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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Terror-bombing those damned "Terra-ists"

KABUL, Mar 26 (IPS) - Jumakhan Said Muhammad was working on his land when he first heard the planes. "I looked up," the farmer from Musa Qala, in the southern Helmand province, says. "Suddenly a plane flew by and I saw smoke rising from my house, which was down the road."

Muhammad ran towards his home, where dozens of villagers were shouting his name as they surrounded his house. "The house was split in half by the bomb," he recalls. "The walls were collapsed and crumbled. Blood was pouring from my nephew (seven-years-old) like it was water. He had shrapnel in his brain and stomach. I then saw my sister's headscarf peeking out from underneath the rubble and so we raced desperately to save her. When we pulled her out from the wreckage I saw her body -- she was cut completely in half. I started to scream."

Muhammad's sister and nephew are among a steady flow of civilian casualties caused by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) bombardment, residents say. When such casualties started to rise last year -- bombers destroyed Muhammad's house in November -- coalition forces pledged to change their tactics and ensure that civilians were not caught in such attacks.

But Helmand residents say that they are often still caught in the crossfire and that fighting has been particularly intense in March -- locals claim that aerial bombing killed over 40 civilians in the last two weeks alone.

Helmand residents allege that 13 civilians were killed two weeks ago in a NATO air-strike, and last week lawmaker Nasima Niyazi claimed that dozens of civilians were killed when coalition forces bombed a popular picnic spot in the Sangin district. U.S.-led forces recently admitted to killing six civilians in a house raid in eastern Afghanistan, including two children.

Terrified Civilians Flee NATO Bombings

"Strategic Bombing" - More Lessons from the Fascists

The Italian fascists and the Nazis were also the inspiration of another weapon of mass mental and physical destruction for British imperialist mad "scientists." This is what the British euphemistically called "strategic bombing." Soon enough the British passed this new "ultimate weapon" on to their American patrician counterparts.

During the 1920's, Fascist Italy's Commissioner of Aviation, General Guilio Douhet, introduced the doctrine that "command of the air" would guarantee victory in the wars of the future.

He argued that such preponderance would give a country the ability to launch massive strategic bombing attacks on enemy population and industrial centers. Not only would this cause enormous physical suffering and great economic dislocation, but Douhet claimed more importantly that it would have such enormous psychological impact that it would destroy the enemy nation's will to resist. Douhet had been impressed to this effect by the psychological and military effects of German World War I air raids and attacks on Italy, Britain and other nations.

As a result of Douhet's tremendous influence Italy was the first power to emphasize the air arm. However, it was the British who were the first to create an independent air service, the Royal Air Force (RAF). The RAF was established in 1917, as a response to two German daylight air raids on London.

Under the leadership of Chief of Staff Lord Hugh Trenchard (1918-29) by the late 1920's, the RAF had adopted Douhet's position in behalf of the massive bombing of enemy urban and industrial centers as part of their official doctrine although the RAF barely understood the psychological side of Douhet's thesis. In fact, Trenchard's close friend, P.R.C. Groves, Director of Flying Operations (1918), had written several articles in behalf of a reductionist military notion of "strategic bombing" even before Douhet's The Command of the Air appeared in 1921. Meanwhile, U.S. General Billy Mitchell thumped for the "strategic bombing" in United States Army Air Corps.

The Nazis were even more blunt than their Italian Fascist allies about the true nature of the saturation bombing missions on which they sent the Luftwaffe. They labeled this kind of bombing simply "Terrorangriff."

The British leadership scarcely needed the inspiration of Luftwaffe attacks on London and the earlier Italian air terror campaigns in the Spanish Civil War to prepare their own cruder experiments in "terror bombing" under the rubric of their "strategic bombing" doctrine.
One possible amplification or Reesian innovation would be to utilize limited "strategic bombing" or the mere threat of such bombing primarily for the attainment of psychological victories that soften up the opponent for the kill:

"Continuous heavy bombing of the same communities did not produce decreases in morale proportional to the amount of bombing, The biggest drop in morale was apparent in a comparison between unbombed towns and the only lightly bombed. The morale in towns subjected to the heaviest bombing was no worse than that in towns of the same size receiving much lighter bomb loads....

