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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Friday, September 7, 2007
US military inquisitors inadvertently spill the beans
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

Rights Group: Vows Not to Torture Worth Little reports that "two men, Abdullah al-Hajji Ben Amor and Lotfi Lagha, ... were sent home to Tunisia after serving approximately five years in Guantánamo – without ever being charged – only to face torture and abuse."

If "enhanced interrogation" (EI) were intended to quickly obtain useful information, and if it were effective, there would be no more need to "interrogate" these guys after a few years of EI, right?  So, by sending them to the torturers' haven known as Tunisia after putting them through hell for years at Gitmo, the people behind EI are effectively admitting that it's not intended as a means of obtaining information or that it's not effective.

This naturally begs the question as to why it continues.  It just so happens that Guantanamo and Tunisia are in good spots relative to the Earth Grid for advanced SRA to be as effective as possible at facilitating possession.

Posted by fakeapoc at 6:36 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 9, 2007 1:09 PM EDT
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
WH-insider: Cheney's Cheney behind torture "justification"
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

Although there's no shortage of circumstantial evidence that Cheney is the driving force of the "Bush" administration, it doesn't hurt to have an insider's account.  As reported by LPAC on 9/4/07, someone on the inside has spilled the beans, and exposed Cheney's role as the Grand Inquisitor.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:27 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 5, 2007 2:38 PM EDT
Didja hear the one about the "haji" we tortured for three years and drove insane on the basis of lies?
Topic: Media

For someone as popular and witty as Dennis Miller to appear on the Tonight Show (Tuesday, Sept. 4th) and joke that "what happens in Guantanamo should stay in Guantanamo" is an abomination.  He should spend a few years as a prisoner down there and see if he still finds anything funny about his recommendation of a life sentence for each of the current detainees,  or if he can think at all.  What concerns me most about this rank insensitivity to tormenting innocent people to the point of insanity and in some cases, death, is how it will play in the Islamic world - will Al Jazeera use it to portray all Americans as Muslim-hating sadists?  But on the bright side, Miller did help to expose the psychopathy inherent in neo-conservatism.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:23 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Cheney gang says Padilla's faking brain damage

from In Padilla interrogation, no checks or balances:

Allegations deemed not credible

Defense Department officials say they believe Padilla is faking his psychological conditions. No similar detailed psychological examinations, however, have been conducted by the government.

Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon, a Pentagon spokesman, says suggestions that Padilla is a different person after his years in military custody are not evidence of illegal abuse. Simply being held in a federal prison can change an inmate's personality, but that doesn't mean prison officials tortured him, Commander Gordon says. "I bet I would be different," he says.

In terms of oversight, Gordon says, Defense Department personnel stand ready to fully investigate any credible allegations of torture or other illegal conduct at the brig. "Credible allegations of illegal conduct are taken seriously," he says. "In this case we don't believe that to have occurred."

The Cheneyacs, who are now in full CYA-mode over Padilla's patently pre-Magna Carta, Inquisitional treatment (with modern techniques), must think we're as brain-damaged as Padilla.  After all, it was only a couple of weeks ago that Dr. Angela Hegarty, an actual psychiatrist who is qualified to make such judgments, stated in an interview that Padilla suffered not just psychological damage, but actual brain damage, as a result of his 42-months of "enhanced interrogation" (which by the way produced no information of any significance, just as it hasn't in any of the thousands of other cases).  Only time will tell whether Padilla will remain in prison for the rest of his "life,"  but it seems clear that he will never be free again, since according to one witness, he has been converted into "a piece of furniture."

What would really help would be for some benevolent shrinks to interview Padilla on camera, let them edit the recording as they deem necessary, and post it on the internet.  Then we can see for ourselves the results of what Cheney considers to be "humane" treatment.  We could even let him edit out the "state secrets," unless he wants to classify Padilla's brain damage as one.

Posted by fakeapoc at 6:13 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 4, 2007 6:52 PM EDT
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Why IE techniques are really being kept secret
Topic: Big Lies

Bush claims that we have to keep our "enhanced interrogation" techniques secret to prevent Al Qaeda from training its members to resist such techniques.  But. according to A Question of Torture by Alfred McCoy, none of these techniques are much good, even on people who haven't been trained to resist, and the claims to the contrary are based on ignorance or lies:

"As noted, FBI interrogators found the military's techniques produced little real information and interfered with their own bureau's proven methods of building rapport through long, noncoercive questioning." [p 196 - I don't know what they mean by "long," but considering that a typical detainee subjected to "enhanced interrogation" is isolated for months, the proven methods almost certainly take less time.]

