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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Still "interrogating" after all these years
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

I've neglected to mention another bit of evidence that the abuse/torment/torture/murder performed by Coalition psychopaths in pursuit of "magical powers," running amok in Iraq, unwittingly enabled by well-intentioned US soldiers, has nothing to do with interrogation.  This evidence is the fact that similar abuses are widespread within the prison system in the US, where there is no pretense of interrogation.  Instead, different excuses are used.  Horror stories of what goes on in US-based prisons abound, and include numerous cases of prisoners essentially smashed to death by some guards who remain nameless and faceless but to each other and God, who will remember their deeds when they arrive at the truly supreme court in the next world.  Even without knowing God's judgment, I can state with confidence that they will get to experience what their victims experienced at their hands.  What goes around comes around, literally.  But of course, Satanists are so certain that they will be protected from justice in the next world, as they are in this one by hordes of slimy lawyers and judges who have essentially woven protections for Satanism into the legal fabric of society, as seen so blatantly in the case of Alberto Gonzales and his ilk, that they feel certain they will get away with it.  Not a shadow of doubt enters their twisted minds. 

But I have yet to read an article, besides my own, which recognizes the torture for the SRA it is, and the "interrogation" as an act performed to disguise the SRA.  I suspect that in some cases, the point of these articles is to wave the ugly truth under our noses to see if anyone recognizes the contradictions in the claim that it is interrogation.  But even if this isn't the point, calling the SRA "interrogation" helps to keep it going.  I hope that some intrepid journalists will start referring to it as something other than "interrogation," such as "alleged interrogation," on the basis that it has been shown to be ineffective as interrogation.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:19 AM EST
Friday, November 23, 2007
What the hell was Bush doing in Brownsville?
Topic: The Great Leader

When I heard that Bush spent several years involved in debauchery in Brownsville, TX, before becoming involved in politics, I Googled "Bush Brownsville" and found several articles which claim that Bush was involved with a Satanic cult there.  I also checked my Earth Grid map for the US, and found that Brownsville is right on a ley line.  (Ley lines are a marker for Satanic cults because Satanic and other etheric beings are concentrated along these lines, and the purpose of Satanism is to open the souls of its members to possession by at least two varieties of these Satanic beings.  For more on this, see my article Satanism and the Earth Grid in the Satanism section of my website.)

The articles quote Bush refusing to discuss "what may or may not have happened" in relationship to his alleged involvement in murders connected with the cult.   This sounds like something he would say without a script, essentially admitting that he was involved.  (If I were charged with Satanism and murder, I would emphatically deny the charges and address each and every bit of supposed evidence on the record.)

So, this would be consistent with the other evidence of Bush's sympathy for the Devil, such as his prominent Horned Hand salutes lamely disguised as the "Hook 'em Horns" college cheer-sign, some spooky, inhuman facial expressions caught by cameras, and his devotion to Satan's fake apocalypse.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:12 PM EST
Cheney dials-down the war, for now
Topic: Perpetual warfare

I've made several predictions about the direction of the "war" in Iraq, the latest being that it would increase now that cooler weather had arrived, but that was before the spotlight was put on Blackwater, whose "superman" faction deliberately did so much to fill Iraqis with a lust for revenge.  I also stated that the "war" would be "modulated" by the US as necessary to suit its strategic goals, and that appears to be what's happening currently: we've stopped, or reduced, our attacks on the Sunnis, and have instead started bribing them to make nice.   This would explain the sudden disappearance of the war.

This purpose of this down-modulation might be to help the Republicans get re-elected, or to boost recruitment for the US military.  It might also be intended to give Bush some credibility so he can lie us into the next phase of the Long War.   (An interesting name - it's as if someone knew, well in advance, that the chosen strategy would be a failure from the perspective of a traditional military leader.)  We'll know it's over when global civilization resembles Iraq, or worse. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:03 AM EST
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Codifying illegal Gitmo procedures is at odds with years of denying their existence
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

When a record 304 bombs erupted across Northern Ireland between January and June 1971, London deployed this extreme interrogation against the underground Irish Republican Army....  In April, the English Intelligence Centre gave Belfast's police, the Royal Ulster Constabulary, a top-secret training course....  Although all instruction was done "orally" and no orders were "committed to writing or authorized in any official document," the British government later admitted that these methods had been approved at a "high level."  After investing security forces with special powers of summary arrest and limitless internment, Belfast unleashed Operation Demetrius on August 9, quickly "sweeping up" some eight hundred suspected IRA terrorists."  A Question of Torture, p 54

MIAMI (Reuters) - The U.S. military's operating manual for the Guantanamo prison camp has been posted on the Internet, providing a glimpse of the broad rules and tiniest minutia for detaining suspected terrorists.