"These observations of the diminishing returns from heavy bombing point to the practical conclusion that the maximum morale effects of dropping a given tonnage of bombs on Germany would have been attained by lighter raids as widely distributed as possible rather than by concentrated heavy bombing in limited areas....

"It appears that the raids did not have to be directed against a particular area in order to affect adversely the morale of the population in that area. The news of the raids in other places was effective in depressing morale because it intensified both fears of losing the war and feelings of helplessness, and also created anxiety about future raids against the local area." [21]

from The Shaping of the Anglo-American SS by War

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:20 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:50 PM EDT
The "Apocalypse" beyond the "war on terror"
Topic: Perpetual warfare

The British have evidently concluded that "war on terror" won't be sufficient to destroy the entirety of civilization, so ...

British Launch 'Great Eurasian War' Drive

(I'm sure Jack van Impe can find it somewhere in "prophecy.")

In light of this act (Act II of the Apocalypse Show, which opened with a bang - 9/11), the timing of the following "mistake" is most interesting:

Bush Calls Fuse Delivery a Mistake

(Just like the transport of several nuclear-tipped missiles over the US  was a "mistake" - perhaps Cheney's warning to Congress what "the terrorists" will do if Congress doesn't keep following his orders.)

Posted by fakeapoc at 6:48 PM EDT
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Well, Wolfie did say "END states"
Topic: Economics

The New York Post's Ralph Peters summarized the posture of the Maliki government inside the Green Zone bluntly: "Iraq's government isn't much help – none, as far as Haifa Street's revival is concerned." The American military commander on Haifa Street told him that the U.S. was relying on "spontaneous economic development" – local citizens were expected to develop the area through their own efforts, with the help of a limited number of "micro-loans" (a few hundred dollars each) from the military's meager non-combat funds. It was no surprise, then, that, aside from a few food markets, there was no economy to speak of.

from How to Disintegrate a City

"Spontaneous development" ("Human action but not human design") is the fundamental premise of the free-market fairy tale about some fantasy world where entire war machines are manufactured in home businesses, and strong economies in general arise without any thought given to the overall configuration of the economy or any large-scale cooperation to implement the resulting plans.  One purpose of this lie is to paint the financial oligarchy out of the picture and attribute its macroeconomic control to "the invisible hand."

Assuming that this was a candid admission on the part of a Cheney gangster, this would mean, not surprisingly, that there are no plans to redevelop Iraq.  But then, didn't Paul Wolfowitz say that the US would "end states harboring terrorism?"  In other words, just utterly destroy a country, and turn it into a no-man's land?  Isn't that what we're doing to Iraq, based on the discredited assertion that Saddam was harboring Al Qaeda?  (But wouldn't that leave it more suited as a hideout for AQ?  Oh, what a tangled web....)

But, considering that "free trade" is economic warfare against mankind, it is eminently fitting to hear "free market philosophy" from a commander in a war which have made the Mongol horde wretch.


Posted by fakeapoc at 8:52 PM EDT
Monday, March 24, 2008
Transport inefficiency coming home to roost
Topic: Economics

BRUSSELS, Belgium - As fuel prices soar to record highs and airlines struggle to maintain profitability, the unglamorous but fuel-efficient turboprop regional airliner is making a remarkable comeback.

from Cost of fuel prompts turboprop comeback

On top of that, the airlines are only concerned with making a buck, not with making a strong economy.  The costs of air travel to the public are very high, when all of the costs are taken into consideration, especially with the "war on terror" raging.

It's a pity we haven't built any maglev rail lines, even though the technology has been available for a few decades. (See Maglev: Transport Mode For the 21st Century)  This is what we get for letting the "free market" (British financial oligarchy - the same bunch we fought during the Revolution) dictate our nation's macroeconomic configuration, via the "Federal" Reserve (a private bank given a "free trade" monopoly on the issuance of credit - a power which belongs to the federal government, to use for the good of the nation, not for its destruction, as Greenspan, a disciple of Ayn Rand, has used it).  (If you follow the previous link, keep in mind that the "Illuminati" is a red herring created by British Intelligence agent John Robison, to distract us from the true culprits.)  The basic idea was to make us dependent on cheap gas, and keep gas cheap until they no longer needed us to help them destroy civilization.  That time is here, and unless we declare independence again very soon with LaRouche's HBPA, mankind is doomed.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:53 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, March 24, 2008 11:04 PM EDT
So Cheney said "so?" - what's Congress going to DO about it?