Bush's lie about the purpose of the secrecy is also a means to subtly repeat the lie that "IE" is effective at obtaining information.  Mentioning that it is not effective is taboo within the Establishment, because Satanism is the state religion (Christian Fundamentalism is a front for Satanism, for purposes of the fake apocalypse), and IE is a form of SRA/Satanism.

One purpose of EI is to serve as an intermediate level of SRA.  I suspect that EI is also intended to facilitate various aspects of the 8th Sphere agenda, which includes the literal theft of brain matter for the 8th Sphere by creating certain states of mind (see my essay on the 8th Sphere).  The CIA freely admits that one of its purposes is to break the will of the victims (which is related to the 8S agenda), but by the time that is achieved, the victims are reduced to basket cases.  John C. Lilly, who did research for the CIA, soon realized that the CIA had no good motive for breaking a person's will, and quit.  Besides, look at what they did to Padilla - they put him in isolation for about THREE YEARS, which can hardly be construed as a desire to obtain information quickly.  

The actual reason that Bush and Cheney want to keep the "enhanced interrogation" techniques under wraps is that they don't want US to know what their fellow sadists are up to, and that their activity has nothing to do with obtaining useful information to prevent terrorism.  (Just assume that whatever they say is a lie, and look at what they're doing if possible.) 

I gather that from now on, "enhanced interrogation" will be kept secret from us, and any cases that leak out will be said to be extreme and rare, although I imagine that more lurid "leaks" will be fed to the Islamic masses to keep them enraged, just as the dirty deeds of Israel's "apocalypse" faction are heavily whitewashed by our media, leaving Americans (and many Israelis) clueless about the motives of Palestinians who lash out. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:11 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 2, 2007 11:17 PM EDT
LaRouche or bust
Topic: Economics

LaRouche has been warning us for decades that the inevitable consequence of "free trade" policies would be the destruction of the global economy.  That moment has arrived - Greenspan's gargantuan bubble of hundreds of TRILLIONS of dollars, much of it literally gambling-debt, is now collapsing - and wouldn't you know it - our government is turning to the very "experts" (such as Nazi banker Felix Rohatyn and Nazi-banker-henchman George Schultz) who helped to create the disaster, to rescue us from it!  Which of these "experts" has been warning us, for decades, that their policies would destroy the economy, and which of them is urging the adoption of tried-and-true policies to get us out of their mess?  None, of course.   Only LaRouche and his associates, whom "the experts" refuse to debate, can be trusted to provide solutions. 

If Earth is not to fall into the hands of mankind's enemies, those leaders who have been ignoring LaRouche's warnings must face the fact that he has been right all along.  It might not be easy to admit that you've been taking the wrong advice, and to start saying no to Nazis after agreeing with them for so long, but it's a lot easier than letting them send Earth to Hades and eventually being held partly responsible.

Furthermore, LaRouche has recently said that it's too late to impeach both Cheney and Bush, because the disarray would waste precious time.  His position is that Cheney must be shown the door and allowed to use whatever excuse he wants, and that his FDR-like policies must be given veto-proof support from Congress.  Otherwise, civilization will collapse, with our military halfway around the world in the midst of people whose country they've just destroyed. 

The TV show Jericho is apparently intended to program us to expect this possible future, with the blame, of course, being placed on "the terrorists":

"After a nuclear disaster caused by several terrorist attacks destroys most of America, residents of a small Kansas town must come to terms with a new and very different reality."  (From TV.com's page on Jericho

"Residents of a small Kansas town."  Just who do you think that might be?  My guess is that it's where you would find the people who plan to inherit the Earth, and who are probably the ones that took over entire small farming communities after "free trade" policies destroyed the economic viability of small farms.

There is apparently an ancient racial aspect to this planned extermination of the human race.  The following passage from The Christian Coalition: The Nature of the Beast seems to indicate this:

One cold night in the early 1980s, some young men selected for this role drove through the streets of Washington, D.C. with the windows down, singing an anarchist hymn cynically set to the tune of America the Beautiful [Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist were the singers]:

'Tis time to right the great wrong done
ten thousand years ago,
The state conceived
in blood and hate
Remains our only foe,
So circle brothers, circle brothers,
Victory is nigh!
Come meet thy fate, destroy the state
And raise black banners high....

