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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Trust Bush?
Topic: Nuclear warfare

WASHINGTON — A growing al Qaida -backed insurgency, combined with the Pakistani army's reluctance to launch an all-out crackdown, political infighting and energy and food shortages are plunging America's key ally in the war on terror deeper into turmoil and violence, says a soon-to-be completed U.S. intelligence assessment.

Intelligence report: U.S. antiterror ally Pakistan 'on the edge'

LaRouche issued dire warnings that this would happen if Musharraf were removed from power, and blames the Bush administration for allowing it.

So, here's what I expect will happen: claims of utter chaos, a claim that Pakistan has lost control of its nukes, and that they've fallen into the hands of Al Qaeda, in order to explain the subsequent nuclear terror.   The "war on terror" is going just as planned. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:37 PM EDT
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Decider emerges again
Topic: Nuclear warfare

from  Russian forces still entrenched in Georgia

"The United States and France said it appeared Russia was defying the truce already. Russian troops still controlled two Georgian cities and the key east-west highway between them Saturday, cities well outside the breakaway provinces where earlier fighting was focused.

"'From my point of view — and I am in contact with the French — the Russians are perhaps already not honoring their word,' U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.

"U.S. President George W. Bush warned Russia Saturday that it cannot lay claim to the two separatist regions in U.S.-backed Georgia even though their sympathies lie with Moscow. 'There is no room for debate on this matter,' the president, with Rice, told reporters at his Texas ranch."

[end of excerpt]

No room for debate?  I guess Dubya's been hearing his god again - you know, the same one that told him to invade Iraq, which has gone so swimmingly.  And what better place to hear his god than on is ranch on a ley line, and on a full Moon to boot?


Posted by fakeapoc at 8:02 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, August 16, 2008 8:06 PM EDT
Monday, August 11, 2008
Prophecy-fulfiller-in-chief still bringing them on (us)
Topic: Nuclear warfare

There can be no comparison between what Russia is doing (with the overwhelming force which Colin Powell advocates as the best way to win the peace ASAP, instead of dragging it out and turning Georgia into a wasteland) to try to counteract British imperial destabilizations, and the Bush administration's relentless efforts throughout his term to unleash Hell on Earth, starting in Iraq.  Bush's warnings toward Russia, dripping with hypocrisy and sanctimony, are intended to provoke conflict, as usual.  I would expect nothing less of The War (on mankind) President (6 6 11), who would like nothing more than to be able to take credit for bringing-on the war to end all civilization disguised as "fulfilling prophecy." 

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:21 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, August 11, 2008 10:31 PM EDT
A most convenient war for the British, and Satan
Topic: Nuclear warfare

It would seem that since there's so much resistance to an invasion of Iran, that the British decided to start the world war intended to lead up to "Armageddon" by pulling the trigger on another bomb they have carefully put in place for precisely such a situation.  But then, the threats of invading Iran might have been intended to draw our attention away from the actual plan.

The media, which has tried to cultivate such a reputation for objectivity after stampeding us into Iraq, is back at it again, stampeding us into a war with Russia, while trying to give the appearance of objectivity, precisely when cooperation with Russia is necessary to avert financial disaster (see Russians decry Western "propaganda" over crisis).   Then of course Obama and McCain are making Establishment-approved noises.  (Obama's moneybags Soros just happens to have been deeply involved in putting the aforementioned bomb in place.)  Can so many "experts' be wrong?  Well, they were last time.  Why not start listening to LaRouche, instead of Fox (= 666) Noise Channel and the rest of the war party's media, since your life probably depends on it?

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:46 PM EDT
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Cheney reportedly pressuring Israel to attack Iran
Topic: Nuclear warfare

"The source reported that when Prime Minister Olmert was recently in Washington to address the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) convention, he met privately with Bush and Cheney, and came under intense personal pressure from the Vice President to take action against Iran. He claimed that Israeli pilots are now covertly training on state-of-the-art U.S. fighter jets at locations in the Nevada desert, in preparation for an Israeli bombing of Natanz and other Iranian sites."

from Israeli Warns: "War Party" In Last-Gasp Push For Iran Attack [LPAC] 

The purpose of such an attack would be to start the next phase of the fake apocalypse, not to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.  The claim that it is trying to develop The Bomb is a big lie unsupported by any evidence, but when you're trying to destroy mankind, what's another big lie on top of all the others that have brought us to this point?  There is a possibility that Israel would use nuclear weapons in this attack, because nuclear explosions are required for any decent Apocalypse-parody.  But then again, they might come later, such as when Russia responds.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:32 PM EDT
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hagee/van Impe: Halllelujah - Jesis is comin'! Pray for war!
Topic: Nuclear warfare

"The promotion of Gen. David Petraeus is another ominous sign that the Bush administration may attack Iran.

"President Bush is nominating Petraeus, Commanding General of the Multi-National Force in Iraq, to replace Adm. William Fallon as head of Centcom: U.S. Central Command, which oversees the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"Fallon was forced to resign last month after his outspoken opposition to an attack on Iran. Petraeus, by contrast, has been heating up the rhetoric against Iran."

from Petraeus promotion an ominous sign of possible war with Iran by Farrah Hassen, April 24, 2008

Did anyone actually believe that Cheney would willingly, lawfully leave the White House?  A war with will probably include incidents which wll be used to explain a declaration of martial law, and the economic devastation long planned to occur as part of the fake apocalpse.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:30 AM EDT
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Dark Dick's fractured fairy tale for October 21st, 2007
Topic: Nuclear warfare

As hard as it is to believe, there are apparently still some people who believe what Cheney says in public.  His droning, dead-serious presentation must put them in a hypnotic trance in which all critical thinking is suspended.  They assume that he, Bush's "wise man," must have a network of such super-secret intelligence that the NSA looks like an advertising agency in comparison. 

