy.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:43 PM EST
Solution to recruitment shortage: an American President

LINCOLN — Sen. Chuck Hagel, speaking to audience of Lincoln High School students, warned Tuesday that the nation may need to turn to compulsory military service "or some kind of draft" to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Questioned after his speech, Hagel, R-Neb., said he is not calling for reinstatement of the military draft.

But he said the growing difficulty of maintaining an adequate volunteer military force is "a reality."

"I'm just stating the obvious. At some point we're going to have to make a decision on how to attract a quality force," he said.

from Sen. Hagel says U.S. draft may be unavoidable

Senator, it's staring you right in the kisser:

Cheney Impeachment Resolution Sent to House Committee

When we have a real American leader at the helm of our military, and not some treasonous, psychopathic puppet controlled by the enemies of mankind, and wage only just wars with a plan to win the peace as quickly as possible, there will be no shortage of Americans willing to join up.  With the new lie-detecting technology described at No Lie MRI, we could also screen out Satanists, thus avoiding future "wars" which are actually a means for them to practice their "religion" (actually, a crime against humanity) which largely consists of lies and cruelty, and which is what's happening in Iraq.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:18 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 7, 2007 11:23 AM EST
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Apocalypse-mongers play to right-wing media
Topic: Big Lies
As I read Joe Lieberman's War by Philip Giraldi, it occurred to me that when Lieberman and his neo-con ilk make their Apocalypse-mongering assertions without any evidence,  they are making them largely for the cameras of the right-wing and "Christian" media, whose audiences swallow pretty much whatever they spew.  Their "evidence" consists of false claims from the likes of Curveball, who will spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder now that he's been exposed by 60 Minutes, and the fact that their fellow Apocalypse-mongers are telling similar or identical lies, creating "truth" by repeating lies.  They don't care what the rest of us think, because all they want is to get enough voters to get the next "prophecy fulfiller" in the Oval Office, perhaps with a little vote-fixing, and to prevent their followers from realizing that the current occupants are Satanic monsters.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:11 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 8:20 PM EST
Be on the lookout for teenaged Caucasian "illegal enemy combatants"

"MI5: Al-Qa'eda recruiting UK children for terror" is the headline on the latest hysterical fantasy to emanate from the black propaganda mill known as the Daily Telegraph:

"Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda terror group is recruiting British children as young as 15 to wage a campaign of carnage against their own country, the new head of MI5 has said."

In other words, the new team at MI5 has a taste for "interrogating" abandoned teenaged white boys.  They  probably considered babies for a while, but decided that the public wouldn't buy that one.   

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:25 PM EST
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Children of God: A microcosm of Christian Fundamentalism
Topic: Satanism/SRA

From The Tragic Legacy of the Children of God:

In the late 1960s David Berg -- the self-proclaimed prophet and Children of God founder -- began preaching a bizarre brew of sex and scripture. In writings and preaching, Berg advocated free love among his disciples, including adult-child sex.  [Sex-orgies are a dead giveaway that this was actually an outer circle of Satanism, which uses sex to attract recruits and to lure them into abandonment to their sexual impulses.]

"Berg was actually a genius because he would test drive these bizarre theologies, bizarre teachings, within his own inner circle," said Lattin. "So very early on, still in the late '60s, he would start having these sharing parties where he would go around naked with a bottle of the wine saying all things are pure and they'd have these orgies BUT NO ONE KNEW THAT OUTSIDE OF THE INNER CIRCLE."

"These guys don't just drop out of the sky," Lattin said of Berg's appeal. "So why are people following this guy if he's a monster and a drunk and a maniac? [Because] BERG CAME DIRECTLY OUT OF THE CHRISTIAN EVANGELICAL TRADITION." [Actually, Christian Fundamentalism came out of the Satanist tradition.]

Though that notion infuriates most evangelicals, Lattin points to Berg's own mother, Virginia Brandt Berg, who was one of the first famous radio evangelists. Berg failed in the pulpit early on, spending years on the road as an itinerant minister. But when the tumultuous 1960s rolled in, Berg finally found his voice. [The truth would shock them as well, if they would face it, because the core of this "religion" (actually a fantasy-based political movement) consists of Satanists manipulating the Fundies to support "Christians" like Bush who will "fulfill prophecy.]
By the 1970s, Berg's following grew into the tens of thousands. His so-called "law of love" urged young women to win converts to the group by prostituting themselves, something he called "flirty fishing."  [This is typical of the young women of a Satanic cult.] [end of excerpts]

The allegations of child sexual abuse, although disputed by some members of the group, would make sense in light of the Satanist drive to constantly plumb the depths of depravity and cruelty until "enlightenment" (possession) suddenly "dawns" on them.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:39 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, November 4, 2007 11:46 AM EDT
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Bush as Jack Torrance in The Shining

Combining two of Bush's self-descriptions - "war-President" and "the decider," I get "the destroyer guy."  Oppenheimer's quote "I am become Shiva, the destroyer of worlds" might not be far off the mark either.  (See Bush Says "F--- You" to the Nation with Veto of Water Bill).  Stop him before he kills again!  Oh, too late.  The kicker is that he doesn't seem to be doing it reluctantly, as if he's following orders from God to create the conditions for Christ's supposed physical return, but almost enthusiastically.  