What "great wrong" could have been done 10,000 years ago, especially since Fundies believe that the universe was created by the Great Magician with a wave of a wand and a puff of smoke about 6,000 years ago?  My guess is that it was God's choice of the current prevailing Aryan race (which has nothing to do with skin color, and which includes the vast majority of mankind), back during the "good old days" of Atlantis, as the best-suited for future evolution.  (The forces of evil hope to effectively regress us to this stage of evolution, when mankind had no free will.  This is an aspect of the 8th Sphere agenda, which as indicated by what was done to Jose Padilla, is apparently the CIA's major preoccupation - giving new meaning to the "intelligence" in Central Intelligence Agency since free will and intelligence are intimately related.)  For more along this line, see my essay Speculations on the Origin of the Oligarchy.

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:41 PM EDT
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Jordan sentence: more torture and provocation
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

According to A Question of Torture by Alfred McCoy, "In December 2004, the Senate voted 96 to 2 to approve a ban on torture and inhumane treatment of detainees by all intelligence agencies.  But the White House forced deletion of this torture ban through 'intense, closed door negotiations.'"  [In other words, the Ghost President Dick Cheney, whose doodles are even classified "above top secret," was involved.]

Anyone who wants to get to the bottom of the modern usage of torture couldn't do much better than to read McCoy's book.  In my opinion, its most significant point is that there is no good reason for torture, and despite a claim that it is used by leaders for a sense of control, it ultimately leaves the reader wondering why Cheney is so determined to continue torturing people who in many cases could not have any useful information, and for long periods of time despite the claim that it's the only way to obtain information quickly.  The answer is that torture is a form of Satanic "Ritual" (repetitive, routine) Abuse, which is the core activity of Satanism, which naturally serves Satan's top priority of hijacking human souls.  The psychological torture developed by the CIA, which serves as an intermediate level of SRA, is apparently also intended to serve another occult agenda, which I call "the 8th Sphere agenda."  The sorts of psychological impairment (i.e. brain damage) exhibited by victims of extreme isolation support this position.  When the victims of American imprisonment in Iraq are released, the Islamic world is in for another shock, because they will realize that their fellow Muslims have been reduced to psychos and zombies, and that it could happen to any of them.  (Thank God that Bush is a Christian - imagine what this sadistic psychopath would do if he were a Satanist.)

It helps to recognize that the actual purpose of the "war" in Iraq is to create the impression that the Apocalypse is upon us, in order to grease the skids and provide cover for a long-planned destruction of civilization (which just coincidentally began in the cradle of civilization) and to replace it with the universal fascism touted by arch-neocon Michael Ledeen.  This is why the Bush-Cheney Reich is so hypocritically determined to use nukes on Iran, when the evidence indicates that it has no nukes. 

From this perspective, Christian Zionism is a fantasy-based political movement designed to obtain votes for "apocalypse"-mongers such as Bush, disguised as a religion.  God doesn't need psychopath like Bush to help Him arrange the fulfillment of prophecy, which by the way consists of of events which cannot be simulated by humans.

In order to create an "apocalyptic" struggle, America needed to provoke the Iraqi masses, and what better way to do this than to publish photos of the perverted abuses being inflicted upon average Iraqis by Americans?  According to McCoy's book, Rumsfeld's super-secret Copper Green operation originated the practice of taking these explicit photos.  Furthermore, cameras weren't forbidden from the prison, or even the CIA's "hard site" at the prison, which is a violation of standard prison practice.

There is no doubt that Lt. Col. Steven L. Jordan was part of the secret chain of command leading up to Dick Cheney, the VP for endless torture and war.  Jordan's "punishment" (a reprimand for disobeying an order related to the case), imposed on 8/30/07, is actually a reward for a job well done, an intentional provocation of Muslims everywhere (just as cooler weather approaches in Iraq),  and a signal that torture will continue, but secretly.  Cases which are exposed will be said to be extreme, as if abuse and torture haven't been shown to be counterproductive for purposes of obtaining reliable information in any case. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:36 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, September 1, 2007 2:03 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A pic says a thousand words.






 The image on the left is a from a video of Bush and Rumsfeld surveying the damage to the Pentagon shortly after 9/11, apparently unaware that there was a video camera recording them.  I call it "Mission Accomplished."  I meant to put it on line a long time ago, but forgot about it until the popular video of another surprised rodent, Drama Prairie Dog, made its appearance in the media. 

For those who haven't seen the video:  Bush and Rumsfeld were facing away from the camera, looking at the destroyed section of the Pentagon, apparently gloating over having pulled off the "Reichstag Fire" to get the Bush Reich underway.  As they turned toward the camera, they realized that it was there, and they quickly put their masks of seriousness and concern on over their monstrous, mocking true faces.  (You can see this change occur in the video - Bush, who was evidently thrown off balance when he noticed the camera, is still working on his change in the frame shown.) 

