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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The key to the purpose of the "war" in Iraq
Topic: Satanism/SRA

In case anyone needs further evidence that the purpose of the "war" in Iraq is to torture Iraq to death, they should read The Secret Behind the Sanctions: How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply by Thomas J. Nagy [link].


Posted by fakeapoc at 7:46 PM EDT
Why would an Iraqi use chlorine bombs?

"In a chilling reminder of how difficult it may be to maintain those levels, Dr. Mohsin said that chlorine imports had been severely curtailed as a result of recent insurgent bombs that had been laced with chlorine, which in concentrated form can be deadly."

from Cholera Epidemic Infects 7,000 People in Iraq

So, who are these supposed Iraq-loving insurgents who continue to manufacture and detonate chlorine bombs, despite the fact that their only significant result has been to cause a potentially uncontrollable cholera epidemic?  Who has been targeting Iraq's water infrastructure since the 1991 invasion?

This is why I suspect that the insurgents which attack the infrastructure upon which Iraqis in general depend, are agents of the occupation.  How many other "insurgents," then, are also working, perhaps unwittingly, for their supposed enemies?

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:39 PM EDT
So why should we start believing Bush now?

If Bush tries to appear to be any more concerned than he already does, he's going to have to have tears running down his face during his next speech.  It's quite an act, but inactions speak louder than feigned expressions, and Bush is apparently fully prepared to allow an innocent al-Jazeera cameraman, Sami al-Haj, starve himself to death in protest to his baseless incarceration at Bush's simulation of Hades at Guantanamo.  (This would have at least two effects: discourage independent media coverage of the "war," and provoke Islam against the US even more.  It appears that al-Haj was hired in order to be captured and die in prison, specifically to provoke al-Jazeera's large Islamic readership.) 

Bush and the Whore of Babble-On also appear to be prepared to leave our military in Iraq even as the global financial system disintegrates.  I didn't think that the military would let them get away with this, but I guess I was wrong.  Maybe it has some mysterious capability to continue to conduct a massive, high-tech war on the other side of the planet, but without an economy to back it up, even when they're reportedly running short on bullets, or maybe Bush's latest version of "stay the course" was intended to deceive the world about his true intent. 

Bush's masters are desperate to destroy the US, partly to make a Spartacus-like example of it, and leaving our most seasoned soldiers halfway around the world, attacking Iraqis who are attacking Americans because they attacked first, when we need our military most at home, would be a logical part of any plan to destroy it.

But then, who knows?  Our military-intelligence complex has mastered the art of deception (which is a good thing in this case), largely by giving out contradictory signals, so I don't know why I even try to figure out its next move.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:06 PM EDT
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Report from Iraq indicates civil war being put in place
Topic: Perpetual warfare

Independent film producer Rick Rowley appeared on Democracy Now on September 11th, 2007 (link) and reported some of what he has learned while embedded with various Iraqi militias, contradicting the Petraeus Report in major ways.  In summary, he claims that we have allied ourselves with certain Sunni tribes which were part of the resistance, and have essentially hired them to fight Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).  Considering that AQI is, in my estimation, a front for dirty US "black" ops (i.e. above-top-secret programs which are never acknowledged) this could mean that the Cheney gang has accomplished an interim goal of putting a quasi-self-sustaining civil war in place, and thus has no more use for his AQI stooges.  So, he'll call them off and give credit for the sudden "progress" to his new strategy, which I assume is designed to give a temporary impression of progress in the lead-up to the election, followed by an all-out civil war after the election.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:36 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 8:42 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What is this thing called "the war in Iraq?"
Topic: Big Lies

Behind all the smokescreens being thrown up by the government and the media, what's really happening in Iraq is that the country is being tortured to death.   In a nutshell, it's Satanism on a vast scale.  Keep this in mind when you hear some spokesman claim that "we're winning in Iraq."  What do they mean by "we?"

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:06 AM EDT
Monday, September 10, 2007
The real surge
Topic: Satanism/SRA

Iraq: Government Death Squads Ravaging Baghdad, dated 9/5/07, states that:

Death squads from the Ministry of Interior posing as Iraqi police are killing more people than ever in the capital, emerging evidence shows.
The Iraqi Islamic Party, the largest Sunni party, blamed militias with ties to the government and the U.S. military.

