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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Jamail exposes US campaign to deceive us about "war" in Iraq
Topic: Big Lies

Dahr Jamail's articles have always had the ring of truth, and of his many articles I've read, How to Control the Story, Pentagon-Style  http://www.antiwar.com/engelhardt/?articleid=11961 (to which Tom Engelhardt contributed), is one of the hardest-hitting ones.  It highlights two key aspects of the war: "perception management" (disinformation), and the immunity of what I suspect are Satanists within the Coalition to prosecution for war crimes, which are a major means of conducting their "religion."  (Some of Blackwater's thugs don't look like they've ever been in the military - rather, they look as if they've stepped away from their video games and started "playing" them in the physical world in pursuit of becoming a Nietzschean "superman," which is just the sort of thing I'd expect Satan to say to lure suckers into his trap of possession.  But other Blackwater contractors, such as those protecting Coalition bigwigs, look like serious soldiers who kill only when necessary, and quickly.)

Although I haven't read Jamail's book Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq, and I'm not sure I could stomach an entire book of his unvarnished reportage on the horror that is the Iraq "war," I suspect that if a large portion of Americans were to read it,  Dark Dick and Dubya, the creator of the shadow in which he lurks, would soon be in prison, where war criminals ("illegal enemy combatants") belong.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:28 AM EST

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