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:22 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, August 31, 2007 11:34 AM EDT
Monday, August 27, 2007
Vietnam: the original catastrophic success
Topic: Big Lies

If you try to understand Bush's comparison of the Vietnam war to the Iraq war by assuming that they were intended to protect the world against tyrants, you will never make sense of it.  But if you assume that they were intended to destroy civilization in the affected regions, then it makes sense.  Note that he didn't say that the slaughter following our sudden departure from Vietnam was wrong - the war was INTENDED to convert the region into a killing field, and once we had sufficiently destroyed the underpinnings of civilization in the region (partly through the Phoenix "counterinsurgency" program, which was essentially Satanism targeted at the intellectual infrastructure) and put killers such as the Khmer Rouge in place, we left and said that we lost.  Obviously, we couldn't admit that we had achieved our goal.

The reason we destroyed Vietnam is that it had kicked out its French colonial masters - part of the Synarchist financial oligarchy - and America, as a puppet of the financial oligarchy, was assigned to make an example of it.  So, we had to invent the "domino theory" to explain our original interest in the place, and when we wanted to launch the war, we claimed that the North Vietnamese had attacked one of our boats in the Gulf of Tonkin.  JFK had tried to stop the war, but he too was made into an example, using professional French mafia hit-men.   Now, Vietnam is a "socialist free trade" fiefdom, where the serfs receive "competitive" wages at sweatshops - just as in the bankers' "democratic free trade" fiefdoms.

So, by comparing Iraq to Vietnam and raising the specter of a sudden pull-out, Bush was hinting that our goal in Iraq was pure destruction, and that we're almost finished and ready to pull out (except for a relatively small presence to "manage the chaos," as Rumsfeld put it).  But since Bush can't tell the truth, he said we're going to remain, which we can't do unless Congress plans to abandon our military there as they re-enact the final scene of the remake of Cape Fear, where the criminal sinks beneath the water, handcuffed to a sinking boat (the existing financial system), babbling like a madman.

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:08 PM EDT
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Everything you probably want to know about torture, in a single book
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

As a result of my recent interest in the subject of "enhanced interrogation" (EI), I learned that a book on the subject, namely A Question of Torture by Alfred W. McCoy, was published in 2006.  I read it, and would highly recommend it to anyone else interested in the subject.  It covers every imaginable aspect of torture pertaining to its modern usage, it is very concise and well-written, and in my opinion, it comes about as close as possible (for a book by a mainstream publisher) to stating that the actual motive for the practice is Satanism.  This is not to say that everyone who engages in it is a Satanist, because the book contains evidence of an agenda to induce even reluctant participation, with I assume the intent to break down moral inhibitions to the point of inducing possession in non-Satanists, which is actually not much lower than inducing possession in Satanists in the guise of preparing them for initiation into black magic.

This book supports the claim, which I've previously read, that some of the most barbaric forms of torture occur in Uzbekistan.   So, I finally decided to see where this Beastly throwback to the Middle Ages lies on the Earth Grid.  Not surprisingly, it's located in a choice spot, and  I imagine it does quite a bustling "tourist" business.

I confess to skimming over the chapter Impunity in America, because it's about the slimy tactics used by the Bush Reich to get away with torture, at least in this world.  If I ever need to feel even more disgusted with this group of nation-hijackers, I might read this chapter.  I suppose it proves that there must be a very compelling and inadmissible reason for torture. 

Because I was looking for a thread of the 8th Sphere agenda running through the history of EI, I found the following passage on page 102 particularly interesting:

In September 1992, the Army Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca issued a revised field manual, FM 34-52....  [It stated] that "physical or mental torture and coercion revolve around ELIMINATING THE SOURCE'S FREE WILL, and are expressly prohibited."  [emphasis added]

Considering that an aspect of the 8th Sphere agenda is to prevent the "I" or free will of each person from reincarnating on Earth, that the aforementioned Army manual admits that there are no good reasons to use coercive "interrogations" and that there are good reasons to avoid using them, the above statement from an Army manual confirms my suspicions that the 8th Sphere agenda is one of the motives behind the recent outbreak of abuse/torture/torment which has been traced back to Dark Dick and his legalistic sidekick Addington.

The final chapter of A Question of Torture devotes a couple of paragraphs to the supposed inadmissible actual motive for torture, which is that during periods of chaos, it gives leaders a sense of power.  This might be true in some cases, but why would the US systematically train members of foreign militaries in the use of coercive techniques?  The book's final sentence reveals what I believe is the ultimate motive, but with sufficient ambiguity to allow it to sink in gradually.

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:22 PM EDT

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