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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Sunday, March 16, 2008
More of that Bush-progress in Iraq

In 'Signs of torture' you can't imagine, CNN essentially waves what amounts to evidence of Satanism under our noses, while acting as if it's not important to know who is responsible for such monstrous acts, or their motive. 

It has been well established that torture does not provide reliable intelligence except in the TV series 24, where Islamic-terrorist cartoon characters constantly scheme to unleash weapons of mass destruction upon the American public.  In real life, the "Islamic terrorists" work for our government, which has been feverishly working over the past 45 years or so to dismantle our physical economy, build a gargantuan debt-bomb (which LaRouche recently claimed is on the order of hundreds of quadrillions of dollars) and unleash it upon us in the form of hyperinflation.  So, the monster(s) behind the torture must have known that their victim would say anything to end the pain, and obtaining information could not have been their goal.

So, was the motive, as I've read elsewhere, to "send a message?"  Wouldn't that require someone to know the identity of the monsters, and wouldn't that allow our military to "git 'em?"  Yeah, right.

This still leaves the most likely motive - either the sort of SRA that must immediately precede possession in even the most "resistant" cases, or a case of someone who has already become possessed having "his" idea of fun. 

Facing death with a relatively clear conscience is bad enough.  But facing it after committing such torture, not knowing whether that crap Satan feeds his suckers is true (just that few if any who pursued "wizardry" ever made it), or whether there is some sort of cosmic justice that can't be rigged - that must be terrifying.

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:26 PM EDT
Iraq veteran confirms my suspicions about Iraqi home invasions

SILVER SPRING, Maryland, Mar 14 (IPS) - Hart Viges joined the U.S. Army the day after Sep. 11, 2001, in the belief that he could help make the world a safer place.

The term "haji" is used by U.S. soldiers in Iraq to degrade and dehumanise the Iraqi people.

Viges, like others who spoke, said that U.S. troops routinely detained innocent people during home raids.

"We never went on the right raid where we got the right house, much less the right person -- not once," he said.

US/IRAQ: "We Reacted Out of Fear, and With Total Destruction"  by Dahr Jamail

(Unless you assume that the purpose of the raids was to inflict terror and suffering and cause hatred, that is - in which case, you got the right place every time.  Why else would such an "ineffective" policy be continued so long?)

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:18 PM EDT
Friday, March 14, 2008
So, George, why should we start trusting you NOW?
Topic: Big Lies

"NEW YORK - Trying to calm jitters about the economy, President Bush conceded on Friday that the country "obviously is going through a tough time" but expressed confidence that it will rebound. He cautioned against overreacting to fix the problems."

 from  Bush acknowledges weakness in US economy 

The traitor that brought us the "cakewalk" in Iraq is now setting us up for an economic "Armageddon." 

Posted by fakeapoc at 5:50 PM EDT
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Behind the Cheney gang's staged photo-ops, the "war on terror" grinds on

Witnesses: 7 Iraqis Injured in US Raid

Meanwhile, in Iraq, witnesses say at least seven Iraqis were wounded Tuesday in a US raid on Sadr City. A witness said US forces had fired randomly.

Witness: “We are peaceful families. We were sleeping inside our houses when the US forces attacked us. They attacked our houses, families and children. They hurt us. They bombed our houses randomly.”

At least five Iraqis were reportedly arrested in the raid.  [To be "interrogated" for the next five years for "timely intelligence."]

from Headlines for March 12, 2008

Give Petraeus a couple of days, and I'm sure he'll come up with a "success story" to prove that we really have good intentions.


Posted by fakeapoc at 11:26 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:36 AM EDT
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Bush protects Satanism in "war on terror," US military destroys evil mud huts

It appears to me that the focus on waterboarding is intended to convince us that it's the worst thing that the CIA does.  But consider what it, or its surrogates, did to Jose Padilla - they destroyed his mind and turned him into a "piece of furniture."  Based on many anecdotal accounts, the sorts of things that destroyed Padilla's mind are common practice at Gitmo and the black sites.  According to General Hayden, waterboarding is a rare occurrence, although it's possible that even he is being kept in the dark about how often it's really used.  But we know that the various varieties of "no touch torture" are widely and frequently used (but meanwhile Al Qaeda, the far greater evil that justifies our destruction of entire nations, has supposedly - based on debatable evidence - been torturing children, and probably puppies, for years right under the noses of our military in Iraq - none the wiser for all of its "interrogation"), and I suspect that these are the practices which Bush really wanted to protect with his veto.