The 238-page manual, "Standard Operating Procedures for Camp Delta," is dated March 27, 2003, and signed by Army Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, who was then the commander of the prison that still holds about 300 al Qaeda and Taliban suspects.

Guantanamo operating manual posted on Internet

"What makes these admissions particularly disturbing, of course, is that they were brazenly committed to paper in an official document, even though the conduct that they endorse – the establishment of an offshore interrogation camp, and denying access to ICRC representatives – is illegal."

Guantánamo whistleblower launches new attack on rigged tribunals   http://www.andyworthington.co.uk/?p=163

So, what's the real purpose of the "manual?"  For my opinion, see the entry below.


Posted by fakeapoc at 2:11 PM EST
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Repeating the big "coercive interrogation" lie to create a "fact" Rev A
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

Ahriman must be hidden at all costs - which is exactly what suits him!  And the same applies to Lucifer.  Rudolf Steiner The Occult Movement in the 19th Century, p 177.  

Taken out of context, this quote might give the impression that Steiner was insisting that Ahriman and Lucifer be concealed, but when read in context, it can be seen that he was merely expressing the desire of these beings and their followers that they and their work remain unknown.  Note his use of the phrase "at all costs," meaning that it is a higher priority than anything they hope to accomplish.  This can be seen in what follows.

One aspect of psywar is to feed us contradictory ideas in a manner that makes it difficult to recognize the contradiction.  However, the mind recognizes the contradiction at a subconscious level, and this creates a "split" which causes confusion and a tendency to doubt our own ability to make judgments.  This is partly why I believe it's important to identify the notion of SRA-as-interrogation as the cover story and psywar technique which it is.

Many experienced interrogators have stated that coercive techniques are useless, and there is an abundance of evidence to support this.  Those who claim that it does yield useful information simply state it, without providing any evidence on the basis of "state secrets" or the equivalent, or by fabricating false evidence.  I've read a few examples of how this latter technique was used and exposed, including in the book A Question of Torture.

With this in mind, I suggest searching the following couple of articles for "interrogat," which will turn up various words related to interrogation, and you will find that the purpose of these articles is probably not to expose some "leak" or to expose the heinous "interrogation" policies of "God's chosen government," but to drum the falsehood that the abuse/torment/torture is an effective means of interrogation, and that this, not SRA, is its intent.  These articles are Leaked Guantanamo Document Confirms Routine Use of Isolation as Psychological Torture. Will APA Protest? (www.uruknet.info?p=38331and Torturing Palestinian Detainees (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18723.htm).


Posted by fakeapoc at 1:25 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 6:59 PM EST
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Revised website-page

I have revised my website-page entitled Demonic Possession: Sociopathy on Steroids

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:25 PM EST
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Mukasey's promise to Bush
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

from We Have Ways…:  The Bush administration continues to disavow torture—and to officialize its practice by James Bovard:

There is little reason to expect that Mukasey, if confirmed, will rein in federal torture. According to Newsweek, he assured the Bush administration in private meetings that he “understood THE NEED FOR THE CIA TO USE ENHANCED INTERROGATION METHODS” and that he did not support naming a special prosecutor for potential Bush administration crimes  [i.e. well-established treasonous acts]. In a 2004 speech, Mukasey declared, “THE HIDDEN MESSAGE IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE CONSTITUTION” IS THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS ENTITLED TO “THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT.” Does he believe government deserves a codified benefit of the doubt, regardless of perpetual misconduct or perfidy? [end of excerpt, emphasis added]

As anyone familiar with my perspective could predict, I interpret this as an indication that Mukasey knows better than to try to interfere with the secret state "religion," Satanism. 

