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Satan's Fake Apocalypse
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What is this thing called "the war in Iraq?"
Topic: Big Lies

Behind all the smokescreens being thrown up by the government and the media, what's really happening in Iraq is that the country is being tortured to death.   In a nutshell, it's Satanism on a vast scale.  Keep this in mind when you hear some spokesman claim that "we're winning in Iraq."  What do they mean by "we?"

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:06 AM EDT
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Why IE techniques are really being kept secret
Topic: Big Lies

Bush claims that we have to keep our "enhanced interrogation" techniques secret to prevent Al Qaeda from training its members to resist such techniques.  But. according to A Question of Torture by Alfred McCoy, none of these techniques are much good, even on people who haven't been trained to resist, and the claims to the contrary are based on ignorance or lies:

"As noted, FBI interrogators found the military's techniques produced little real information and interfered with their own bureau's proven methods of building rapport through long, noncoercive questioning." [p 196 - I don't know what they mean by "long," but considering that a typical detainee subjected to "enhanced interrogation" is isolated for months, the proven methods almost certainly take less time.]

Bush's lie about the purpose of the secrecy is also a means to subtly repeat the lie that "IE" is effective at obtaining information.  Mentioning that it is not effective is taboo within the Establishment, because Satanism is the state religion (Christian Fundamentalism is a front for Satanism, for purposes of the fake apocalypse), and IE is a form of SRA/Satanism.

One purpose of EI is to serve as an intermediate level of SRA.  I suspect that EI is also intended to facilitate various aspects of the 8th Sphere agenda, which includes the literal theft of brain matter for the 8th Sphere by creating certain states of mind (see my essay on the 8th Sphere).  The CIA freely admits that one of its purposes is to break the will of the victims (which is related to the 8S agenda), but by the time that is achieved, the victims are reduced to basket cases.  John C. Lilly, who did research for the CIA, soon realized that the CIA had no good motive for breaking a person's will, and quit.  Besides, look at what they did to Padilla - they put him in isolation for about THREE YEARS, which can hardly be construed as a desire to obtain information quickly.  

The actual reason that Bush and Cheney want to keep the "enhanced interrogation" techniques under wraps is that they don't want US to know what their fellow sadists are up to, and that their activity has nothing to do with obtaining useful information to prevent terrorism.  (Just assume that whatever they say is a lie, and look at what they're doing if possible.) 

I gather that from now on, "enhanced interrogation" will be kept secret from us, and any cases that leak out will be said to be extreme and rare, although I imagine that more lurid "leaks" will be fed to the Islamic masses to keep them enraged, just as the dirty deeds of Israel's "apocalypse" faction are heavily whitewashed by our media, leaving Americans (and many Israelis) clueless about the motives of Palestinians who lash out. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 11:11 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 2, 2007 11:17 PM EDT
Monday, August 27, 2007
Vietnam: the original catastrophic success
Topic: Big Lies

If you try to understand Bush's comparison of the Vietnam war to the Iraq war by assuming that they were intended to protect the world against tyrants, you will never make sense of it.  But if you assume that they were intended to destroy civilization in the affected regions, then it makes sense.  Note that he didn't say that the slaughter following our sudden departure from Vietnam was wrong - the war was INTENDED to convert the region into a killing field, and once we had sufficiently destroyed the underpinnings of civilization in the region (partly through the Phoenix "counterinsurgency" program, which was essentially Satanism targeted at the intellectual infrastructure) and put killers such as the Khmer Rouge in place, we left and said that we lost.  Obviously, we couldn't admit that we had achieved our goal.

The reason we destroyed Vietnam is that it had kicked out its French colonial masters - part of the Synarchist financial oligarchy - and America, as a puppet of the financial oligarchy, was assigned to make an example of it.  So, we had to invent the "domino theory" to explain our original interest in the place, and when we wanted to launch the war, we claimed that the North Vietnamese had attacked one of our boats in the Gulf of Tonkin.  JFK had tried to stop the war, but he too was made into an example, using professional French mafia hit-men.   Now, Vietnam is a "socialist free trade" fiefdom, where the serfs receive "competitive" wages at sweatshops - just as in the bankers' "democratic free trade" fiefdoms.