Besides destroying minds, such "interrogation" practices, and the practice of abducting Islamic men from anywhere on the planet, destroying them, and sometimes dumping them in the middle of nowhere because "we got the wrong guy," is intended to terrorize every Muslim on the planet.  They then become susceptible for recruitment by "Al Qaeda," which has been shown to be a US-UK "black op" whose purpose is to play the part of the phantom menace which is everywhere, but nowhere, and somehow usually manages to escape just before we bomb their hideouts (or something a few yards away to demonstrate how precisely we can miss), killing women, children and puppies. 

The most important thing is to keep the "apocalypse" going - if for nothing else, to prevent stability and economic cooperation between nations in the region, such as to build the Eurasian Land-Bridge championed by LaRouche, who calls this "Britain's Operation Chaos."   We're in Iraq to "git the terrists," and "the terrists" are there to get us, supposedly.  In fact, "both sides" are two sides of the same CIA coin, and the only ones dying or otherwise being destroyed are the CIA's enemies - humans, including US soldiers, with hearts and minds of their own.  Why do you think it's called the Central INTELLIGENCE Agency?  To PROTECT our freedom?  Ha!  It seeks to eradicate, as in Padilla's case, our very ability to BE free.  This "apocalypse" is intended to turn Earth into a vast concentration camp for mankind.  For more along these lines, see my page Big Brother's Neighborhood.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:19 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 2:32 PM EDT
Monday, March 10, 2008
Terrifying, but not terrorism

I might be seeing patterns where none exist, but it seems to me that whenever Bush is in some pitched battle with Congress over legislation, that there is some sort of violence at some college.  In the latest case, two young women were shot to death in what police assure us were unconnected cases of random violence.  In other words, Congressmen/women, it could happen to your kids, too, and be blamed on "random violence."  Be terrified - just not terrorized.  Oh, and have we reminded you lately that we've gotten away with the JFK hit for the last 45 years?

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:31 AM EDT
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Felix the rat whitewashes himself with an interview
Topic: Economics

Felix Rohatyn, the gentleman-banker who put Pinochet in power in Chile, recently gave an interview to Les Echos, a French business daily.  It appears to me that the interview was intended to whitewash Rohatyn's image, which is which has been considerably tarnished by LaRouche, and to get us to go along with his plan by equating it with FDR's New Deal.  Below, I "translate" portions of the interview, with comments and clarifications in brackets:

Rohatyn: This crisis is different. She [comment - as if it has a mind of its own] is more dangerous and worrisome. More worrisome because we cannot clearly identify the problem neither measure its duration and scope. More dangerous: because it is hard to imagine solutions or remedies for the future.  [He's hardly going to admit that he and his ilk deliberately created this crisis, or how bad it is (although they'll gradually admit how bad it is, as each stage becomes undeniable, to maintain their credibility).  Nor will they allow any real solutions to be implemented, or as he put it previously: no more FDR's.]
Question: [comment - unaware, or pretending, that the central banks didn't deliberately create the problem] The central banks, can they save the situation? 

Rohatyn: Finance has been globalized and articulates around three poles: the United States, Europe and the Sino Japanese tandem. But the control structures, they, have not adapted. Taken separately, each central bank is too isolated and follows its own policy. America lowers its rates. Europe isn’t. We might need a more global regulator [financial dictator], capable of imposing rules [brutal austerity] and to speak with a single voice [universal fascism]. With Ben Bernanke and Jean-Claude Trichet, we have competent people [craven toadies] available. They take care of problems [put fingers in the dikes]. But it is nothing but a first phase to re-establish confidence [whitewash]. In purely American terms of regulation, we otherwise made a serious error abolishing the Glass-Steagall act that prevented retail banks to participate in investment banks.  [Gosh, what a goof - nobody knew what would happen.  LaRouche?  Never heard of him.]

[Rohatyn's subsequent call for massive investment in infrastructure is partly intended to portray himself as another FDR, and partly intended to deceive us into thinking that airports are the most critical infrastructure at this stage.  They are important, but not as important as other types of infrastructure at this stage, and the order of development is critical to long-term success.]