Well, kiss his ass by starting another war, for starters.  Rohatyn's Madam, Pelosi, ran off to visit the Dalai Lama shortly after British-instigated riots in Tibet killed a bunch of people, in an attempt to put the US, Britain, and Europe on a war-footing with China.  They'll eventually probably end up suspending the elections and making him President officially - the first one to wear a crown.

Posted by fakeapoc at 10:53 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, March 24, 2008 5:18 PM EDT
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Economic tripe for Easter web-surfers
Topic: Economics

US ponders: How deep is economic abyss? has got to be one of the biggest collections of "economic" tripe I've seen so far.  There is not one scrap of truth in it that is not subsequently twisted into a lie.  It turns to Establishment-approved "experts" who amount to Establishment script-readers, and whose script as of a year ago didn't include anything about a housing crash - and in some cases to the very people who deliberately created this global economic crisis which threatens to destroy civilization and leave it prostrate before the malignant horde of feudal oligarchs and black magicians who patiently created it over the course of hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  (One article entitled The Christian Coalition: The Nature of the Beast (www.larouchepub.com/other/2005/3216xian_coali.html) mentions that Ralph Reed and his fellow apocalypse-mongering buddies once drove around Washington, DC singing a song which refers to "righting" some "wrong" that was supposedly perpetrated TEN THOUSAND years ago - possibly a reference to God's choice of the Atlantean "Primal Semite" sub-root-race as the one best suited for future evolution.  This probably didn't please the Akkadian sub-root-race, from which I surmise the oligarchy sprang, and which now seeks to prove its superiority by destroying the vast majority of mankind, most of which belongs to the modern, Aryan root-race - which should not be confused with the Nazi fantasy-race.  Black magicians are motivated by a desire to destroy the very spiritual essence of mankind, forever, so their hatred for the current root-race runs a little deeper than that of the oligarchs they manipulate.  For more on this, see my article Speculations on the Origins of the Oligarchy.) 

The aforementioned AP article can be boiled down to the following excerpts:

"I think the current financial crisis looks to me like the worst one since we got into the Depression," says Richard Sylla, who teaches the history of financial institutions at New York University's Stern School of Business. [This is intended to salvage the credibility of the "experts" who didn't prevent the crisis from developing, by projecting a little ahead of the collapse-curve, without frightening the masses into supporting LaRouche.]

"Which is not to say this time will be anywhere near as bad — partly because, economists note, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a student of the Depression and appears to be steering the Fed toward avoiding the mistakes of back then.  [What a total crock.  The current situation is far worse than that which existed before the Depression, and Bernanke is re-creating the Weimar "solution" which required rescue from the outside - this time, the crisis is global and there is no outside.]
"Financial crises happen, but they always do blow over," Sylla says. "It's a question of how long." [This is intended to lull us into a state of complacency, by giving us the impression that, because we recovered from the Depression ("despite" what FDR did to "lengthen" it through governmental "interference" with the "free market" economy, which is controlled by the laws of nature - although "global warming" is supposedly caused by economic activity!), we'll automatically recover from the current crisis.  Meanwhile, Felix "the rat" Rohatyn, who has been scurrying around Washington, keeping his brothel (managed by Madam Pelosi) in line, is trying to put the pieces of a feudal order in place in preparation for a crisis which he, in
 an inverview, characterized as "more dangerous [than previous recessions] because it is hard to imagine solutions or remedies for the future."  In other words, he's preparing for "the experts" to "fail" and for it to become necessary to resort to "pragmatic," "empirical" solutions - labor/death camps constructed by Cheney's former company.]

