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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Dark Dick's fractured fairy tale for October 21st, 2007
Topic: Nuclear warfare

As hard as it is to believe, there are apparently still some people who believe what Cheney says in public.  His droning, dead-serious presentation must put them in a hypnotic trance in which all critical thinking is suspended.  They assume that he, Bush's "wise man," must have a network of such super-secret intelligence that the NSA looks like an advertising agency in comparison. 

Actually, Cheney's exclusive source of "intelligence" consists of a network of liars which he grants equal standing with actual intelligence agencies.  Their sources are typically known liars who claim to have inside information on the subject at hand.  For example, I would expect God's chosen intelligence agency, the Mossad, to trot out an "Iranian nuclear weapons scientist" who has "defected" to "the free world" with lurid tales of vast complexes of centrifuges buried deep beneath child day-care centers in downtown Tehran.  

Cheney's credibility is enhanced by the fact that he delivers his speeches to known-friendly audiences only.  On October 21st, he appeared before the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, or WINEP, an Apocalypse-mongering propaganda mill, to beat the drums for an invasion of Iran.

Much of Cheney's "justification" comes from the activity of terrorists which essentially work for Cheney, and which are mentioned in The Guns of August 2007: Cheney's Finger Is Already on the Trigger.  One particularly telling incident, in which the "Iranian" MeK passed out weapons to Shiites, is reported in The Iran War Is on The Front Burner.

Cheney's speech is one big lie from start to stop, and for that he deserves a Nobel peace prize, but not dictatorial powers over the fate of mankind.   Since anyone with half a brain can see through his appalling tripe, I'll just include this link to it for the convenience of anyone inclined to take a whiff of the sort of stuff that passes for an explanation for why he is preparing to "lead" us into the next phase of his perpetual war, without pausing to explain why, for example, the US deliberately targeted the Iraqi water system and is currently preventing them from using chlorine to disinfect their water in the midst of a cholera outbreak because "Iraqi insurgents" set off a few bombs containing chlorine. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 4:31 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 4:49 PM EDT

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