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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Another "war on terror" fantasy exposed as hoax

As I keep saying, there is little if any relationship between what we are being told about the "war o' terror" and reality.  Another bit of evidence for this claim is contained in The Insignificance and Insanity of Abu Zubaydah by Andy Worthington. It turns out that this supposed "high value detainee" is valuable only for the fantasies that supposedly come from his lips after sufficient torture. 

I've also been claiming that "enhanced interrogation" is worse than useless for its stated purpose of obtaining reliable information quickly.   However, this is another example of how well it works for its ACTUAL purposes, one of which is to produce "confessions," i.e. fantasies to "justify" the war on civilization currently raging most intensely in Iraq, the cradle of civilization and hence a suitable symbol, like the WTC, for civilization in general.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:44 AM EDT
Friday, April 25, 2008
Another war based on "neo-con eyes only" intelligence?

The basic tactic used by the neo-cons to con us into war is to claim to have special sources of intelligence which are so secret that only a handful of people can see it, and they can't talk about it in public.   So, it is no surprise to learn that Cheney is using supposed "black SIGINT" (Signal Intelligence, i.e. electronic eavesdropping utilizing advanced technology which can do things previously believed by most experts to be impossible), combined with intelligence from "God's chosen government" (which claims the right to kill people for pointing cameras at their tanks, since there can be no photographic evidence that Israel is an evil, oppressive state) to support his claims that Iranian client-state Syria is developing nuclear weapons.  See Cheney's Compulsive Obsession with Iraq WMDs & Syrian Nukes

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:36 AM EDT
Hagee/van Impe: Halllelujah - Jesis is comin'! Pray for war!
Topic: Nuclear warfare

"The promotion of Gen. David Petraeus is another ominous sign that the Bush administration may attack Iran.

"President Bush is nominating Petraeus, Commanding General of the Multi-National Force in Iraq, to replace Adm. William Fallon as head of Centcom: U.S. Central Command, which oversees the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"Fallon was forced to resign last month after his outspoken opposition to an attack on Iran. Petraeus, by contrast, has been heating up the rhetoric against Iran."

from Petraeus promotion an ominous sign of possible war with Iran by Farrah Hassen, April 24, 2008

Did anyone actually believe that Cheney would willingly, lawfully leave the White House?  A war with will probably include incidents which wll be used to explain a declaration of martial law, and the economic devastation long planned to occur as part of the fake apocalpse.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:30 AM EDT
Monday, April 21, 2008
Insane "war," lack of decent jobs too much for many veterans to bear

The "war" in Iraq is actually a war, but not in the usual sense.  It's what is known as Satanism, which is a war on mankind through physical, psychological (including terror - "the terrorists" to which Bush frequently refers are in our own military), and other means, including on the non-Satanists within our own military.  (For example, soldiers suffering from PTSD were often denied treatment and put into an even more traumatic situation.)  It also utilizes economic measures known as "free trade" which have drastically reduced the availability of productive employment for non-Satanists, including non-Satanist veterans.  (Satanists, thanks to Synarchist control over the banking system and their organized nature, have an easier time of finding employment.)  The epidemic of suicides within among Iraq veterans (see VA Hid Suicide Risk, Internal E-Mails Show, and the articles linked to it) can be attributed to this war on civilization and mankind by the Anglo-American SS.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:28 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 21, 2008 10:32 PM EDT
Sunday, April 20, 2008
US creates fake "Islamic terrorists" for show-trial

Prosecuting No-Threat Stumblebums by Alan Bock is another key to understanding the "war on terror."  The referenced prosecution, or persecution, is actually just a show to give us the impression that there IS such a thing as "Islamic terrorist sleepr cells," probably to serve as cover for Satanist terrorist sleeper cells waiting to unleash a reign of terror here in the USA, similar to that which Satanists within the US military have unleashed in Iraq.  If there were any decent evidence of "Islamic terrorist sleeper cells," would they resort to such transparent lies?  I suspect that the creation of this "terrorist cell" is a form of manipulation by the hidden aspect of the CIA [the part running the Reign of Terror] which LaRouche exposed in The Real CIA - The Rockefellers' Fascist Establishment

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:15 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, April 20, 2008 11:46 AM EDT
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Former Gitmo inmate claims true horror hidden behind fake front
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

"Nothing in the camp is ... the way the U.S. Army says it is and as it has been reported, filmed and photographed by journalists. There are cages and interrogation rooms specifically constructed for the media."