The actual question is whether we will allow the economic collapse to destroy civilization, and kill off most of the human race, or whether Congress will adopt LaRouche's proven FDR-style solution. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:51 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, March 23, 2008 8:11 PM EDT
Saturday, March 22, 2008
"Just looking for WMD, honest!"
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

"ALTON, Ill. - Banished to the basement, the 29-year-old mother with a childlike mind and another baby on the way had little more than a thin rug and a mattress to call her own on the chilly concrete floor.

"Dorothy Dixon ate what she could forage from the refrigerator upstairs, where prosecutors say housemates used her for target practice with BBs, burned her with a glue gun and doused her with scalding liquid that peeled away her skin.

"They torched what few clothes she had, authorities say, so she walked around naked. They often pummeled her with an aluminum bat or metal handle.

"Dixon — six months pregnant — died after weeks of abuse."

from Torture death shocks Illinois town 

I assume that, because of the brazen nature of the crimes described, this is either a hoax, or they were intended as a means of waving Satanism under our noses and daring us to recognize it.  If the latter - as I will assume in what follows - the perpetrators (who would be part of what LaRouche describes in The Real CIA as our de facto government) were probably given assurances before embarking on their "pursuit of magical powers," that they won't receive much punishment, possibly because they figure that civilization is on its last legs. 

A quick check of the relevant maps showed that Alton, IL is in a very good place on the Earth Grid for Satanism to have its intended effect of taking possession of the souls of its practitioners. 

And to think that the perpetrators started down this path by begging their mothers to buy them copies of Harry Potter and the Useless Eaters and/or Unlawful Enemy Combatants by Lynne Cheney. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:43 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, March 22, 2008 1:52 PM EDT
Friday, March 21, 2008
The psychopath rears its ugly head

from "You don't care what the American people think?"

Vice President Dick Cheney appeared -- from Oman -- on "Good Morning America" Wednesday. During Cheney's appearance, ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz mentioned public opinion polls on the war in Iraq.

Here's the conversation that ensued, including Raddatz's original comment. Video of the exchange follows.

RADDATZ: Two-thirds of Americans say it's not worth fighting.


RADDATZ: So? You don't care what the American people think?

CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course [such as trying to lie us into invading Iran] by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls. There has in fact been fundamental change and transformation and improvement for the better. That's a huge accomplishment. [end of excerpt]

Psychopaths really do think we're a bunch of idiots, and in Raging Dick's case, that we can't see his pattern of doing everything he could to make things as bad as possible in Iraq, until it served his masters' purposes to arrange a "victory" for the benefit of those in Congress who want to remain in office. 

Another aspect of this bit of candor is that now that he's getting so close to completing his plans to kill most of the people on the planet, it's hard for him  to pretend to be concerned with what a couple hundred million of them think.  But when it served his purposes to provoke war, he could always be relied upon to play the "world's greatest democracy" card. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:06 AM EDT
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Iraq after 5 years of "Christian justice": Reality and Bush's fantasy

"Five years after the US-led invasion, Iraq faces a major humanitarian crisis, with law and order and economic recovery a distant prospect, international aid and human rights groups said Monday."

Red Cross, Amnesty paint grim picture of post-invasion Iraq

"The best way we can honor them [the US soldiers whom Bush has sacrificed for Satan] is by making sure that their sacrifice was not in vain. [i.e. by continuing the glorious struggle]  Five years ago tonight, I promised the American people that in the struggle ahead "we will accept no outcome but victory."  Today, standing before men and women who helped liberate a nation, I reaffirm the commitment. The battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary, and it is just. [excuse me: barf]  And with your courage, the battle in Iraq will end in victory. [meaning what?] God bless."  [Coming from a monster who is bound for perdition, that's really touching.]

from speech given by Pres. Bush at Pentagon on 5-year anniversary of invasion of Iraq, with comments in brackets

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:52 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, March 20, 2008 2:02 PM EDT

Dubya trying to explain the concept of "victory" in a perpetual "war" which is actually Satanism - a war on mankind - on a vast scale, when he of course cannot tell the truth.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:16 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, March 20, 2008 11:19 AM EDT

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