While on the subject of the state secret, I'd like to mention another potential piece of evidence for my contention that recent US "wars" consist largely of Satanists running amok and concealing their evil with lame cover stories.   While watching Senator Harkin on C-SPAN, I learned of the existence of US-controlled "tiger cages" in Vietnam.  For more on these Synarchist SRA-holes (established by French fascists, and taken over by US fascists), you can read Tiger Cages by Bob Swartzel of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, The Phoenix Program, My Lai and the “Tiger Cages”, or We've Been Here Before: The Tiger Cages of Vietnam by Don Luce, or you can "Google" the term and find more articles on them than you probably care to read.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:59 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, November 11, 2007 4:09 PM EST
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Sun rises, major Fundy leader endorses Guiliani
Topic: Politics

WASHINGTON - Pat Robertson, a prominent Christian leader and social conservative, endorsed Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday.

"It is my pleasure to announce my support for America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a proven leader who is NOT AFRAID OF WHAT LIES AHEAD [i.e. the hell which Robertson hopes to unleash] and who will cast a HOPEFUL VISION for all Americans [lure us into a false sense of security]," Robertson said in a statement issued by the Giuliani campaign.

from Pat Robertson backs Giuliani

When you realize that what matters most to Holy Pat is to act out the Fundy vision of the Apocalypse, and that Guiliani is the most likely to continue "fulfilling prophecy" where Bush leaves off (assuming he doesn't declare martial law and remain in power), Robertson's endorsement makes perfect sense.  For background on the Guiliani gang, read The Campaign from Hell: Mayor Ghoul-iani and the Pod-people.  Guiliani's top advisors include the most ardent Apocalypse-mongers on the planet, including Norman Podhoretz, whose son John is quoted as having claimed that an invasion of Iran would take FIVE MINUTES!  This is clearly an example of the big-lie technique in action, as well as an appeal to fantasy.  Such an invasion would be the opening salvo of a world war which would embroil all of mankind, including those who believe that Christ will whisk them off the planet just in the nick of time because they pretend to believe the Fundy fantasy.

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:43 PM EST
Solution to recruitment shortage: an American President

LINCOLN — Sen. Chuck Hagel, speaking to audience of Lincoln High School students, warned Tuesday that the nation may need to turn to compulsory military service "or some kind of draft" to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Questioned after his speech, Hagel, R-Neb., said he is not calling for reinstatement of the military draft.

But he said the growing difficulty of maintaining an adequate volunteer military force is "a reality."

"I'm just stating the obvious. At some point we're going to have to make a decision on how to attract a quality force," he said.

from Sen. Hagel says U.S. draft may be unavoidable

Senator, it's staring you right in the kisser:

Cheney Impeachment Resolution Sent to House Committee

When we have a real American leader at the helm of our military, and not some treasonous, psychopathic puppet controlled by the enemies of mankind, and wage only just wars with a plan to win the peace as quickly as possible, there will be no shortage of Americans willing to join up.  With the new lie-detecting technology described at No Lie MRI, we could also screen out Satanists, thus avoiding future "wars" which are actually a means for them to practice their "religion" (actually, a crime against humanity) which largely consists of lies and cruelty, and which is what's happening in Iraq.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:18 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 7, 2007 11:23 AM EST
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Apocalypse-mongers play to right-wing media
Topic: Big Lies
As I read Joe Lieberman's War by Philip Giraldi, it occurred to me that when Lieberman and his neo-con ilk make their Apocalypse-mongering assertions without any evidence,  they are making them largely for the cameras of the right-wing and "Christian" media, whose audiences swallow pretty much whatever they spew.  Their "evidence" consists of false claims from the likes of Curveball, who will spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder now that he's been exposed by 60 Minutes, and the fact that their fellow Apocalypse-mongers are telling similar or identical lies, creating "truth" by repeating lies.  They don't care what the rest of us think, because all they want is to get enough voters to get the next "prophecy fulfiller" in the Oval Office, perhaps with a little vote-fixing, and to prevent their followers from realizing that the current occupants are Satanic monsters.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:11 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 8:20 PM EST

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