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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Economic tripe for Easter web-surfers
Topic: Economics

US ponders: How deep is economic abyss? has got to be one of the biggest collections of "economic" tripe I've seen so far.  There is not one scrap of truth in it that is not subsequently twisted into a lie.  It turns to Establishment-approved "experts" who amount to Establishment script-readers, and whose script as of a year ago didn't include anything about a housing crash - and in some cases to the very people who deliberately created this global economic crisis which threatens to destroy civilization and leave it prostrate before the malignant horde of feudal oligarchs and black magicians who patiently created it over the course of hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  (One article entitled The Christian Coalition: The Nature of the Beast (www.larouchepub.com/other/2005/3216xian_coali.html) mentions that Ralph Reed and his fellow apocalypse-mongering buddies once drove around Washington, DC singing a song which refers to "righting" some "wrong" that was supposedly perpetrated TEN THOUSAND years ago - possibly a reference to God's choice of the Atlantean "Primal Semite" sub-root-race as the one best suited for future evolution.  This probably didn't please the Akkadian sub-root-race, from which I surmise the oligarchy sprang, and which now seeks to prove its superiority by destroying the vast majority of mankind, most of which belongs to the modern, Aryan root-race - which should not be confused with the Nazi fantasy-race.  Black magicians are motivated by a desire to destroy the very spiritual essence of mankind, forever, so their hatred for the current root-race runs a little deeper than that of the oligarchs they manipulate.  For more on this, see my article Speculations on the Origins of the Oligarchy.) 

The aforementioned AP article can be boiled down to the following excerpts:

"I think the current financial crisis looks to me like the worst one since we got into the Depression," says Richard Sylla, who teaches the history of financial institutions at New York University's Stern School of Business. [This is intended to salvage the credibility of the "experts" who didn't prevent the crisis from developing, by projecting a little ahead of the collapse-curve, without frightening the masses into supporting LaRouche.]

"Which is not to say this time will be anywhere near as bad — partly because, economists note, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a student of the Depression and appears to be steering the Fed toward avoiding the mistakes of back then.  [What a total crock.  The current situation is far worse than that which existed before the Depression, and Bernanke is re-creating the Weimar "solution" which required rescue from the outside - this time, the crisis is global and there is no outside.]
"Financial crises happen, but they always do blow over," Sylla says. "It's a question of how long." [This is intended to lull us into a state of complacency, by giving us the impression that, because we recovered from the Depression ("despite" what FDR did to "lengthen" it through governmental "interference" with the "free market" economy, which is controlled by the laws of nature - although "global warming" is supposedly caused by economic activity!), we'll automatically recover from the current crisis.  Meanwhile, Felix "the rat" Rohatyn, who has been scurrying around Washington, keeping his brothel (managed by Madam Pelosi) in line, is trying to put the pieces of a feudal order in place in preparation for a crisis which he, in
 an inverview, characterized as "more dangerous [than previous recessions] because it is hard to imagine solutions or remedies for the future."  In other words, he's preparing for "the experts" to "fail" and for it to become necessary to resort to "pragmatic," "empirical" solutions - labor/death camps constructed by Cheney's former company.]

The actual question is whether we will allow the economic collapse to destroy civilization, and kill off most of the human race, or whether Congress will adopt LaRouche's proven FDR-style solution. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:51 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, March 23, 2008 8:11 PM EDT
Saturday, March 22, 2008
"Just looking for WMD, honest!"
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

"ALTON, Ill. - Banished to the basement, the 29-year-old mother with a childlike mind and another baby on the way had little more than a thin rug and a mattress to call her own on the chilly concrete floor.

"Dorothy Dixon ate what she could forage from the refrigerator upstairs, where prosecutors say housemates used her for target practice with BBs, burned her with a glue gun and doused her with scalding liquid that peeled away her skin.

"They torched what few clothes she had, authorities say, so she walked around naked. They often pummeled her with an aluminum bat or metal handle.

"Dixon — six months pregnant — died after weeks of abuse."

from Torture death shocks Illinois town 

I assume that, because of the brazen nature of the crimes described, this is either a hoax, or they were intended as a means of waving Satanism under our noses and daring us to recognize it.  If the latter - as I will assume in what follows - the perpetrators (who would be part of what LaRouche describes in The Real CIA as our de facto government) were probably given assurances before embarking on their "pursuit of magical powers," that they won't receive much punishment, possibly because they figure that civilization is on its last legs. 

A quick check of the relevant maps showed that Alton, IL is in a very good place on the Earth Grid for Satanism to have its intended effect of taking possession of the souls of its practitioners. 

And to think that the perpetrators started down this path by begging their mothers to buy them copies of Harry Potter and the Useless Eaters and/or Unlawful Enemy Combatants by Lynne Cheney. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:43 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, March 22, 2008 1:52 PM EDT
Friday, March 21, 2008
The psychopath rears its ugly head

from "You don't care what the American people think?"

Vice President Dick Cheney appeared -- from Oman -- on "Good Morning America" Wednesday. During Cheney's appearance, ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz mentioned public opinion polls on the war in Iraq.

Here's the conversation that ensued, including Raddatz's original comment. Video of the exchange follows.

RADDATZ: Two-thirds of Americans say it's not worth fighting.


RADDATZ: So? You don't care what the American people think?

CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course [such as trying to lie us into invading Iran] by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls. There has in fact been fundamental change and transformation and improvement for the better. That's a huge accomplishment. [end of excerpt]

Psychopaths really do think we're a bunch of idiots, and in Raging Dick's case, that we can't see his pattern of doing everything he could to make things as bad as possible in Iraq, until it served his masters' purposes to arrange a "victory" for the benefit of those in Congress who want to remain in office. 

Another aspect of this bit of candor is that now that he's getting so close to completing his plans to kill most of the people on the planet, it's hard for him  to pretend to be concerned with what a couple hundred million of them think.  But when it served his purposes to provoke war, he could always be relied upon to play the "world's greatest democracy" card. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:06 AM EDT
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Iraq after 5 years of "Christian justice": Reality and Bush's fantasy

"Five years after the US-led invasion, Iraq faces a major humanitarian crisis, with law and order and economic recovery a distant prospect, international aid and human rights groups said Monday."

Red Cross, Amnesty paint grim picture of post-invasion Iraq

"The best way we can honor them [the US soldiers whom Bush has sacrificed for Satan] is by making sure that their sacrifice was not in vain. [i.e. by continuing the glorious struggle]  Five years ago tonight, I promised the American people that in the struggle ahead "we will accept no outcome but victory."  Today, standing before men and women who helped liberate a nation, I reaffirm the commitment. The battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary, and it is just. [excuse me: barf]  And with your courage, the battle in Iraq will end in victory. [meaning what?] God bless."  [Coming from a monster who is bound for perdition, that's really touching.]

from speech given by Pres. Bush at Pentagon on 5-year anniversary of invasion of Iraq, with comments in brackets

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:52 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, March 20, 2008 2:02 PM EDT

Dubya trying to explain the concept of "victory" in a perpetual "war" which is actually Satanism - a war on mankind - on a vast scale, when he of course cannot tell the truth.

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:16 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, March 20, 2008 11:19 AM EDT
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Jefferson warned us
Topic: Economics

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow PRIVATE BANKS TO CONTROL THE ISSUE OF THEIR CURRENCY, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up HOMELESS on the continent their fathers conquered. The ISSUING POWER SHOULD BE TAKEN FROM THE BANKS AND RESTORED TO THE PEOPLE, TO WHOM IT PROPERLY BELONGS. [emphasis added]

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802)
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)

Jefferson's words have been borne out in spades by the recent bailout of Bear Stearns, followed by its mass layoffs and sale to J.P. Morgan for even less than the value of the headquarters-building!  Morgan, according to INN News of 3/18/08, also ended up vast holdings of foreclosed homes.  The decisions on which it was based were made by the Synarchist bankers, like Felix "the rat" Rohatyn (also personally involved in shutting down America's auto industry), who pull Bernanke's and Bush's strings, and Bernanke, Bush and his advisors were gathered around for a photo op to make it appear that they had something to do with the decision.   This is only the beginning, or as The Washington Post put it, the tip of the iceberg. 

We can effectively take back our power to issue credit for the common good, by insisting that Congress enact LaRouche's HBPA, and put an end to their planned hyperinflationary destruction of the global economy.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
About that economic "stability" and "sustainability"
Topic: Economics

"These moves underscore the extreme sense of urgency at the Fed,'' said David M. Jones, a former New York Fed economist who has written four books on the central bank. "It seems unlikely the measures taken so far will calm the market down, but eventually they will stabilize the market.''

Fed Cuts Discount Rate, Lends More to Avert Meltdown

 Left: A very stable and sustainable economy 

It appears to me that the plan is to try "everything," and then throw up their hands and "confess" to be unable to save the economy, thus "requiring" fascist measures.  I can almost see the made-for-TV gatherings of "wise men" (Bush will be kept far away) pleading ignorance of solutions, claiming that we're in "uncharted waters" or some such lies.  The scripts have been written for years, and call for someone with experience at just this sort of thing - Michael Bloomberg.

Posted by fakeapoc at 7:15 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 7:23 PM EDT
John Hagee's "Jewish" buddies torment helpless Palestinians for no good reason
Topic: SRA/Prisoner abuse

An article entitled Nafha Society: "100 detainees under interrogation in Al Jalama prison, abused and isolated”  offers the usual cover-story for Satanism in the military: "interrogation."  But those who think will realize that Israel's use of such "interrogation" as part of ITS "war on terror" (a reign of terror against Palestinians, and indirectly, Israelis) undermines the claims that it's effective, because their "war on terror" has been going for decades. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:55 AM EDT
Monday, March 17, 2008
Private "Federal" Reserve using its "free market" monopoly to rip us off
Topic: Economics

The Fed is essentially a tool of private bankers, which has been illegally granted the power to issue money, a power which properly belongs to the federal government.  By issuing vast amounts of money to "save" the banks by paying off their gambling-debts, they are essentially stealing what value remains in dollar-denominated assets.  This will destroy the economy, the nation, and the banks - that is their ultimate goal. 

The only way to save the banks is to declare their bogus debt to be null and void, and to force them to start acting sanely again.  The Fed should be nationalized and forced to serve American interests, not those of its enemies.

Posted by fakeapoc at 6:54 PM EDT
McCain's security detail in Iraq reflects actual situation
If you want to know how our military really feels about the security situation in Iraq, check out video of John McCain's recent visit there.  I doubt that the small army surrounding him and the brass were just there for autographs. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:21 AM EDT

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