So, by comparing Iraq to Vietnam and raising the specter of a sudden pull-out, Bush was hinting that our goal in Iraq was pure destruction, and that we're almost finished and ready to pull out (except for a relatively small presence to "manage the chaos," as Rumsfeld put it).  But since Bush can't tell the truth, he said we're going to remain, which we can't do unless Congress plans to abandon our military there as they re-enact the final scene of the remake of Cape Fear, where the criminal sinks beneath the water, handcuffed to a sinking boat (the existing financial system), babbling like a madman.

Posted by fakeapoc at 3:08 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Claim that we're losing "war on terror" implies that there IS one
Topic: Big Lies

"The US is losing the war on terror. That's the assessment of the nation's top foreign-policy, intelligence, and national-security leaders from across the ideological spectrum. In this year's Terrorism Index, a survey released Monday by Foreign Policy magazine, 84 percent of these experts believe the nation is losing the war on terror, while more than 90 percent say the world is growing more dangerous for Americans."

A New Push for Change in the War on Terror
This is just a roundabout way of repeating the lie that the "war on terror" is something other than a war on civilization and mankind.  It is not, and Cheney, his masters, and his henchmen are winning it.

Posted by fakeapoc at 8:54 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:40 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Whatever you say, Dick
Topic: Big Lies

Larry King's July 31st, 2007 interview of the Co-President for Perpetual War, Dick Cheney, turned up a couple of gems (from Cheney predicts progress in Iraq report AP 7/31/07):

"Vice President Dick Cheney said Tuesday a pivotal September report on the war in Iraq is likely to show 'significant progress' — putting himself ahead of President Bush, who has refused to speculate on what the report will say."

In other words, the virtual reality about the "war" will "morph" into a virtual victory just before the election, at which time Cheney will shut down the "war" and declare victory.  But by then, he'll have another one going.

"Discussing his low public approval rating, Cheney said he just doesn't worry about it. He said he would like to be liked, but only up to a point.

"'If you wanted to be liked, I should never have gotten into politics in the first place,' he said. [I agree with the second part of that sentence, anyway.]  'Remember, success for a politician is 50 percent plus one. [Which just happens to be the margin by which Cheney got into the White House, through electoral fraud.]  You don't have to have everybody on board.'"  [Starts out by indicating that politicians have to be popular, and ends saying that they don't have to be popular.  In any case, his message is that he does't care that only about 20% of the "free world" supports him, because what matters is what his Nazi masters think.]

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:54 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, August 1, 2007 2:21 PM EDT
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Dead men don't need infrastructure
Topic: Big Lies

One of the better indications that Synarchist bankers who pull Cheney's string are planning a future with far fewer people is their campaign against infrastructure.  The LA Times recently published a column against nuclear energy which reads like it was written by the National Enquirer, entitled (simply enough for its target audience) No to Nukes.  Instead, it advocates "green" energy such as windmills.  The actual motive for such tripe is to prepare for a post-"Apocalypse" world where there will be no significant industry, in which case windmills would be a sustainable source of energy.

For a refreshing dose of sanity instead, I suggest Debunking the Myths About Nuclear Energy.  The fact that "environmentalists" scorn even modern nuclear power, which is inherently safe, is evidence that they're not actually pro-environment, but just anti-human, as exemplified by Al Gore's Nazi "environmentalist" cohort Prince Philip, who wishes he could reincarnate as a deadly virus to kill off the majority of the human race.


Posted by fakeapoc at 10:31 PM EDT
Monday, May 28, 2007
Dark Dick at West Point
Topic: Big Lies

Dark Dick at West Point: free Counterstrike game and copy of Satan on War for every grad!  Torture, torture, torture!  Kill, kill, kill!

Well, maybe not quite, but it doesn't take a genius to read between the pertinent lines of his speech at the 2007 West Point commencement ceremony and realize that it pretty well summarizes his meaning.  West Point grads need to study a little history before swallowing Cheney's lurid fantasies about the "need" to torture everyone in SW Asia to death for "national security."

Read the speech, and compare it to Satan on War, which includes the following passage:

So rise and prepare for the final battle. Stand proud in the monstrous presence of violent death, and sound the trumpets of WAR.

Invoke the cataclysm!

And on the signal, when the heavens burst and a burning, blinding, raging, all-enveloping fury sweeps the earth:

Release the Fiend! [i.e. torture, torture, torture!]

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:31 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 28, 2007 12:37 PM EDT
Friday, May 11, 2007
Cheney, the Great Projector
Topic: Big Lies

“We're fighting a war against terror, we are here, above all, because the terrorists who have declared war on America and other free nations have made Iraq the central front in that war.” Cheney said.

