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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hagee/van Impe: Halllelujah - Jesis is comin'! Pray for war!
Topic: Nuclear warfare

"The promotion of Gen. David Petraeus is another ominous sign that the Bush administration may attack Iran.

"President Bush is nominating Petraeus, Commanding General of the Multi-National Force in Iraq, to replace Adm. William Fallon as head of Centcom: U.S. Central Command, which oversees the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"Fallon was forced to resign last month after his outspoken opposition to an attack on Iran. Petraeus, by contrast, has been heating up the rhetoric against Iran."

from Petraeus promotion an ominous sign of possible war with Iran by Farrah Hassen, April 24, 2008

Did anyone actually believe that Cheney would willingly, lawfully leave the White House?  A war with will probably include incidents which wll be used to explain a declaration of martial law, and the economic devastation long planned to occur as part of the fake apocalpse.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:30 AM EDT

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