"The Iraqi Islamic Party asks how could 26 people, women among them, have been transported from Amil to Abu Chir through all those Iraqi and U.S. army checkpoints and patrols," it said in a statement.  [end of excerpts]

Is there any thinking person who still believes that the purpose of these unspeakable acts is to gather information to hasten a resolution of sectarian violence?  Are we supposed to believe that the US military can't control these "death" (kidnapping) squads, or that it even wants to?   This stinks to high Heaven of an operation to provide Satanists with victims to torture in order to become, in the words of the Christian Military Fellowship (a likely "Christian" fundamentalist apocalypse-mongering front for Satanism), "empowered by the Holy Spirit." [1]  (From the perspective of genuine occultism, the Holy Spirit is Lucifer, whom Satanists mistakenly equate with Satan.  The designation Holy Spirit has something to do with our potential to redeem Lucifer through the proper use of intelligence, which he helped to give us.  Based on decoding Triangles web-pages, it appears to me that Satanists believe they are invoking Lucifer through SRA, of which torture-murder is the most advanced form.) 

[1] "We're Dealing with a Christian Taliban": Interview with Mikey Weinstein

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:59 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, September 10, 2007 1:11 AM EDT
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Forget the Petraeus Report - Scott Ritter puts the Iraq "war" into focus
Topic: Perpetual warfare

The following passage from Reporting From Baghdad
by Scott Ritter is one of the best explanations I've seen of the "war" in Iraq:

“Who is killing them [US soldiers]?” Another easy answer:  Iraqis.  We are occupying their homeland.  We are violating their sovereignty.  We are butchering, abusing and torturing their citizens.  Our continued presence is an affront to the socioeconomic-political fabric that is (or was) Iraqi society.  If someone occupied my hometown in the same manner Americans occupy Iraq, I’d be killing them any way I could.  And I would be called a hero by my own people, not a terrorist.  The Bush administration, in an effort to deflect public attention away from this reality, has created the fiction of a massive al-Qaida presence in Iraq, working in parallel with a similarly large Iranian Revolutionary Guard Command presence, which apparently is responsible for the majority of anti-American violence and dead U.S. troops.

[Although this can be construed as meaning that ALL American soldiers are responsible for the sorts of actions that infuriate Iraqis, the fact is that there is clearly a Satanist faction which is behind the worst of these actions, and they regard the rest of the American soldiers as their playthings along with Iraqis.  However, American soldiers in general  DO enable the actions of the dirty faction, and this is why they are taking the heat for the dirty faction, which is never around when there's a possibility of being killed, which they regard as nonexistence.  Satan's brave knights only attack when their intended victims are defenseless, and it does so in such a way as to prevent themselves from being identified to outsiders.  Their goal is to do the lowest possible thing without getting caught.  By this point in their career of crimes against humanity, they have effectively eliminated their consciences, and they are working on developing the ability to enjoy destroying humans in their drive to become "supermen," which is the sort of bait you would expect Satan to use to lure suckers into becoming his killer-puppets.]

Later, the article sheds much-needed light on the activity of some of the private military contractors:

"... the never-never land of legal ambiguity that allows these mercenaries to commit murder at will, to treat Iraq (and Iraqis) as second-class citizens in their own nation, and whose continued abuse of Iraq results in a deep and undying hatred for all things American."

Another factor which is probably driving Iraqis to attack US forces is hopelessness, caused by the living conditions which have only worsened over the course of the occupation, combined with the seeming endlessness of the war.  From this perspective, Bush's refusal to set a timetable might be a form of psywar intended to fuel the insurgency.   (The periodic hints of a draw-down might be another form of manipulation designed to convince potential recruits that they won't go to Iraq, despite the contradictory claims of a long-term occupation.)  Then there's the apparent plans to leave US forces at "non-permanent" bases (i.e. anything less than eternity), from which they would maintain the Sunni-Shiite civil war which it appears is being put in place, and destroy any attempts to rebuild infrastructure.   All we hear for the most part is the deliberately-confusing drivel coming from the media, which amounts to a sort of Establishment dance intended to explain why the war is continuing.

