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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Monday, August 18, 2008
Ted Bundy had a purpose-driven life, too
Topic: Politics

Although neither "bona fide" Presidential candidate (McCain, Obama) is kissing up to the overt "Apocalypse"-monger John Hagee, they did recently undergo an interview for the position by Rick Warren, who is regarded by some as Billy Graham's heir-apparent.  Warren's cheerleading for Armageddon might not be obvious, but it's implied as part of the Fundy belief system.  (Note that Bush's "Christianity" has faded into the background - once he was "re-elected," he had no more use for it, and I suppose he became somewhat of an embarrassment, after becoming a major war criminal.)

I've always thought that the title of Warren's book "The Purpose-Driven Life" was vague, since as one of God's creatures, even Wildebeests are driven by a purpose, albeit via instincts.  So, as is my habit when confronted with a nonsensical phrase upon which much emphasis is placed, I converted "purpose" to its numerical equivalent and obtained 110, i.e. 10x11, where 11 is the number of black magic.  I'll let you draw your own conclusion, but back in my more energetic days, I traced the origins of Christian Fundamentalism back to black magic, which also spawned the fantasy-based movement known as Satanism.  Of all the articles posted to my old website, those are the only ones that vanished before I backed them up, but the titles are still on my black magic page, and they provide a few clues.

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:45 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, August 18, 2008 3:52 PM EDT

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