“Extremists from inside and outside the country, want to stir an endless cycle of violence, and Al Qaeda is operating and trying to open new fronts, General Petraeus has underscored the fact that the enemy tactics are barbaric, We can expect more violence as they try to destroy the hopes of the Iraqi people.” Cheney said.

from Cheney reiterates endless war theory

In other words, Cheney's "terrorists" and "extremists" are his own Satanist minions.  He just projects their crimes onto those he wants them to attack next.  I suppose that's how he can predict pretty much how the "war" is going to go. 

Posted by fakeapoc at 12:20 AM EDT
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Another pathetic installment of the ongoing SRA cover-up
Topic: Big Lies

The "rocked" in the headline "Italy rocked by satanic, drug-induced sexual abuse in kindergarten" http://www.maltastar.com/pages/msfullart.asp?an=11655 should be "mocked."  This fabrication was intended to refresh the ongoing disinformation campaign about SRA in order to hide the pervasive reality of SRA by mischaracterizing it, and to ridicule our obliviousness to it.   I am particularly disappointed that the Catholic Church, obviously based in Italy, doesn't speak out against this fraud, although the Pope has recently spoken out against the biggest actual ongoing case of SRA (next to "free trade") - the "war" in Iraq.

Consider a few of the blatant clues: 6 people were supposedly arrested for supposedly abusing 15 children (1+5 = 6) from the age of 3 to the age of 6.  So, in the first sentence, there are three 6's, but just coincidentally, I'm sure.

The article claims that they were expected to undergo intense interrogation (intense "interrogation" such as that done as part of "intelligence gathering" in the "war on terror" is a typical form of SRA) on Friday (> 63 > 9).  They supposedly spent the first night in isolation, which is a form of SRA being used at Gitmo.  They could have been merely separated, although if a cover story would have helped, they would certainly have had it straight before getting caught.

There are numerous other indications that this article is a Satanist hoax, including its claims that the supposed Satanists performed the abuse as part of some ritual which included drinking blood, and that they left all sorts of physical evidence on their victims, and some inside them, in the form of tranquilizers.  Actual Satanists do not leave physical evidence when performing SRA (unless they have some plausible cover story, such as "gathering intelligence"), because it is a "black" or "nonexistent" activity.  As in the case of the Westboro "Baptist Church," they conduct it right in front of millions of TV viewers without a single one of them realizing what it is. 

I gather that the article was published, and perhaps otherwise widely disseminated, in Italy.  If so, it would have caused all sorts of stress and undue suspicion of school officials, causing untold damage to Italian society.  The last line contains a hint that one of the motives was mass-psywar/terror: “because we know what it means for Italian families who have children at school”.

Posted by fakeapoc at 1:32 PM EDT
Friday, March 30, 2007
Glenn Beck greases the skids for Iran invasion
Topic: Big Lies

In the course of the glibly "omniscient" Glenn Beck's March 28th scripted rant-performance, he trotted out the usual pre-invasion lies about how the target-nation is purely evil, in this case in the form of supposed horrible tortures dished out by Islamic fundamentalists in Iran for violations of Islamic law.  In fact, these horror stories are typically found, soon after the invasion, to be fabricated.  (Remember the claim that premature Kuwaiti babies were removed from incubators by Saddam's forces, and allowed to die?)  Beck also conveniently overlooks the horrors we have visited upon Iraq in the name of "liberating" it in his quest to achieve new heights of sanctimony.

 Today, Beck, part of whose job is to make his fellow fascist-spokesmen at Fox News seem sane, is going to be blabbing about the possible correlation between current events and the book of Revelations.  So, I conclude that another part of his job is to act as a sort of role model for the Christian conservative "populari" (to put this term in perspective, see Al Hitler and Maledetto Busholini at http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2000/2731_busholini.html) which his masters hope to meld into a voting block of sufficient size to help put the next Apocalypse-monger in power.  So what if invading Iran unleashes chaos globally?  The supposed end - creating Heaven on Earth - justifies the means: creating Hell on Earth.  To Beck and his target-audience, this is a no-brainer.  But then, this is the crowd which prides itself on believing, and rationalizing their beliefs, rather than thinking about them, or even asking themselves whether they REALLY believe their fairy-tale "religion" and whether the promises of Heaven on Earth are intended to get them to support the "Apocalypse" just long enough to unleash Hell on Earth.

Posted by fakeapoc at 2:42 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, March 30, 2007 2:50 PM EDT

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