As opposed to the cloud of disinformation served up daily by the mass-pabulum media, this has the ring of truth, especially coming from a known-trustworthy source who bucked the tide of disinformation that got us into Iraq.  It is also consistent with the articles a while back by Chris Hedges (The Other War and Iraq Vets Break Silence on Devastating Realities of War) based on interviews of approximately 50 US soldiers who had served in Iraq.  


Posted by fakeapoc at 8:58 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:36 AM EDT
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Satan's soldiers prepare to impose the real NWO
Topic: Universal fascism

Years ago, I wrote that, before the global economy collapsed, Satan's British empire would destroy any countries which would otherwise survive the collapse, in order to pave the way for the global universal-fascist empire advocated by Michael Ledeen.  This is one of the goals driving the war on Iraq, and the impending hostilities toward the rest of Asia (Orwell's Eastasia). 

This "Mad Max"/1984 scenario, which some might have written off as a paranoid fantasy when I originally scribbled it on my website, has recently been confirmed by the following article from the LaRouche PAC's website:

British Military Conference: Rebuilding the British Empire

September 8, 2007 (LPAC)--On September 10 a military conference entitled "Defence to 2020 and Beyond," has as it main theme, how the military must address the "breakdown of global order" in the next decade, according to Janes Defence Weekly. The conference is clearly aimed at the "day after" the financial collapse, and warfighting in the "new dark age" that Lyndon LaRouche has been warning of if a new financial system is not immediately implemented.

The conference main sessions have titles such as "Future of Warfare-What Should Be Anticipated- Policy issues; asymmetric conflict..." Another more telling session is entitled, "Protecting freedom of the seas, littorals and choke points if globalisation breaks down." And another, "After Iraq and Afghanistan - dealing with failed and failing states." 

Almost all of the speakers are active duty military officers from Great Britain, the U.S., Germany and other NATO countries, as well as Australia., including Lt. General David Richards, Commander of NATO's Allied Rapid Reaction Corp; Lt. General James Mattis, Commander U.S. Marine Forces Central Command, Lt. General David Hurley, Australian Dept of Defence, Vice Admiral Gerard Valin, head of plans and capabilities, French Navy. The only non-active duty military named is Dr. Anthony Cordesman of CSIS. 

The spiritual father and keynote speaker at the conference is Rear Admiral Chris Parry of Her Majesty's Royal Navy and Director of General Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre of the British Ministry of Defence.

After implementing a policy to destroy nation states ["free trade"], the British are now formulating a military doctrine to rebuild their empire on the East India company model.  [end of article]

"Global warming," which the British-controlled mass media claim will radically alter life on Earth, was apparently not a significant topic at the conference. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 9:00 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 9, 2007 8:58 PM EDT
Friday, September 7, 2007
US military inquisitors inadvertently spill the beans
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

Rights Group: Vows Not to Torture Worth Little reports that "two men, Abdullah al-Hajji Ben Amor and Lotfi Lagha, ... were sent home to Tunisia after serving approximately five years in Guantánamo – without ever being charged – only to face torture and abuse."

If "enhanced interrogation" (EI) were intended to quickly obtain useful information, and if it were effective, there would be no more need to "interrogate" these guys after a few years of EI, right?  So, by sending them to the torturers' haven known as Tunisia after putting them through hell for years at Gitmo, the people behind EI are effectively admitting that it's not intended as a means of obtaining information or that it's not effective.

This naturally begs the question as to why it continues.  It just so happens that Guantanamo and Tunisia are in good spots relative to the Earth Grid for advanced SRA to be as effective as possible at facilitating possession.

Posted by fakeapoc at 6:36 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 9, 2007 1:09 PM EDT
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
WH-insider: Cheney's Cheney behind torture "justification"
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

Although there's no shortage of circumstantial evidence that Cheney is the driving force of the "Bush" administration, it doesn't hurt to have an insider's account.  As reported by LPAC on 9/4/07, someone on the inside has spilled the beans, and exposed Cheney's role as the Grand Inquisitor.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:27 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 5, 2007 2:38 PM EDT

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