Actually, Cheney's exclusive source of "intelligence" consists of a network of liars which he grants equal standing with actual intelligence agencies.  Their sources are typically known liars who claim to have inside information on the subject at hand.  For example, I would expect God's chosen intelligence agency, the Mossad, to trot out an "Iranian nuclear weapons scientist" who has "defected" to "the free world" with lurid tales of vast complexes of centrifuges buried deep beneath child day-care centers in downtown Tehran.  

Cheney's credibility is enhanced by the fact that he delivers his speeches to known-friendly audiences only.  On October 21st, he appeared before the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, or WINEP, an Apocalypse-mongering propaganda mill, to beat the drums for an invasion of Iran.

Much of Cheney's "justification" comes from the activity of terrorists which essentially work for Cheney, and which are mentioned in The Guns of August 2007: Cheney's Finger Is Already on the Trigger.  One particularly telling incident, in which the "Iranian" MeK passed out weapons to Shiites, is reported in The Iran War Is on The Front Burner.

Cheney's speech is one big lie from start to stop, and for that he deserves a Nobel peace prize, but not dictatorial powers over the fate of mankind.   Since anyone with half a brain can see through his appalling tripe, I'll just include this link to it for the convenience of anyone inclined to take a whiff of the sort of stuff that passes for an explanation for why he is preparing to "lead" us into the next phase of his perpetual war, without pausing to explain why, for example, the US deliberately targeted the Iraqi water system and is currently preventing them from using chlorine to disinfect their water in the midst of a cholera outbreak because "Iraqi insurgents" set off a few bombs containing chlorine. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 4:31 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 4:49 PM EDT
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Desperately seeking Armageddon (rev A)
Topic: Nuclear warfare

Dick "Caesar" Cheney clearly feels at ease telling gargantuan lies, such as those that lead to wars with the potential to destroy civilization.  He also seems to be holding something very frightening over Congress, which regularly takes his orders, along with those of Synarchist henchmen George Schultz and Felix Rohatyn.  So, I found it intriguing when he disappeared from public view shortly after the notorious incident in which several nuclear-tipped missiles were "accidentally" flown over the US, and several Air Force personnel connected to the incident died.  Cheney then reappeared immediately after the Air Force "investigation" (which left key questions dangling; see Nukes Over America: All a Stupid Mistake. Sure It Was) was declared to be complete, and numerous pawns were sacrificed.  One of the first things he did upon resurfacing was to make a speech in which he repeated his "unproven assertion" that Iran is hell-bent on acquiring nukes, despite a total lack of evidence after much investigation by the IAEA (Cheney: US will not let Iran go nuclear).  It seems that the omniscient Richard of Oz and his fellow Straussians (whose "philosophy" encourages warfare and mass-deception) have obtained the usual "exclusive intelligence source" which they of course cannot share with anyone else.

At about the same time, we were reminded that Valerie Plame-Wilson was involved in a secret CIA program to monitor Iranian nuclear activity, and that conveniently for Cheney, her "outing" eliminated a source of intelligence that might contradict his "intelligence."  Furthermore, the Christian Right had a "values voter summit" to help politicians explain their craven support for Israel, i.e., the rabidly war-mongering Likud party.   

Blair gets in on the act

Tony Blair (who contrary to claims that he was Bush's poodle, actually passed directives to Cheney) also beat the war drums in synchronicity:

"This ideology now has a state - Iran - that is prepared to back and finance terror in the pursuit of destabilising countries whose people wish to live in peace."

from Iran backing terror, says Blair

Blair has now vindicated those who objected to his appointment as special envoy to represent the US, the European Union, Russia, and the UN, and work with the Palestinians to establish a Palestinian state.  

Actually, his statement applies in spades to England, the headquarters for the Synarchist financial oligarchy which in fact controls international terrorism, and was the ultimate force behind the 9/11 attacks.  Blair, who is closely connected to BAE, the modern version of the East India Company (an instrument through which the most evil elements of the oligarchy harnessed the British government and citizenry for their colonial agenda) is simply using a common technique to project his own evil onto the country he wants us to attack next.

It doesn't take a nuclear scientist to see where this is all headed.

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:02 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, October 21, 2007 10:36 PM EDT
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Article claims US helped Pakistan obtain The Bomb
Topic: Nuclear warfare

According to The Man Who Knew Too Much, the same crowd that is now trying to unleash nuclear weapons upon Iran were involved in providing nuclear technology to Pakistan, who went on to "develop" nukes.  This comes as no surprise, since any decent fake apocalypse requires nuclear war.  I'd be willing to bet that the Apocalypse-mongers of the British Empire are going to try to orchestrate an "unforeseeable" coup that will put Pakistan's nuclear arsenal in their "Islamic terrorist" puppets' hands.  

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:04 PM EDT
Monday, October 15, 2007
NY Times cattle-prods Americans with shocking column
Topic: Nuclear warfare

"Last week Paul Rieckhoff, an Iraq war combat veteran who directs Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, sketched for me the apocalypse to come. Should Baghdad implode, our contractors, not having to answer to the military chain of command, can simply 'drop their guns and go home.' Vulnerable American troops could be deserted by those 'who deliver their bullets and beans.'”

from The ‘Good Germans’ Among Us 

Appalling, simply appalling.   (In the background: "Next on C-SPAN: Congress debates level of funding for statue of Dick Cheney, which will replace the Statue of Liberty.")

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:06 PM EDT

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