Murat Kurnaz, former Gitmo inmate, quoted in Our Very Own Axis of Evil in Guantánamo

This comes as no surprise, considering that the place is dedicated to Satanism and the Eighth Sphere agenda, in the guise of creating a place where all laws cease to exist so that American agents could do "what has to be done," despite all the evidence that it is worse than useless for the stated purpose of obtaining reliable information quickly.

This also reflects these psychopaths' low opinion of our intelligence. Are we supposed to believe that several inmates have tried to starve themselves to death, and are willing to undergo the horrendous forced feeding (intended to be worse than what motivated them to commit suicide in the first place), because they are forced to endure the benign conditions shown to reporters? Oh, that's right - suicide is a form of "asymmetric warfare," as one of the Gitmo goon-bosses explained.

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:06 PM EDT
Thursday, April 17, 2008
"Fragile progress" breaks just as Bush wants more money
Topic: Perpetual warfare

The recent outbreak of suicide bombings in Iraq, such as the one which took place on April 17th (Dozens Killed in Iraq Suicide Bombing) could be just another coincidence, but it could also be an example of how the "war" in Iraq is being choreographed to suit the Cheney gang's momentary requirements (US needs more war funds by June-Bush budget chief).

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:01 AM EDT
Great example of "free trade"
Topic: Economics

Considering that "free trade" is "code" for pro-feudalist economic warfare run by the British Empire, the following is one of the best examples I've seen lately:

Prince Philip's WWF Is Out to Murder Mexicans
April 16, 2008 (LPAC)--The Nazi World Wildlife Fund (WWF), headed by Prince Philip, is out to murder Mexicans as part of their global drive to reduce the world's population to one billion or less, by crushing the groundswell of support in Mexico for finally getting underway the construction of the Northwest Hydraulic Plan (PLHINO), a tri-state water management project which has been on the drawing boards for decades. U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche has urged construction of the PLHINO for three decades, as a crucial part of the greater North American "NAWAPA-plus" water project, required to develop the Great American Desert on both side of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Well-informed sources in the Mexican state of Sonora, Mexico warn that local media are under heavy pressure to launch a lying "environmentalist" campaign against construction of the PLHINO. This is coming from the WWF.... [end of excerpt]

From this perspective, Global Al's "global warming" hoax is probably the ultimate example of "free trade."

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:55 AM EDT
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Bush's "freedom" - for monsters
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

The horrible case of the torture-murder of Abdul Jaleel (see Iraqi In Custody Tortured To Death is years old, but I just recently learned about it.  As far as I can tell, the monsters responsible have apparently not even been charged with a crime.  Although they ultimately can't escape justice, they should be locked up until then for everyone's protection.

The above-linked article makes the point that such a crime will tend to create more resistance fighters, and I agree.  Not only will Iraqis be motivated by anger, but out of a preference to die fighting rather than being captured and tortured to death despite not being part of the resistance.  The apparent fact that Bush has not yet brought those responsible to justice, as seemingly indicated by U.S. Operatives Killed Detainees During Interrogations in Afghanistan and Iraq, speaks volumes about him and his "war." 

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:26 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:35 PM EDT
Monday, April 14, 2008
"Cheeleader beating" case revisited
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

I continue to stand by my initial sarcastic reaction to the "cheerleader beating" case - that it is another case of SRA being waved under our noses to mock our obliviousness to its very existence.  As of this writing, only one of the culprits (Stephen Schumaker) remains behind bars.  There have been reports that a few of these fine young animals giggled in the course of court proceedings.  When they were booked into jail, one of them asked whether she would be released in time for cheerleader practice the following day.  All of those released supposedly paid bail, but who knows?  It could all be show. The fact that the "Dr. Phil" show supposedly  paid bail for one of them might have been intended as a hint that it's all for show.  My guess is that this is all just going to fade into the background as civilization crumbles, and incidents like that beating, and far worse, become a daily occurrence.  Look at Iraq, and see your future unless LaRouche's policies, or something very much like them, are implemented.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:57 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 14, 2008 11:05 AM EDT

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