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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Monday, September 17, 2007
Article provides further evidence that
Topic: Satanism/SRA

Briton jailed in Iraq for terrorism claims he was tortured includes the following passage:

He added: "Another group came, they tortured me even more. They told me to say I'm a spy sent by the British, [they said] you gave money, you support [the insurgents]. They twisted both my arms. They are worse than Saddam, they do the same and even worse. They want me to say things that are not true."
Speaking for the first time she said: "They beat up a woman in front of me, her legs were blue, she had to go to hospital. They hanged her from the ceiling and beat her." [end of excerpt]

Actually, the culprits didn't even want a false confession from these people - their accusations were based on a script, and intended to give the impression that the motive for their torture is interrogation, when in fact, their motive is Satanism.  It just goes to show that suckers [Satanists] come in all races and nationalities.  Sickeningly but not surprisingly, the British government couldn't be bothered to help out the victim because he has a dual nationality, although it was willing to go to war to help the US unleash the chaos that has converted Iraq into a playground for Satanists, who as usual in such cases aren't usually vulnerable to reprisals in this world.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:22 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 3:45 PM EDT
Media plugs "wise man" Greenspan's ass-covering tome in exchange for him lying about the Iraq war

As an indication of Alan Greenspan's witting complicity in the creation of the vast financial bubble which threatens civilization, Lyndon LaRouche dubbed him "Bubbles Greenspan" well before "the experts" even acknowledged the existence of a financial bubble.  His recently released book, The Age of Turbulence (an allusion to the collapse of his bubble), from what I've heard and read in the news, amounts to an attempt for Greenspan to conceal his role in creating the bubble, and to preserve his image as a modern oracle. 

In the course of his media appearances in connection with the book's release, Greenspan has been using his reputation as an insider and wise-man to peddle the claim that the actual motive for the war on Iraq was to get the oil.  (60 Minutes deserves credit for pointing out his role in creating the bubble.  Still, it's not exactly plugging the solution.)  Considering that most Americans believe that a shortage of oil is behind the high prices of gas, this is probably partly an attempt to gain their tacit approval for a continuation of the war. 

As is typical of such assertions, it is impossible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it's NOT the motive behind the war.  However, considering that the neo-cons always planned to attack Iran after attacking Iraq, and that attacking Iran would unleash global chaos (which is bad for oil profits), I doubt that Iraq's oil was the motive for the war on Iraq.  As I've claimed for a long time, the goal IS "apocalyptic" chaos (Greenspan's "turbulence"), and the main reason for disguising it as the Apocalypse is to get political support from suckers who fall for Fundy propaganda.  By the time they realize they've been had, it'll be too late.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:19 PM EDT
Heritage Foundation dredges up Hayek's "classic" lie
Topic: Economics

Undoubtedly for the purpose of counteracting any tendency for people to recognize economic reality as Sir Alan's great fantasy-bubble implodes and LaRouche's ideas become absolutely imperative for the survival of civilization as we know it, the outpost of British Intelligence known as the Heritage Foundation has cranked out a new version of Hayek's "free trade" fairy-tale, The Road to Serfdom.  The related web page states that "The Road to Serfdom – originally published in 1944 – was seen at the time as heretical for its passionate warning against the dangers of state control over the means of production.  For F. A. Hayek, the collectivist idea of empowering government with increasing economic control would lead, not to a utopia, but to the horrors of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy."  This is cleverly written, but it fails to mention that it was heretical because FDR had just used the "collectivist" American System to save civilization from the Great Depression and Hitler.  To the oligarchy, the only permissible form of collective action is that which contributes to their wealth and power, and ultimately, the creation of Hades on Earth similar to the mechanistic society depicted in Orwell's 1984, which is clearly based on an awareness of the 8th Sphere agenda.

Note that Hayek's anti-"collectivist" propaganda was originally published at the end of WW2, just as FDR's co-thinkers were considering the use of America's vast industrial might to raise the global standard of living. (Note: an industrial society which allows freedom of thought and opportunities for creativity and scientific research is not the same as a "mechanistic order" which tries to reduce people to machines.)  Conveniently for them, FDR had just passed on, and they had managed to get their puppet Truman into the Presidency.  Stalin was convinced that Churchill had poisoned FDR at the optimal moment, and wanted his own doctors to investigate.  FDR planned to dismantle the global "free trade" colonial empire, but Truman promptly proceeded to do just the opposite.  In the case of Vietnam, the US actually ended up exacting revenge on a former French colony that kicked its Synarchist masters out.  Now, it has seen the error of its ways and returned to its rightful place as a haven for free-trade concentration camps, a major source of "shareholder value."

Unfortunately, even as mankind witnesses the calamitous results of four decades of government abandoning mankind to the whims of Hayek's masters, the Synarchist relics of the ancient feudal aristocracy (a.k.a. "market forces"), it fails to recognize the monstrously cynical meaning of the book's title, which is that Hayek's economic system IS a road to serfdom.  The main difference is that modern serfs don't slave away in the fields, at least until we go totally "green."  For background on the economic warfare known as "free trade," see my page The Economic Treason of "Free Traders." 

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:07 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, September 17, 2007 8:15 PM EDT
Sunday, September 16, 2007
3 witnesses to nuke-missile "goof" suddenly dead

According to news reports, 3 of the airmen who witnessed some of the events surrounding the "accidental" transport of nuclear-tipped cruise missiles from Minot, North Dakota to Barksdale, Louisiana have met "unfortunate" ends.  See "Whoops! Apocalypse" for the details.  Its claims are supported by independent news sources near Minot. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:23 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 16, 2007 2:30 PM EDT
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The key to the purpose of the "war" in Iraq
Topic: Satanism/SRA

In case anyone needs further evidence that the purpose of the "war" in Iraq is to torture Iraq to death, they should read The Secret Behind the Sanctions: How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply by Thomas J. Nagy [link].