Question: Do you want to rehabilitate Keynes or do you want to revive the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Rohatyn: While remaining a fervent capitalist [userer], I never have hidden the fact that I was a Keynesian [Keynesianism is a term for the indiscriminate or pernicious issuance of credit by privately-controlled ("independent") central banks, such as for housing bubbles; see pertinent segment of Shaping Campaign Policy: Sedate That Accountant!] and when I [reflect upon the current financial condition of] the United States, I regret that the Keynesians are a minority [but fortunately they're in positions where they can wreak havoc, such as Fed Chairman "Helicopter" Ben Bernanke]. We have a tendency to forget it, but, with the New Deal, Roosevelt probably saved capitalism.  Without his intervention during the great crisis of the 1930s, America could have gone over to socialism.  [This shows what a rat Rohatyn is.  A war mobilization is a sort of Communism.  The New Deal WAS a form of "socialism,"  based on the General Welfare clause of the Constitution, more properly known as the American System, albeit in a diluted form. FDR intended to DISMANTLE "capitalism," i.e. the British Empire, which is based on private finance and manipulation of national economies to the whims of the financial oligarchy, through the central banks.  FDR is an enigma to me, but I currently believe that he truly intended to liberate mankind from the British Empire, but in the end was used by it to destroy Europe and to enable a stealth-fascist takeover of (and mindwar against) the US via British subversion of American intelligence agencies created during the war.]  Today we are [generally] hostile towards state intervention ..., [which is unthinkingly associated with gross inefficiency].  But the current deregulations prove that one cannot rely entirely on the market!  [But Rohatyn and his ilk ARE "the market."]  In a nation where bridges collapse, where roads are falling apart, where a [hurricane] such as Katrina destroys New Orleans and become the symbol of the impotence of the government, how can one still pretend that the state cannot play a positive role?  [Here again, he gives lip service to a popular idea, but has no intention of allowing the implementation of large-scale development of cost-effective infrastructure at low interest rates without onerous direct-user fees.]  The New Deal has proven that the government could intervene without denaturalizing the system [mainly because it was a partial implementation OF the American System]. Today we need a new New Deal  [i.e., his version of "the New Deal" - fascist economics a la Mussolini].
Our aim is simple: we want America to have some kind of domestic version of the World Bank, a bank which could then raise funds and lend money to finance great projects. She never would lend more then 50% of the investment in order to maintain a strong relation to the private sector. This will not happen overnight but our proposition is getting more and more an object of debate. We’re advancing. [The British-Empire-controlled World Bank turned everything it touched into crap as intended.  The variation mentioned by Rohatyn, in my opinion, is probably intended to give the impression that Rohatyn has a solution, in order to keep us from searching for one elsewhere.]

Well, the rest of the interview is more of the same, but worse, so I'll let those who are sufficiently interested in Rohatyn's exercise in deception wade through it on their own.  If prosperity and environmental protection are the goals, then you want LaRouche's plan.  If turning Earth into a playground for fascists, like Iraq, is your goal, let yourself be seduced by Rohatyn's Madam Speaker Pelosi.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:08 PM EST
Two more intriguing organization-names

The individual most responsible for unleashing Satanism on Iraq is Tony Blair, Cheney's superior in the British Empire, and a member of the Fabian Society.  It just so happens that Fabian converts to 33, and Society converts to 96.  Together, they yield 696, which by rotating the 9 converts to 666. 

Another group of vile creatures from the British Empire created an organization known as the Ghost Society.  Ghost converts to 69, which combined with Society (96) again yields 666. 

Coincidence?  You be the judge.


Posted by fakeapoc at 10:28 AM EST
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Website revision

Israeli Psychosis: Rockefeller's Solution to the Jewish Question has been added to the Big Brother's Neighborhood section of the Writings by Others section of the website. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:02 PM EST
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Devil in "Iraqi Freedom"
Topic: Satanism/SRA

Just after posting the previous post, the phrases "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and "Operation Enduring Freedom" popped up on the news, so naturally I checked them out and with sickening predictability found that they confirmed that those who designed these "wars of liberation" also see them as Satanism on a vast scale.  "Iraqi" > (converts to) 45 > 9, and "freedom" > 66.  So, "Iraqi Freedom" > 966, which when the 9 is rotated 180 (6x30) degrees, yields 666.  Through a similar complex mathematical process, "Enduring Freedom" is found to yield 11 66.  Also note that "enduring" implies "perpetual."

Fittingly, one of the more trustworthy source of information on the state of affairs from the average "liberated" Iraqi's perspective, Dahr Jamail and his reporters (who blend in well and have managed to avoid being murdered by those with a vested interest in feeding us only lies), have recently published an article entitled Baquba Losing Life – and Hope

Posted by fakeapoc at 6:24 PM EST

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