Posted by fakeapoc at 10:46 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, November 3, 2007 10:55 PM EDT
Monday, October 29, 2007
God's chosen government celebrates Halloween by cutting power to Gaza
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

Israel’s power cuts to Gaza: Collective punishment with tacit US approval states "On Saturday Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai said the courts had given final authorisation to the plan under which Israel is to 'dramatically reduce'—by about two-thirds—the power it supplied to Gaza over the coming weeks. Initially power is to be cut every time that militants fire a rocket into Israel."

So, instead of donning masks, Israel's government has taken the mask off their god.  Chances are that "the militants" firing rockets are Israeli agents wearing Palestinian masks.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:02 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, October 29, 2007 8:05 PM EDT
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
God's chosen prison guards escalate SRA in run-up to full Moon
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

"On October 22nd, at two in the morning, Israeli prison guards from Kitziot prison in the Negev desert began searching the tents and belongings of Palestinian prisoners. Searching prisoners’ tents in the middle of the night is a classic form of harassment; keeping people from sleeping. Some prisoners resisted the search due to early hour and the army responded by throwing sounds grenades and shooting tear gas canisters into the tents of prisoners and at prisoners themselves.

"The Zionist soldiers simply acted like ferocious animals, like the Gestapo and SS. They showered us with bullets, stun grenades, and gas and smoke bombs," said Abu Muhammed, a detainee, using a smuggled mobile phone.

from “They murdered him in cold blood”

The Al Nakab/ Ketziot concentration camp is in the middle of the Negev desert... It is near an IDF garrison, an ammunitions depot and an exercise range of the Givati brigade. It is about 3 Km from the border to Egypt. All of these geographic features contribute to totally isolate it and the prisoners who are interned there. The prisoners interned at Al-Nakab and other concentration camps in the Israeli Gulag are not criminals, but "sentenced" to hefty imprisonment terms because of their place in society, activities like participating in communal politics, organizing neighbourhood committees, teaching children, which are a hindrance to the Israeli policy of genocide against Palestinians. About half of the elected members of the Palestinian Parliament are interned in the Israeli Gulag, as well as ministers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, university professors, intellectuals, religious leaders, farmers, public servants, intellectuals, children, women, elderly persons....

The Israeli jailers often raid Al-Nakab and other concentration camps in the middle of the night in order to terrorize the people interned there.

from Israel Violates Prisoner Treatment Convention www.uruknet.info?p=37477

The escalation of brutality reported in this article makes sense in light of my observations of patterns of SRA.  For the phase/"age" of the Moon, I suggest the Moon's Age page at http://www.cycletourist.com/moon/

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:42 PM EDT
"Accidentally" killing civilians WAS the mission
Topic: Perpetual warfare

Now that Iraq has cooled about 30 degrees F from its summer peak, the US is apparently going all-out to provoke the resistance by killing civilians in the name of fighting insurgents.   Of course, the faction that selects these targets has a cover story prepared to justify bombing a residential area - something along the lines of having "hot" intel that one of the thousands of "key insurgent leaders" was going to be in a certain house at a certain time.  

As far as I can tell, provoking the resistance into attacking, followed by night-time raids of homes in which mostly innocent people are brutalized - and what's left of their lives ruined - continues to be the major activity of the "war" in Iraq.  The following passage seems to support this position: 

'Where can anybody be safe from Bush's democracy?' he asked. 'Whenever we want to open a new chapter with the Americans, to forget the past and try all over again, they drag us into violence, weapons and fighting again. And to sympathize with al-Qaeda against them. All because of their inconsideration for our blood.'"

from Rain of terror in the U.S. air war in Iraq

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:34 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:58 PM EDT
Bush demands more for war as California burns
Topic: Perpetual warfare

Even if there is no causal link between the infernal situations in Iraq and California, the symbolism of such vast areas of California being in flames, as Bush requests another $46 Billion for his "war" of pure destruction, is stark.

Posted by fakeapoc at 5:59 PM EDT

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