Posted by fakeapoc at 7:46 PM EDT
Why would an Iraqi use chlorine bombs?

"In a chilling reminder of how difficult it may be to maintain those levels, Dr. Mohsin said that chlorine imports had been severely curtailed as a result of recent insurgent bombs that had been laced with chlorine, which in concentrated form can be deadly."

from Cholera Epidemic Infects 7,000 People in Iraq

So, who are these supposed Iraq-loving insurgents who continue to manufacture and detonate chlorine bombs, despite the fact that their only significant result has been to cause a potentially uncontrollable cholera epidemic?  Who has been targeting Iraq's water infrastructure since the 1991 invasion?

This is why I suspect that the insurgents which attack the infrastructure upon which Iraqis in general depend, are agents of the occupation.  How many other "insurgents," then, are also working, perhaps unwittingly, for their supposed enemies?

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:39 PM EDT
So why should we start believing Bush now?

If Bush tries to appear to be any more concerned than he already does, he's going to have to have tears running down his face during his next speech.  It's quite an act, but inactions speak louder than feigned expressions, and Bush is apparently fully prepared to allow an innocent al-Jazeera cameraman, Sami al-Haj, starve himself to death in protest to his baseless incarceration at Bush's simulation of Hades at Guantanamo.  (This would have at least two effects: discourage independent media coverage of the "war," and provoke Islam against the US even more.  It appears that al-Haj was hired in order to be captured and die in prison, specifically to provoke al-Jazeera's large Islamic readership.) 

Bush and the Whore of Babble-On also appear to be prepared to leave our military in Iraq even as the global financial system disintegrates.  I didn't think that the military would let them get away with this, but I guess I was wrong.  Maybe it has some mysterious capability to continue to conduct a massive, high-tech war on the other side of the planet, but without an economy to back it up, even when they're reportedly running short on bullets, or maybe Bush's latest version of "stay the course" was intended to deceive the world about his true intent. 

Bush's masters are desperate to destroy the US, partly to make a Spartacus-like example of it, and leaving our most seasoned soldiers halfway around the world, attacking Iraqis who are attacking Americans because they attacked first, when we need our military most at home, would be a logical part of any plan to destroy it.

But then, who knows?  Our military-intelligence complex has mastered the art of deception (which is a good thing in this case), largely by giving out contradictory signals, so I don't know why I even try to figure out its next move.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:06 PM EDT
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Report from Iraq indicates civil war being put in place
Topic: Perpetual warfare

Independent film producer Rick Rowley appeared on Democracy Now on September 11th, 2007 (link) and reported some of what he has learned while embedded with various Iraqi militias, contradicting the Petraeus Report in major ways.  In summary, he claims that we have allied ourselves with certain Sunni tribes which were part of the resistance, and have essentially hired them to fight Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).  Considering that AQI is, in my estimation, a front for dirty US "black" ops (i.e. above-top-secret programs which are never acknowledged) this could mean that the Cheney gang has accomplished an interim goal of putting a quasi-self-sustaining civil war in place, and thus has no more use for his AQI stooges.  So, he'll call them off and give credit for the sudden "progress" to his new strategy, which I assume is designed to give a temporary impression of progress in the lead-up to the election, followed by an all-out civil war after the election.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:36 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 8:42 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What is this thing called "the war in Iraq?"
Topic: Big Lies

Behind all the smokescreens being thrown up by the government and the media, what's really happening in Iraq is that the country is being tortured to death.   In a nutshell, it's Satanism on a vast scale.  Keep this in mind when you hear some spokesman claim that "we're winning in Iraq."  What do they mean by "we?"

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:06 AM EDT
Monday, September 10, 2007
The real surge
Topic: Satanism/SRA

Iraq: Government Death Squads Ravaging Baghdad, dated 9/5/07, states that:

Death squads from the Ministry of Interior posing as Iraqi police are killing more people than ever in the capital, emerging evidence shows.
The Iraqi Islamic Party, the largest Sunni party, blamed militias with ties to the government and the U.S. military.

"The Iraqi Islamic Party asks how could 26 people, women among them, have been transported from Amil to Abu Chir through all those Iraqi and U.S. army checkpoints and patrols," it said in a statement.  [end of excerpts]

Is there any thinking person who still believes that the purpose of these unspeakable acts is to gather information to hasten a resolution of sectarian violence?  Are we supposed to believe that the US military can't control these "death" (kidnapping) squads, or that it even wants to?   This stinks to high Heaven of an operation to provide Satanists with victims to torture in order to become, in the words of the Christian Military Fellowship (a likely "Christian" fundamentalist apocalypse-mongering front for Satanism), "empowered by the Holy Spirit." [1]  (From the perspective of genuine occultism, the Holy Spirit is Lucifer, whom Satanists mistakenly equate with Satan.  The designation Holy Spirit has something to do with our potential to redeem Lucifer through the proper use of intelligence, which he helped to give us.  Based on decoding Triangles web-pages, it appears to me that Satanists believe they are invoking Lucifer through SRA, of which torture-murder is the most advanced form.) 

[1] "We're Dealing with a Christian Taliban": Interview with Mikey Weinstein

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:59 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, September 10, 2007 1:11 AM EDT

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